You know the drill

You know the drill.


Invisible facial cumshots on A-list actresses.

How could you see with invisible eyes?

honestly, chase black women around licking their assholes whenever they bend over

try as hard as I could to find a cure for my invisibility

I'd climb tables on restaurants and take a invisible shit onto other people's food.

Go home and die

I would rape you first.

push people onto oncoming traffic

steal hyper valuable small items like violins faberge eggs etc

fill my den with all these hyper valuables while living like a bum.

Sneak into the Disney offices and rewrite Episode 9 day before shooting into something decent.


punch people on the dick while they're public speaking

ive seen some shit, my man

just chase women around in the dead of night while they walk to their cars or houses and stab them to death, preferably with a small knife so it takes more stabbing to drop them

just everything about it is arousing, the hustle of their legs and breath as they break into a panic from the sudden wounds, the terrified and confused screams, the final wobbly steps they take as i keep up with them delivering stab after stab into their sides, back, and stomach, from point A to point B they'd know nothing of what was going on and i would love it

Just be a fly on the wall.

Dennis Reynolds?

See my cousin naked

you have to be 18+ to post here

I would cum, shit and puke on expensive things

geez a got a bit dark in here, we didn't need your whole life story, Michael Myers.

rape rhona mitra

Also pee

sneak into football matches and move the ball to benefit my team

Golf would be more fun. Imagine the look on their faces when their putt takes a 90 degree turn and rolls all the way off the green?