Dude he has been president for a year now, we get you don't like him
You can stop now
Dude he has been president for a year now, we get you don't like him
You can stop now
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Wrong board.
>hosts a television show
>wrong board
ok my dude
sorry drumpfcuck but based colbert will NEVER stop BTFOing drumpf on a daily basis
Its funny because he didn't seem to care all that much on election night, he even did a speech about how we have to come together and accept it or something. Its an easy way to get viewers
Colbert is super religious and was a known conservative for many years. It's possible he flipped his Colbert Report persona and is playing another character
>It's possible he flipped his Colbert Report persona and is playing another character
he's not but that would be fucking kino
I remember the first ever episode and he said he was gonna stop talking about trump because he didn't deserve the attention. How'd that go?
>only seven more years to go
Why was Colbert in the Youtube Rewind video?
>DNC get blown out the water with multiple ties to russia.
>H-hey my fellow kids, hear me out! we just didn't know these things :^).
Hes a jester who stopped being funny years ago.
I've tuned them out as well, but there's no use in complaining about it. You'll be hearing Trump jokes for decades now, even after he's long dead.
religous like Tuck Buckford?
seems like a real conservative salt of the eath kinda guy.
lol three at best...in reality he's getting impeached this year. it's fucking happening, you cannot stop that.
We get it your an alt-light man baby that wants to complain about his favorite man baby in chief getting made fun of by someone on the TV. Go bitch about it on another board faggot.
Why does it bother the trumpsters? Why just ignore him if it triggers you? Not his fault that trump is a walking punchline.
>Its funny because he didn't seem to care all that much on election night
The dude almost cried. It was embarrassing.
>You'll be hearing Trump jokes for decades now, even after he's long dead
people have been making trump jokes for decades already. he has been an easy target for stupid jokes since forever
There's always a certain sphere of the media that lights up when there's a Republican in the White House. It's going to be like this until he's out.
I'm always amazed that the fact that Obama's mother in law was living with him in the White House wasn't a running joke.
wow, amazingly funny. a fat fuck not being able to read a teleprompter while using gestures like a spastic mong however is not hilariously pathetic at all.
>LOL hand gestures only nerds do that!
>normal hand gestures
that's fine
>changing your hand position mid word after every 2nd word
that however is fucking retarded.
A lot of Trumpfags used to be liberals (or at least not hardcore right) and probably enjoyed Colbert's old stuff. His writing has gone wayyyyyyyyyy downhill since the new show and I think Trump has contributed to that. Something really changed in Colbert's whole demeanor as well. Check out his interview with Bill Burr youtube.com
>ignoring everything else
that is one of burr's worst interviews. him trying out his material on late night shows is a weird thing he does.
Becuase Barrack “magical negro” Obama was a walking trope yet the media never once bad mouthed him.
>wow, amazingly funny.
Yes. The firs and last cuck who lived with his mother in law in the white house.
That is something which should have been the running joke for every self respecting comedian.
you're amazingly delusional if you think that Obama had as many embarrassing moments as Trump. Not even Foxnews had anything to say and they are grasping at straws all the time.
>trump isn't soycore
hhahahahaha oh jesus....
>loving your wife and her mom is being a cuck
>better to have a shitty eastern european wife that can't speak english and doesn't want to touch you
>Dude he has been president for a year now, we get you don't like him
>You can stop now
Do people ever get tired of being triggered everyday/every hour for a solid year, knowing that they have another 3 to go and possibly 7? I feel like this is going to drive them to a insane mess by the end of it.
go back
>hes getting impeached
Lol one of my favorite memes
It is nice to believe he has a 4 year plan to develop his character into a rabid insane sjw liberal to show the other side
His conservative loving character seemed like obvious satire on liberal jon stewart show
You still triggered by this guy, little Trump cuck? Your president is a joke. The swamp hasnt been drained, the wall wont be built. You sound like a little bitch, I bet I could knock your teeth out with a single punch.
>by the end of it
he's too afraid of losing ratings.
Again they never bad mouthed him about anything. Probably becuase the Obama administration had lots of connections to the media. They covered everything about his magical negro self.
How's Colbert doing in the ratings? Last I checked (like a year ago), he was killing it.
If his show is getting a ton of views, why would he stop what his audience likes to hear? One day, you guys will realize that 90% of the people that consume the media that you enjoy (television and film) do not share your political beliefs. You're the outsiders and yet you act as if you deserve mass representation. It's kind of similar to what you criticize black people for, you know, wanting more black people in movies when they only make up 7% of the population.
And I know what you're going to say -- 'we won the election' -- but that doesn't really have anything to do with who watches television and movies. If there were really a gigantic mass of conservative viewers out there that hated liberal representation in television and film, you would see more of it reflected in the material.
Colbert is only funny when he's pretending to be dumb, not when he's pretending to be smart.
How blinded must you be to not see that a President living with his mother in law would be the perfect subject for a long lasting comedy show.
And yet this treasure trove of comedy was left untapped by our unfunny politicized left wing comedians.
>while using gestures like a spastic
all mockery of Jews and their one god shall be kept to an appropriate minimum.
Atleast he married a woman though...
that's the problem. the media couldn't target him for being black and the alternative methods didn't prove to be effective so he faced less scrutiny during his terms than bush or trump
>people who consume mass media's opinions matter
>hhahahahaha oh jesus....
Why would they criticize him? Fox News took that baton and ran with it to the point of ridiculousness (he's a Muslim that wasn't born here, etc). And now, Fox News supports Trump (mostly) and the liberal/centrist stations criticize him. It's really not rocket science. There is a bit more dissent from Fox News but that's because Trump is not a traditional Republican.
Also, not to mention, Obama just didn't make a fool out of himself in public often. He played it close to the vest, was decently genial with the media, and is a pretty charming guy. To oldfags like myself (over 30 years old), it's nothing new.
Bush Sr. was not heavily criticized by the media either because he just wasn't very easy to make fun of. Clinton and Bush Jr. on the other hand, were often lambasted by the designated opposition in the media.
You guys are just too young to have perspective on this shit.
>what people like and don't like, what they watch and choose not to watch has no effect on the bottom line of television studios
Okay, retard. Whether you like it or not, money drives what you see on television (marketing demographics), not politics.
Why would that be a running joke? A lot of people have their parents move in at Obama's age rather than putting them in a retirement home. Fucking hell, you kids have no life experience.
True roman keks for true romans
>a President living with his mother in law
>a President is a family man
>this is somehow an amazingly endless source for jokes
it sure is, retard
I'm an upper middle class white man, I don't give a fuck who is president because shit will likely work out for me either way. Not a centrist because I dont care either way: I'm not rich enough to benefit or lose from wealth/tax reform and I'm not poor enough to care if welfare does or doesn't get cut.
That said:
He probably isn't getting impeached but he's not gonna go for a second term. He just wanted his name in the history books, he doesn't really want to be president.
Expect around 2019 a statement along the lines of "I did so amazingly, I've accomplished more than any other President in the history of America, there's no where else to go, vote for [political lackey who remained in Trump's good graces for 4 years]."
Donald Trump is and always has been out for himself. He is a constant self-promoter. As I said, I don't care either way, but I think even his most ardent supporters could see that Donald Trump only cares about Donald Trump.
It's amazing how people delude themselves into thinking that the man's personal history doesn't 100% reflect this.
Triggered? Hm. Funny, I don't seem to recall Trump supporters pepper-spraying elderly people During Antifa protests.
I don't know. Ask white supremacists when we had obongo in office how they felt.
Why don't you know how to reply properly?
>Found anons selfie
He didn’t deserve critican for ...
>Premiums going up
>Shady Iran deal
> useless Cuba open relationship
> Chicago (his home city) murders going up
> not once called racist (deported more than any other president)
> drone attacks
>Snowden/NSA- spying on our allies
> supporting tranny bathroom laws
> saying nothing can be done about losing jobs
> never helped education
> never spoke against Dakota pipeline
> America literally becoming a third world nation
I thought you guys would kill antifa people fuck'em up etc. how can these limpwristed people get the upper hand?
It's because a lot of these post-election newfags aren't even actual posters. They're (((Kushner))) funded shills.
They didn't exist until November 9th 2016
In case you haven't noticed, it's the right that has a verified kill so far.
saw him on Comedians in Cars getting Coffee and he seems like a genuinely nice person.
Reminder Colblart has completely lost his mind.
Are you stupid? Stephen Colbert has always been a lefty, while "Stephen Colbert" was a neocon caricature.
I guess that old man was a soyboy.
You're right. Sup Forums was a liberal haven until then.