/brapper/ general
/brapper/ general
Dat ass.
who is she?
good thread
Good god...
do girls really do this?
Damn, what do black girls have left to offer black men now?
why is this allowed?
who dat?
What’s the difference between a brapphog and a slampig?
This and the OP are the best, you guys need to step your game up. And no fake nigger hams retards.
A slampig is a fat drunk bitch.
holy fuck I want to berry my face in that and eat it
this is special
Quick reminder that all these women fart at least 10 times a day
can i tempt you with this?
certified braphogs
Best in thread thus far.
that braphole could take some punishment
Virgo Peridot
That () ass is fake, newfag.
*blocks your path*
Why is it we have women with amazing ass, or amazing tits, but someone with both is so damn rare? Is there a serious biological reason why women will usually only develop one or the other?
what about this one
Source, I've seen enough my mom's gigantic ass jiggling in her bikini bottoms to know what big asses look like.
>Hey can you not? My son is here.
>he doesnt like small tit huge ass combo
haha soyboy cuck fag loser virgin
How can a small ass be so jiggly
*sniff sniff*
>white people
it's all about fat distribution
kys dirty nigger
yes, they lose their balance basically. too much weight and they don't cancel each other out.
I'd love to smash my face in that brapper and just stay there for hours only being able to breathe when she braps my path
Small tits with a big ass is kino because it accentuates the ass
Where is this from?
Sauce ?
She's mine, nigger