How come she was able to be accepted as a serious mainstream actress in Bollywood but not in American (((hollywood)))...

How come she was able to be accepted as a serious mainstream actress in Bollywood but not in American (((hollywood))) cinema?

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Doesn't she just dance in bollywood movies?

>take part in Indian version of big brother
>become celebrity (despite meme reasons like being a former pornstar)
>star in bollywood movies

Celebrities are worshiped like god in India

That's what Polytheism does to you.

Your continent needs ISLAM, mashallah.

cause shes a fuckign poo in the loo and bollywood is trash.

because one producer had a raging hard on for her and thought shed sleep with him if he put her in a movie
it was all downhill from there, shes been very successful

>for when you are so pretentious and left wing retarded that not even Hollywood cuts it anymore because white people still exist

Top bollywood actors are muslim
>Amir Khan
>Salman Khan (despite being a murderer who got ascott free)
>Shah Rukh Khan

Salman releases his movies near Eid.
This continent has enough Islam, to the point it formed it's own country and still have less muslims than India (kek)

What we really need is we fucking poo in the loo. And I mean it

Because she show bob and veagan.

when did Sup Forums turn into a fucking poo in the loo central?