Capekino doesn't exi-

>capekino doesn't exi-

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>its another anti statism anarchist satire movie that alt-right nazis confuse with fascists propaganda episode

Sweden in 10 years

This is the only movie I've actually enjoyed watching in 3D.

That part when they get drugged up is 3-D V I S U A L K I N O

My favorite part was when he threw that drug-dealing bitch out the window, and it was all super slo-mo.

Well, yeah that's literally the climax of the film, but it is a great scene.
The whole movie is great start to finish

i liked part where he tells that bum to go away, and while lated closing door crushes him to death, grim humour at best


is this bait or are you really that much of a faggot?

That's a trashy video game, reddit

That was the worst part I turned it off about 5 mins after that

It was good because the moral was always listen to cops or you'll probably die

no. Inform yourself about the judge dredd character/comic/its history etc and you will see.

>Doesn't wear a cape

its anti corporate, not anti state and by no measure a pro anarchist film

That's not "The Message"

I liked that it was basically just "another day, another case" and not some kind of HUGE EPIC CONSPIRACY THAT THREATENS EVERYTHING AS WE KNOW plot

The judges are literally the only people who aren't depraved drug-addicted criminals. The only character that tried to be impartial and stay out of the fight gets immediately betrayed and killed

hands up crawl face down crawl towards me let me see some ID are you armed

I know what you mean.
Sounds just like America's militarized police force!

Jokes on you, soyboy. This movie motivated me to join ICE. I now have a very fulfilling career of destroying Mexican families every day and I love it.

The comics definitely started out as this, but I don't think the anti-statist message is in the movie. MegaCity 1 is completely unmanageable, the judges only respond to 5% of calls, so anything less brutal than their methods makes no sense. Its a post-apocalyptic setting, not a functional state.

>British dark and gritty satire of Orwellianism
You retarded m8?

they assasinate people on sight 90% of the time. All they do is add on to the chaos. The corrupt judges have the right idea in the movie. Dredd actually thinks what he does is meaningful in any way is was makes no sense.

But it definitely works.