Why haven't you canceled your subscription already?
And so it begins. Say goodbye to Netflix
I just did. Trying out Mubi right now.
Because I have 3 weeks of my free month left
Unless there's free movies that aren't C list shit, it'll never beat out goyflix
netflix fucking sucks can't find a worthwhile show or movie worth watching since they put all their money into original bullshit.
>Apple veteran
More like goodbye to Disney
I hope this thing crashes and burns so hard. Mainly because I don't want Disney to control anything else about how media is produced and consumed. Too much power for one company, worse set for one that seems intent on not respecting the content in any way.
>And so it begins
No before the approval of the Fox deal, at the end of the summer maybe ...
>hiring a white male
>implying a black lesbian female couldn't have done the job
>both make trash tv
>both make propaganda force is female goy
both are shit
You don't think Disney will fuck everyone over the same way? They have everyone thinking they'll have every Disney owned film and series there for everyone. They might at the start to hook everyone but wait until they still kike out on the stuff people want to see so they can sell it on demand / blu-ray etc. Then they'll start making exclusives for the streaming service and it'll be the same mess, but homogenized and a lot less likely to have R rated shit.
it already exists. its called twitch tv. just throw on sports, movies, and tv shows in subscription only channels and netflix ded.
>paying streaming subscription services in the first place
kek this
Netflix is too well established now, it'll be jewed to the max and filled with capeshit and Star Wars. Hopefully it'll crash and burn.
>movies with chat rooms?
huh but how else do i see movies
They put all their money into "original bullshit" because they know soon enough all studios will have their own streaming service. It was a wise choice.
It's a smart move now that we're obviously heading to a situation where anyone with a decent catalog is gonna want their own streaming service
On the plus side, a handful of Netflix originals have been almost decent, so if they fix the other 90% of their output they'll be fine
Use some torrents or some other pleb shit but at the sacrifice of picture quality
So basically we are going back to how things were in cable tv now that everyone will have a stream service and they won't share shit.
I dunno man, I download 1080p movies regularly and have no issue with the quality at all.
Hell, you can even download just a 720p version to make it faster if the movie isn't visually demanding and you aren't autistic about it.
The Good Place
all bretty good user
I'm not a fat neckbeard who lives on the money my parents sent me every month, so I can afford paying for the products I consume like an adult.
Nihil nove sub sole
>caring at all about soyflix
good riddance. disney will do it properly
it took longer than I though to get the cuck reply
If the keep making original content they will be fine, its the reason why most people are signing up today
Disney will offer a gorrillion capeshit, SW and Disney princess spin offs. Thats obviously not for everybody
just ignore him and keep paying
someone has to pay for us to watch for free
this, but unironically
All these guys trying to launch their own services is easily the dumbest possible strategy. Netflix is already starting to be considered poor value for money and they have a massive catalogue compared to what disney and CBS are likely to bring to the table. Do they really think that people are cutting the cable only to go ahead and pay for another three to four subscriptions at $15 a pop?
How retarded are you? Why do you think Disney has been buying studios and IP left and right?
With all of the IP now under their control, Disney's streaming service will literally have everything from Snow White to The Last Jedi, and don't forget the fact that they just purchased the entire movie division of Fox, meaning they have that entire catalog to work with as well.
Didn't they get a stake in hulu as well why would they fuck hulu?
I honestly think there's a market for that, at least for disney. I mean women/girls watch at their animated movies on tv every fucking time they're aired, despite the fact that streaming and torrents have been a thing for more than a decad now.
Now imagine if they could get to watch that shit any time by paying a subscription.
Not only that but Disney has Marvel and Star Wars shit too.
>Netflix Killer
oh yes please
I dropped Cuckflix ages ago.
Honestly, Disney is a much better alternative.
will someone stop these kikes?
Tell me again why Disney won't simply have their entire catalog available for streaming? Even if they stratify it into different tiers of subs, there's no way you can beat the value of some 3000 titles.
>make sure to subscribe to Netflix / Hulu / prime / gamefly/ disneyflix /mubi
>still awful streaming choices
I'm really surprised they didn't get a woman for diversity purposes. Guess they knew they couldn't afford to fuck this up
It's going to have ESPN and NFL on it
I havent had it since they introduced streaming. I did have it when they were disks only and blockbuster still existed.
Hulu is 100x better
Pirating is a million times better.
>choosing one or the other
>not having an account on each and activating once a new season of a show you watch comes out, then canceling and later activating another account when something you wanna watch comes up there
I used to think so too, but there's been a few decent netflix originals so maybe it'll even out in the end?
> there's no way you can beat the value of some 3000 titles
Hi, shill.
Disney has a stake in Hulu through ABC, but they didn't take over FOX the network, so they're still only holding a quarter of the service.
There's also no reason that Disney couldn't host it's content on multiple providers, but the downside of Hulu is that it has ads even when you pay for it.
Does anyone still have Netflix where the Mail you the movies ? Wouldn't that cover ever thing you'd want to watch anyway
>at the sacrifice of picture quality
I don't mind paying for things I believe in, even if it means paying for lazy ass niggers. I take comfort on the fact that niggers like you will never know the pleasure of being a productive member of society.
Really good retort. Tell me, again, how any other service can beat the value Disney will be able to offer?
>Star Wars
>all Marvel besides Spider-Man
>every film 20th Century Fox had distribution rights to
>every Disney animated film
>every film ever released by Disney, Pixar, Touchstone etc
>every single program ever produced by ABC Studios and 20th Century Television
Even if Netflix had that much content, they're paying the owners to license it, unlike Disney, who being the owner, doesn't have that overhead.
>I don't mind paying for things I believe in
>Netflix killer
>Catalog made of capeshit, nu-wars and old cartoon movies
>Apple veteran
Yaassas Disney! Please take our money and monopolise the industry
why pay any subscription?
just google the series you like along with the word 'watch'
you could still be saving more
that's the spirit
amazon arent doing enough with twitch.
holy fucking shit, are they trying to create the king of all turds with this unholy alliance?
Epic. I love Disney movies, they have a lot of kino as well. With the acquistion of Fox, they'll have plenty in their catalog to select from in comparison to the dismal Netflix selection.
I can not wait to watch Star Wars whenever I want, or great films like Coco.
I leech of someone else's account. I think they might have changed the password since it doesn't work when I try to sign in on other devices. Still works on my PC though.
Do any of you losers actually pay for (((Netflix))) in 2018?
This whole streaming industry will fuck itself to death with this. I do understand the concept of healthy competition, but it's not exactly the case here, when everyone offers a different product and a set of exclusive shows. It's multiple monopolies at the same time, not competition.
Most people don't mind paying 10 or 20$ for a reliable streaming service with a good selection. But what if there are 5 of them 10 or 20 each? Each having only the exclusives?
Many will turn to piracy, and when you go pirate, learn to do it safe and proper, you rarely turn back.
>being a productive member of society.
>paying for shit you can otherwise get for free
What's the correlation?
Enjoy your mom's basement, nigger
When the Disney-Fox deal goes through, Disney also owns the biggest part of Hulu.
If everyone decides to get it for free, said thing disappears. If everyone starts stealing from a store, you can't complain once it go broke.
Soros already owns Netflix. There is nothing good about it
lol Everyone knew this was coming.
>netflix killer
Disney shit "is for kids" is the general sentiment of normies. I don't see it replacing Netflix any time soon. This won't even add actual competition anyway since all studios are going to be streaming their own content. This is current age of the internet is pre-network internet. We are seeing all companies and studios moving their original content over to their own streaming services. It will be exactly like cable TV only the internet version. Eventually, you'll purchase your internet packages just like you would network TV.
Just use movie box or the other 10000 apps out there
>disney after ruining Star Wars
>Apple veteran
Oh boy, they haven't had any decent ideas since Jobs died, this should be good.
The stealing from store reference. The difference is when you still an item in a store, the item is gone for the seller, but when the itel is virtual, taking it fro free doesn't prevent it from being sold again and again forever by the owner. Your coparison is a joke. Besides, there will never be a situation where everybody stops paying for something that is actually valuable, there's always niggers who don't bother using torrent for whatever reasons, so the system will never fall apart.The entertainment industry makes too much money anyway, and Disney is absolutely an evil company that just destroyed the lifework of George Lucas. I will never pay again for anything under the fascist banner of Disney.
>goodbye to netflix
Disney streaming service will be shit.
The one good thing about Netflix is they aren't afraid of R rated content and foreign movies/tv shows.
Yes there's a lot of normie garbage on there but it wouldn't exist if people didn't watch it. Disney streaming tv will be the nintendo of streaming services - only for children and soyboys.
Protip: neonazis lie 100% of the time. Try fact-checking to avoid public humiliation.
>netflix killer
They can't be this dumb, analysts are calling this move "desperate" and not well thought out. They are going to come into a saturated market with no iconic tv shows (that's why people pay netflix for, not the same capeshit or star shit they have already downloaded). These cucks have no Game of Thrones or Stranger Things and HBO and Netflix are gaining million of suscribers every quarter. Disney needs to pull this shit because ESPN is a sinking ship and it's big enough to sink the whole company but it's looking ogre
How many cents per post do you get?
so is this thread real or was that just a piece opinion?
Who cares. the old fags at Disney don't understand that suscribed to Netflix want to watch new recent movies, not a catalogue of old movies that were sitting on shelves. Is anybody going to suscribe only to watch Avengers and Force Awakens? Even if they paid me, I wouldn't suscribe
Streaming service allowing you to watch new movies at day 1, even if you have to pay something close to a cinema ticket price for it when?
>Streaming service allowing you to watch new movies at day 1
absolutely never
the way it works now you basically pay to see the movie twice
what they probably will offer int he near future is like monthly passes to go see as many movies as you want a month in theaters
Look at that faggots face. Im sure this is going to end well for everyone involved.
Netflix wastes a ton of money on dumb shit like gook and pooinloo shows, also doesn't renew old movies/shows.
Pretending they'll never go away because they were here first is like pretending Napster is still the main P2P filesharing client.
weird how diversity gets thrown out the window when something important has to be accomplished...
but I don't want to go to a theater
give me a single use movie stream link that expires at movie lengt+few hours and I can pay you for it
napster didnt die because it was a bad p2p service it died becaues it was killed in court
I pay for it so my nieces can watch whatever is on it that kids watch. I watch Star Trek pretty regularly, and that's on there.
Pretty much. They're trying to force a return to the status quo just with different packaging. What's the point of ditching cable if you pay as much as cable to get these subs? Only way to make it work now is get one, binge all it's stuff, drop it, go to the next. But watch, before long they'll move to contracts of some sort so people can't do that.
>paying for anything
>Netflix wastes a ton of money on dumb shit like gook and pooinloo shows,
apparently they have enough gook and poo customers to warrant it
Netflix is, for now, the only real word-wide streaming service, hulu, prime, the new CBS shit - all "USA only"
If you are content to pay the high prices they hope to still end up charging everyone then you are a bad consumer who isn't living up to their duty. The free market only works when consumers try to get the best deal. Dot saying not to pay anything, but the whole "I'm rich, I dgaf" helps companies overcharge.
>Chinese projector for $50
>logitech powered speakers
>Roku stick for $25
>Plex on Desktop
pretty good setup. It's portable, versatile, and cheap. I borrow parents netflix and sisters Hulu on occasion.
God I would give my left nut to knock up Brandi. She's made for breeding. Nude pics when?
The mouse creates shit content.
Netflix as trump hating leftist company, produces content that doesn't reflect their ideologies.
Disney can't seem to help itself inject degenerate marxism into their content.
Yes netflix has some of these commie shitlib shows but they are sensible enough to not inundate us to the hilt with soyboy material.
Wait, isn't this illegal? The government will come down on Disney just like they did back in the day when production studios owned all the movie theaters.
They will to start then they'll start peeling the best stuff off and charging more for it somehow, either through current methods or flat out charging withing the app for the premium shit on an individual basis. Like Amazon always charging more for the new stuff or final seasons.
You can actually do this with a bunch of smaller movies on Comcast.