Who is the best Seinfeld waifu and why is it Susan?
Who is the best Seinfeld waifu and why is it Susan?
Susan was the worst you idiot
I heard about susan's death as a controversial episode before I watched the show
I was expecting the typical evil manipulative bitch. But she just loved george and wasn't bloodsucking at all. He just didn't want commitment and he was too much of a coward to call it off.
She was killing independent George.
She belittled him all the time, plus she's ugly and annoying. I'm not disagreeing with the shit about George though
>He dumps her because he can't deal with toilet mouth.
>He begins to grow as a character and accepts her toilet mouth.
>He is tested again and dumps her because she got soaked in toilet water.
she just didn't gel with the group and thus the big jew destroyed her
She coulda made me her toilet mouth
Susan is my dream wife. I'd marry her in a heartbeat.
George was an autistic sperglord for not wanting to marry her.
>I read all about it before watching
Did you really? It was controversial because she wasn’t meant to be killed off. The actor was put in situations to seem likeable, but the two of them had 0 chemistry and her comedic timing was way off. Basically, it’s what happened to TBBT when they brought all of the women. Instead of forcing the audience to like her hanging around the main cast, they killed her off. The way they did it though was brutal though and they basically dumpstered the fuck out of her character. It’s like you feel bad and know George is 100% in the wrong...but it needed to be done or she’d have killed the show.
Costanza knew the envelopes were poison.
How did he pull so much poon? Best waifu btw
Dat Lainey
How can one woman be so perfect?
i'd lay on her like a clown if you know what i mean
I'd like to see Jerry and Larry's reaction to this pic.
I'd show her my ketchup secret
>It's the Jerry dates a girl that's really into anal, but Jerry is such a clean freak he can't bring himself to do it episode.
terri hatcher
>it's a jerry can't date an autistic hottie episode
gtfo NOW
who ever let george eat food during sex was the best waifu
>Your SO spends all his freetime in some friends apartment instead of ever wanting to do anything with you. You ask him to go somewhere over the weekend with you and it's a chore.
Wow, what a bitch.
>it's the Jerry scores a three way with his girlfriend and her hot roommate and he pussies out episode
susan was dull as dirt
I'll stick with the model # TR-6, or as I like to call her--"Elaine."
he's not an orgy guy
Is it too late for me to get into seinfeld?
Is that really true? I feel like she was never intended to be a funny girlfriend, but instead be a grounded character to make George look even more ridiculous.
Of course not. It is amazing how many of the conflicts they have in the episodes just simply wouldn't have happened if they had cell phones though.
Definitely not too late. But this long after it aired, I think it's important to keep in mind that it was very unique for the time. There were a lot of formulas and templates that sitcoms would follow, and Seinfeld flipped a lot of them on their heads. It paved the way for shows like Always Sunny to exist, and for that reason can seem almost 'bland' in comparison.
Google it. They were all in a coffee shop talking about how boring her character was on the show and I think Elaine said “we should kill her off” and Larry said “DONE!” And they wrote her death that night.
Makes sense, thanks
>Seinfeld bland compared to Always Sunny in Philly.
Can you just not comment anymore?
I think any Sunny fan would appreciate Seinfeld. The influence is so apparent.
Best waifu was the one Jerry couldn't get.
I was always amazed at how even a bald fuck could have a sex life and even trying to dump girl that have sex with them. I've never really had anything like even remotely like that in real life being a KHV at 25. Maybe it only happens in TV shows.
when was the last time you tried to get laid?
When I was 4 in kindergarten, I grabbed some girl by the pussy, literally and she touched mine. Does that count?
Susan was revolting. The young reporter was cute.
Susan a shit
oh FUCK how could i forget MORE EVERYTHING lady?
Bunch o' fookin' plebs itt.
truly everyone was in seinfeld
>she touched mine
Are you a girl
How is this even a question?
For me, it's the deaf girl.
To be fair, Jerry wouldn't look good in a mustache.
>Tfw the daughter of a literal billionare cucks you from those sweet sweet syndication bucks.
Listening to the commentary on DVDs, I got the impression Larry David has a lot of pride in the show compared to Jerry.
Lois a best
The 90s were a different time.
No, just someone with a feminine penis.
She's probably raking in mad dosh as it is. She appeared in 29 episodes, which is a tie with George's parents.
That bitch is ugly as fuck
she's a goddess, honestly I'd be ashamed in any man who missed the chance.
Don't fucking speak to me like that
Rava was hot aas shit, best Seinfeld-fu only second to Elaine.
Her, the writer who's boyfriend stole the statue Jerry was going to give to George.
outta my way plebs
Elaine is my favorite female character from anything that's ever been released. She's too perfect.
That phone sex chick that couldn't spare a square was always my favorite
>that accent
Good Lord.
>Main girl is also best girl.
One of the like 12 times this has been archieved on a work of fiction.
>tfw no character on that show ever once dated a titty monster
>tfw I'll never have a Seinfeld waifu
Unironically this.
this guy gets it
I really wish Seinfeld caught on over here. It's strange to me to imagine Seinfeld and golden era Simpsons ran at the same time as well. Two of the greatest sit-coms to exist happening at the same time.
Don't think I've ever seen Seinfeld billed on TV let alone caught an episode.
Instead we got stuck with shitty Friends.
Also favourite girl.
Not bland at all. I watched Seinfeld this year but have been a long time Sunny fan. It was very funny. I also appreciated how "smart" the show actually was. What other popular sitcom would mention people like Chamberlain from WW2? It went downhill after Larry left though. I kinda liked S8 and S9 was just another sitcom
Everyone above this post is 100% pleb.
Behold, the girl that Jerry broke up with because she was so perfect she was a "loser."
>How did he pull so much poon
Because it's a fictional show and it allows plenty of scenarios involving new women.
Jerry isn't attractive