>why are these women touching me?
Why are these women touching me?
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Patrician version
>I.......Blade Run
>I wonder what Sup Forums is posting right now?
>I wonder if Sup Forums is posting Jenny Nicholson?
>tfw ywn be Sylvia with a Ryan bf
>what are you doing
>why is this frog laughing at me?
Are the rumors that he engages in intercourse with other men true?
He has quite a gay appearance, so I wouldn't rule those rumours out
>visible tummy
Literally a whore
How does he do it?
Gosling is a living proof that looks is all that ever matters. You can be a boring autismo with no talent, as long as you sport Chad looks your life will be easy
>no talent
this is bait.
You take that back, sir. I’ll no sit here while you offend the Goose
When bitches hit the boose, the goose gets to lick their cooch
>This is genuinely someones life
>someone get those roasties off me
>ywn put your head to Emma's shoulders.
why even live
We spend thread after thread talking about how good the Goose is at playing autistic misfits, but can we take a minute to appreciate what a phenomenal physical comedian he is?
The Goose is based, fuck off
He is far from Chad in terms of looks, he is attractive but achievable attractive he is no better looking that half the guys you see.
Nothing compared to the gigachads.
If you don't think the Goose is chad-tier handsome then you need to get your eyes seen to
>no talent
Go watch Half Nelson. Its on Normieflix, you have no excuse.
He really isnt, he is good looking but he aint anything special.
>If you don't think the Goose is chad-tier handsome
I don't think he is, though. He is beautiful, but you need to check what a Chad really is.
He is unique looking, talented, and funny yet "attainable" and thats what matters. It also helps to be exposed to him thru film and interviews which makes anyones attraction to him stronger since he is at least somewhat charismatic.
And yea maybe pic related is hotter techinically speaking but hes just another male model which are all over the place and don't really stand out.
Go to reddit and look at top posts of /r/ladyboners and top of /r/gentlemenboners and you'll see that the highest rated men and women aren't models but look like above average everyday people.
Two autisms in love. Fucking adorable
What is the apex Goose kino?
he's more famous than gigachads so it doesn't matter
and women don't like guys who are so cute that they know they'd never get them, they like attainable cute
probs drive, maybe the notebook
Blue valentine
What kind of idiot thinks drive is better than kino runner