It was me, James

It was me, James.

>"Remember when you bought bananas and one of them had a dark spot. I was behind it."

he went to far with that

"That winter morning when you were late to work, and your bottle of antifreeze went missing from the boot of the Aston Martin? All part of my intricate design, James."

Was it autism?

Who was Smee? And why did he hate James so much?

Smee was one of CIA's goons, thought to be lost in a plane crash. Looks like he survived and defected to SPECTRE.

>Pierce Brosnan is a pretty good James Bond, but starred in 2 shit Bond films, 1 ehh one and 1 fantastic one.
>Daniel Craig is a pretty good James Bond, but has now starred in 2 shit Bond films, 1 ehh one and 1 fantastic one.

it's just pottery m8

>The author of Oliver Payne
Are we supposed to know this book? I've never heard of it

Remember that time you went into the office elevator, and it smelled like an egg fart, and then that pretty girl from accounting hopped in a couple of floors up and you had to awkwardly explain the lift smelled like that when you got in, while it was obvious she didn't believe you?


It's a modern classic.

>I'm the author Offal Yapain

What did he mean by this?

Remember when you took a shit and kept wiping and wiping and wiping, but alas, no matter how much you wiped, there was still poop?


Remember that high school field trip where you had the worst case of itchy swamp ass of your entire life, so you ducked behind a tree to scratch at it through your jeans, only to look over and notice two of the cheerleading squad laughing at you?

All me, James.

When you ordered Chinese and they forgot the prawn crackers? I’m the architect of your pain James

When your toast falls butter side down? All me.

2 shit ones each?

only die another day and quantum of solace are shit tier. the world is not enough and spectre are ok, tomorrow never dies and skyfall are pretty good and golden eye and casino royale are great

literally triggered, fuck you

that time your wife's pussy tasted like some other man? all me James

Ever noticed how hotdogs are packaged twelve to a pack while hotdog buns only come in packages of ten, meaning that to even it out perfectly, you'd have to but enough of each to feed a platoon?

Me James. All me.

Remember that time you broke your toe and you had to wait in the emergency room for 12 hours for an x-ray only for the doctors to tell you sprained it and then as you were leaving you got a $800 parking ticket for parking in the wrong section? That's was all me James. I did that.

when you tried to watch your anime and your subs were out of sync? *smugly points at self*

Remember when you stepped on a crack and broke your momma’s back?


the librarian of all ya sorrow

>secret government agency dedicated to assassinating people without a trial, and blowing billions of taxpayer money on luxury and toys
>we're supposed to think the bad guys are the ones who want to scratch that program and integrate anti-terrorist intel across different countries
Does this make sense in the mind of a Br*t?

goldeneye is so fucking good, that soundtrack

It was me James, the writer of all your unha-peenis

Remember when you bought a carton of eggs but when you got home one of them was broken James? Do you remember the disappointment James? That was me James, I founded an international criminal empire to do that

>implying Casino Royale and Skyfall weren't amazing

Skyfall was amazing on my first watch, but in subsequent viewings it kinda started showing its cracks, especially regarding Silva's whole plan.
Casino Royale is in the Top 5 of best Bond films, though.

Terrorism is part and parcel of living in Britain.



Both are packaged in packs of eight now. Go back to the 90s with your untimely joke, pops.

>tomorrow never dies
>not great tier

Kill yourself

arguably one of the worst reveals in modern cinema

I'll argue marvel is to blame for this.

>I'll argue marvel is to blame for this.
How so?