Lorax Haters

>Pretending not to like this movie
>Pretending unregulated capitalism is a good thing
>Pretending that this song isn't awesome: youtube.com/watch?v=W_HUdf89hI8
>Pretending that this film doesn't accurately describe the state of nature before the corruption of man
>Still hating


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reminder this was replaced with the meme how b b b bad can i be, because executives found it too scary ford kids

The entire point of this movie was to appeal to the lowest common denominator and make as much bank as possible.
It's the TLJ of Dr Seuss adaptations.

Neck yourself, tumblrina. We know you only like this movie because of the soyboy ukelele playing faggot antagonist.

Why was the Lorax such a fucking asshole. "I speak for the trees" bitch maybe let the trees speak for themselves. Fucking libtard Lorax getting offended on other people's behalf.

artistic bankruptcy

>Still hating

>that song was supposed to paint thneed as the bad guy
>ends up making him a giant figure of power and wealth
>I now like him as a character more

He is destroying the planet for his own personal success, it is against God.

>movie that I assume is about saving the trees and shit

That is why God gave us the will and cunning to reach other worlds with which to spread His word.

Yes, in moderation of your spirit
what does the world matter to a soulless man?

Sounds like a fandom song.

>implying unregulated capitalism wouldn't pursue it's best interests by replanting the trees at a sustainable rate so that they don't run out and stop making money

If you think God would want us to destroy his perfect creation, that's a big "no!"

This. There's even be further economic incentive for the practice to exist since you'd also have to have people being paid to plant the trees.

>OP still believes in tragedy of the commons/principle of rational depletion

>Implying that trees are just commodities of humans and not respective citizens of the earth.

money is all you think about, not the dignity of mother gaia.

did you watch that nostalgia critic episode

I don't doubt that every Lorax hater gets their opinions from external sources.

This movie was a crypto capitalist evangilizer. It was a great example of the tradgedy of the commons and the need for a second amendment

You can kill your masters but you can't escape society.

>I don't even know basic stories from the Bible: the post

>implying trees aren't sovereign citizens
>implying you can detain them

You see things so anthropocentrically
You have no respect for anything abstract

Sorry, I forget to check my human privilege sometimes.

>uregelade capilithm ith baaaaad

>>Pretending unregulated capitalism is a good thing
Kind of ironic you'd say this as the film had like over 20 different tie-in promotions with major companies like IHOP and Mazda

Humans are granted with privilige to do good
Humans doing bad is to not fulfill your purpose.

Thneed's Feed & Seed

both the lorax movie and unregulated capitalism can be bad at the same time

Never saw the movie but capitalism made that book and movie possible so lol at anti-capitalism.

I love this movie and I think it's really underrated.
I loved this long before the memes started taking place.

Do they have Thneeds in Theed over at Naboo, and does Sneed live with Sheev?

>the bad guy is the money hungry rich guy and not the common man.

Yeah,great morals.

Thneed's Feed and Seed (Once the Onceler's)


> an adaption of a children's book is proof that capatalism is bad
the absolute state of marxists

>Unregulated capitalism

All capitalism is bad, kiddo.




Who /oncelings/ here


Day of the Rope coming for "Sustainable development capitalists" like you. Can't wait to supplement that rope with razor wire just for you

The lumber industry would hit a dead end if they didn't. What are you talking about?

>>uregelade capilithm ith baaaaad

The book was written for children so young that someone else reads to them and it's still more intellectually stimulating than this trash movie.