What's it like to hold the hand of someone you love?

>What's it like to hold the hand of someone you love?


Other urls found in this thread:


It's like holding bags of milky coins


>what's it like to pay one million dollars a year in alimony? JUST
>do you ever wish death upon your ex-wife? JUST
>Do you feel that the judge's decision was just? JUST
>were her lawyers laughing at you? JUST

this scene was intense as fuck

You're not even close to baseline.

I think this is it.

can someone explain this scene to me?
like how does this test work? its based on a real test isn't it?

yeah, it's based on a real test that we use on real replicants

its based on a real test we used to determine sociopathic tendencies right?


>A blood black nothingness began to spin
>A system of cells interlinked within
>Cells interlinked within cells interlinked
>Within one stem. And dreadfully distinct
>Against the dark, a tall white fountain played.


I wonder what poem checked her baseline.

>within cells, interlinked

I love how the first time we watch this scene, the camera is behind K's back, showing the lack of emotion, but the second time we have this scene. The camera is showing his face, which focuses on his emotional change


I already slightly described it hereBut basically it's to test him after potentially traumatic events too see if there's been an abnormal change in emotional response. Which is why the phrases used are so personal. If they don't meet baseline we can only assume they're "retired". The first time we watch this scene K is emotionless and responds almost immediately, the 2nd time we watch the scene, K has been through some serious shit (him believing he was born of a replicant), and it shows how much it's affected him emotionally, which means he's a potential threat

within cells

i guess im more interested in the way the test works

I thought I described that. It's to evoke an emotional response.

It's too bad he won't live

But then again who does?

Just what about this scene makes it so good? It's really captivating and it has a hell of a punch on the 2nd test. I heard there was an 8 minute cut

Might be the same thing but Gosling wrote a whole long version of it and details of how the test was developed from the original Voight-Kampf test.

I really hope we get the original 4 hour cut of the film some day

so a normal person would fail this test? but someone that is sociopathic would pass?

She was nowhere near baseline

It's a test for replicants. Not humans. Replicants are supposed to all be orderly now

we probably will.

obviously. but replicants would share similar traits to socipathic humans or autistic humans right? so this test is literally based on the same concepts that we would use to diagnose someone in real life right?

are there any working streams of this movie? or maybe a download?

I'd assume so. It's slightly based off of the test used in the original Blade Runner, which that test was supposed to show a natural human response, where as this test is designed to show the opposite

Just go buy it man. It's a great film, it did poorly in the box office and it deserves it. Plus it's very rewatchable

BR2049 has damaged this board irreparably, but at least it quarantines redditors somewhat.


shut up reddit

It's about provocation.


i think if we see anymore of this movie Sup Forums will explode. look how bad things are because of this movie. it is a fantastic movie but it destroyed this board.

WTF I love Luv now?!


within cells interlinked

Why don't (you) say that three times?



he might get desperate later. if a movie of his flops big time he'll take the cash.

Interrogator: "Recite your baseline."
>K: "And blood-black nothingness began to spin... A system of cells interlinked within cells interlinked within cells interlinked within one stem... And dreadfully distinct against the dark, a tall white fountain played."

Interrogator: "Cells."

>K: "Cells."

Interrogator: "Have you ever been in an institution? Cells."

>K: "Cells."

Interrogator: "Do they keep you in a cell? Cells."

>K: "Cells."

Interrogator: "When you're not performing your duties do they keep you in a little box? Cells."

>K: "Cells."

Interrogator: "Interlinked."

>K: "Interlinked."

Interrogator: "What's it like to hold the hand of someone you love? Interlinked."

>K: "Interlinked."

Interrogator: "Did they teach you how to feel finger to finger? Interlinked."

>K: "Interlinked."

Interrogator: "Do you long for having your heart interlinked? Interlinked."

>K: "Interlinked."

Interrogator: "Do you dream about being interlinked... ?"

>K: "Interlinked."

Interrogator: "What's it like to hold your child in your arms? Interlinked."

>K: "Interlinked."

Interrogator: "Do you feel that there's a part of you that's missing? Interlinked."

>K: "Interlinked."

Interrogator: "Within cells interlinked."

>K: "Within cells interlinked."

Interrogator: "Why don't you say that three times: Within cells interlinked."

>K: "Within cells interlinked. Within cells interlinked. Within cells interlinked."


doesn't that pretty much sum up existence for many people?

He needs a huge comeback in something badass that will revitalize his career like Keanu Reeves did in John Wick.

The difference is we have emotional responses

The first one was, this is more like a polygraph, he has his factory standard settings, and emotional trauma will make him process the words he hears differently. Feeling emotions as he associates with them.

Are you just in love with the idea of being in love? Interlinked

Sure it is not "In luv"?

>Interrogator: "Do you dream about being interlinked... ?"
Is this where "Constant K" fucked up? Was he supposed to wait for him to say interlinked again?

You're way off baseline




You're not even close to make ends meet.

It's basically checking if a program is running it's basic routine.

The sad thing is this movie really really would have been served by the opportunity to flesh out more of the world, give you more of a look into the average life of k, some other shit. First 3 hour movie i thought was too short.

Isn't that the tragedy

>First 3 hour movie i thought was too short.
Why is this? Little short of 3 hours went by so quick.

>like how does this test work?
The keywords come from a poem known to the replicant.

They throw emotionally charged dialogue at the replicant followed by or including the keyword, they measure vitals and how long it takes the replicant to respond to the keyword compared to how long it usually takes them, hence it forming a baseline, if the replicant is emotionally disturbed it will have difficulty concentrating and will deviate from its baseline.

>its based on a real test we used to determine sociopathic tendencies right?
Goose and Villeneuve developed it specifically for the movie, it's based on a warm-up exercise for actors.


There basically seeing if they can shake him emotionally. He's superhuman so they have to make sure he isn't about to have an emotional breakdown and kill a bunch of people.

maybe you do

user 93437419, let's begin. Ready?

>Yes, OP.

Recite your baseline.

>And top tier kino films began to release... An experience of feels interlinked within feels interlinked within feels interlinked within one movie... And dreadfully distinct against the shit, a well made movie played."

Have you ever seen kino?
Do they show kino in theaters? Kino.
When you're not watching kino do you have any other hobbies? Kino.
What do you do other than sit on your ass all day and watch kino?


What's it like to have a gf? Feels.
Do they stare at you when you go out in public? Feels.
Do you long to live the life of a normie? Feels.
Do you dream about being a normie? Feels.
What's it like to hold a woman in your arms? Feels.
Do you feel other people have these feels?


Way. Off. Baseline.

>Man stepping out of line emotionally and starting to wake up to the unfairness of his predicament is a threat that needs to be snuffed out.
>If he stays dead inside and keeps doing his job they let him live

Jesus this movie


salty milk and coins
