Black Panther Opening Credits Leaked

Why is no one discussing this?

The pink panther was better


because no one cares

did u watch the vid nigga?

Nanas banana pudding ayyyyyyyy

Why would I? I don't care.

*record scratch*

I fucking lost it at the jews in the opening credits.

>14 subscribers

no one is discussing it because you're some irrelevant faggot

stop shilling your garbage here you nigger


Is this real?

I hadn't head BASED Brendan was in this, might watch it now. Also that city is just Dubai, that's pretty lazy from Abrams.


Spotted the nigger

>No Chlamydia Johnson name

I like that dress. Reminds me of fifth element.

>literally shilling his embarrassing garbage on Sup Forums
>calling others niggers

neck yourself

Why you so angry? Oh yeah, cuz your a nigger.

>Projecting this hard
It's alright Tyrone

Movies don't have opening credits anymore. This movie would want to get straight to the KANGZ anyway.

This gave me a good laugh user,thank you very much


Filth element perhaps?

link me up