Star Wars with all men edited out

How cuck can you get?

>making the battle of the sexes cold war, go nuclear

>Star Wars with all men cut out
Now nobody wants to watch it.
No peers whatsoever compared to the one with women cut out.

So we've lost what? 5-10 minutes of footage?

>Holdo and Leia shout for a while and then Holdo suicides into the enemy ship

Nothing to see here



>The cut is 46 minutes long and nearly incomprehensible, proving how important women are in the Disney era of Star Wars
*grasps at straws*
Anybody have this article archived? I'd like to see the rest, looks like a laugh.

>man does a thing
>woman copies it and makes an inferior version
This is never going to end is it?

>it's a shit thread
Every time

reminder that every major hollywood movie is written to pass chinese communist censorship

Yeah girl, you make those MRAs regret the day they ever touched video editing software.

Title says "we", but text says
>I mention this because that's what I've been working on the past couple days: The Last Jedi: De-Meninized Fanedit.

The damage control on this flick keeps getting sadder and sadder.

>Recreate OT, but with women heroes
>Recreate army leaders, but they are women now
>Now even copying a parody done by men
Polite reminder that women are natural followers and you just need to wait patiently for the stupidity to fade off

>men edited out
so, the theatrical release?

oh wow
>The entire sequence plays out differently without Poe doing manly things like disobeying commands from a superior officer, going rogue and getting a good chunk of the Resistance killed. BB-8 is spunky, sure, but it's not going to disregard a direct order from General Leia.

>they havent released it

How fucking pussy are these fucks?

This is Rian Johnson's girlfriend.

Women are the leftists of gender

Dorkly loss all his gamer audience after Gamergate. He trying to desperately get hipster and feminists to watch and read his shit now

>The womanless cut also removes Admiral Holdo from the pivotal lightspeed attack sequence, and the more I thought about it, the more that actually makes sense for the manless cut. If Poe was leading the Resistance, things would play out about the same because his impulsive personality would result in hundreds of people barreling head-first into danger. This is not to mention that men in general are terrible multitaskers, which makes them naturally inferior leaders. On the other hand, without Poe's meddling and eventual mutiny, Holdo and Leia would have a lot more precious time to make plans.

>The manless cut acknowledges the additional preptime by putting Holdo and Leia safely on another vessel while a ship on autopilot warps right through The First Order fleet.

I read that as de-melaninized for some reason.
Makes me think that someone should edit this to make it look like she made an anti-black-people cut of the movie and spread it around. I feel like even if people find out the truth they would be confused that she even made this weird female only version

The original shitlord edit was from a pirated copy of the film. It's not out on DVD yet so Dorkly are pirates?

i thought u were joking.

I'll watch Lesbian Wars

>This is not to mention that men in general are terrible multitaskers, which makes them naturally inferior leaders.
Please tell me this isn't actually in the article, or is at least a terrible attempt at humour.


>in a scene where Luke "withstands" shots from walkers and then brushes it off like nothing, they faceswapped Luke's face for Leia's...
>there's a gif....
>gif is in mp4.....

>Of course, if I ever attempted to upload this beauty, Disney's lawyers would find a way to sue for custody of my future children. It's because of this fact that I'm writing this anonymously -- that, and I'm concerned about the attention this kind of thing will get from certain parts of the internet. I know I should have thicker skin by now, but I can only take so many generous compliments!

>Bunch of faggots edit shitty movie to remove women
>Different group of faggots mad at original faggots proceed to endlessly complain and write bullshit clickbait articles about how sexist the cut is, and then edit the shitty movie in their own way to remove men
There's only one edit worth making and watching, Sup Forums.

an edit with only porgs

It's in there

so there are no bad guys?

Let’s cut all the men of the original trilogy

But wait, isn't doing that kind of cut inherently sexist, because the author assumes they are women based on how they look?
What about the 194 other genders? What about their cuts?

This is great.
All those subhuman sjw libshit feminazi kikepigs are sabotaging and harming the brand only further by shitting on the only demographic that ever gave a fuck about SW in the first place; cis white males.
They are so fanatic pursuing their mentally ill cause that they are dismantling themselves.

They need to crank this up to 11.9

Yup, sounds like a movie with only women alright.

I can see why the author chose to remain anonymous saying stupid shit like that.

>Editing around The First Order is a little trickier. As it turns out, Space Nazis aren't too focused on diversity when it comes to upper management. Captain Phasma doesn't show up until the last bit of the film, so there's not really any clear leader for the bad guys without Snoke, Kylo and Hux. But in an effort to make this a truly man-free film, we have to pick someone. So the new leader of the First Order is... this woman, I guess?

Powerful stuff.

>imagine being this mad

This needs the Chinese interview saying he's ugly in it

That's where you're wrong, kiddo. They keep Holdo alive...
>The womanless cut also removes Admiral Holdo from the pivotal lightspeed attack sequence, and the more I thought about it, the more that actually makes sense for the manless cut. If Poe was leading the Resistance, things would play out about the same because his impulsive personality would result in hundreds of people barreling head-first into danger. This is not to mention that men in general are terrible multitaskers, which makes them naturally inferior leaders. On the other hand, without Poe's meddling and eventual mutiny, Holdo and Leia would have a lot more precious time to make plans.

>The manless cut acknowledges the additional preptime by putting Holdo and Leia safely on another vessel while a ship on autopilot warps right through The First Order fleet.

>This is not to mention that men in general are terrible multitaskers, which makes them naturally inferior leaders.

Remember, gender essentialism is wrong and evil and should get you fired, unless it's claiming men suck and women are wonderful in which case it's objectively true unless that woman is also trans, in which case gender essentialism is wrong.


Based Rian Johnsoy

>it's a Sup Forums gaslights and pretends that it's "no women" star wars and weeks of screeching about a woman who had purple hair never happening episode

>it's a cuckold mentions Sup Forums even though nobody brings it up episode

>space Nazis
It's odd how they keep pushing this angle when the Empire/New Order is consitantly the most popular aspects of Star Wars. I don't think it's because of politics, but because they're uniformed soldiers that are well-disciplined. Disney fucked up by doing another #Resistance story, it should have been a trained Republic army. People bough Clone Trooper toys because they looked cool. No one will buy Resistance toys, with a bunch of scraggly people in regular clothes.

I don’t see how either version would work. There’s too much interaction between men and women.

Everything on Luke’s island would have to be cut out because it’s entirely about the relationship between Rey and Luke.

Everything on Canto Bight and the star destroyer would be cut out because it’s entirely about the relationship between Finn and Rose.

Everything on the Resistance ship would be cut out because it’s entirely about the relationship between Poe and Holdo.

The no women cut would have to just be Poe taking out the dreadnought at the beginning, followed by Luke meeting Yoda and then Kylo Ren fighting a fake Luke.

The no men version would have to just be Rose’s sister trying to bomb the dreadnought followed by Leia and Holdo bonding over how they both think Poe is a pain in the ass, and then Holdo doing the lightspeed crash.

Divide and conquer.

Men and women are complimentary not antagonistic. But part of the perpetual revolution is a society that is always striving for goals out of their reach.

Of course this is "equality" propaganda. The whole thing is manufacutured to make you angry.

Litteraly fake news.

Hope they go this route in episode IX.

these idiots just got trolled into showing people how bad the feminist agenda and bullshit is in the movie

>wow these female version of star wars is even worse than the theatrical cut

did this author just admit to pirating a movie?
someone notify disney

So the lazy cunt didn't even make a cut?

Women want jobs in Hollywood that go beyond blowing a producer for a role yet won't learn Sony Vegas?



Yet China pulled out TLJ and not gonna renew their chinese cinema lincese to them, heh



>women are good multitaskers meme
How come they never invented multiple inventions then?

Make one with Boyega edited out

Still a better movie than the original.
At least Luke's character won't be ruined and Ackbar would still be alive.

Congrats, nothing changes but 45 minutes is cut from the run time. Seriously, do these people know how to create a movie?


Isn't dorkly a comedy site? I'm not gonna read the article but from the title it sounds like it makes fun of those who got butthurt over nothing.

I'd unironically make tender sweet love to that librarian

i don't believe it.

wouldn't this,just highlight how under used the male characters are in the film? Seems counter productive.

Where are these guys and the "Some Creep" getting TLJ for them to play around and recut it?

So is like what? 5 min shorter?

Do it, guess who will come on top.

>Battle of the sexes
And it'll end with them fucking.

>we illegally downloaded a major hollywood blockbuster

Report them to the FBI

How is this not a false flag marketing campaign?
This is fucking beyond parody now

Trust women and their leadership, goyim.

Landwhales fighting neckbeards

jesus fucking christ is coalburning a national sport in america?

Yep, while everyone else just gets on with their lives instead of sperging over Star Wars, feminism and pronouns

We did not start this culture war they did

It's not a "culture war" if it's ridiculous and easily ignored
Anons react to Tumblr pigs and vice versa, nobody else really gives a shit. They've got lives

lol, look at soyboy standing like a fag in the background in the top pic..

Except all other vessels got blown up before Poe could do anything. It was all Holdo's fault.
Oh, and if they had autopilot, why didn't they use it while she was in charge? All they did was slowly run away and lose more and more men.

nobody giving a shit is what got things to the way they are
>let them have their movie
>let them have their diversity
meanwhile every kike film is full of trash that ruins movies for the sake of being PC

It's like both men and women are needed for the film to make sense, and anyone pushing this gender wars, men vs women narative is a huge retard or something.

So nothing happens?

This random cut of the movie that would have gotten no attention if the directors and actors didn’t address it made by some troll really bothered them didn’t it

This is getting out of hand, now there are two of them!


Dorkly truly became the new collegehumor

I thought I was looking at Cracked from the logo. Wouldn't make a difference in the (((content))) anyway.

Why is this movie being defended so much online? I mean from websites and article, not twitter army.
Has it ever happened with any other movie?

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. And since Russian racist sexists hate this movie, I must defend it.#RESIST


But why?
What do they have to do with it, it's almost as if they're involved in how the movie is perceived.

how long till Rian is outed as a sexual harasser?

>hasn't watched the cut

I honestly don't know. These freaks think that everything is a battlefield for social justice and they never fucking quit. Maybe it's low hanging fruit to fight for social justice in a fantasy world because they're out of ideas in the real world. It's never going to end.

Disney/lucasarts Paid them.

Can Disney sue this publication for pirating?

The no women cut was by one person.

Mfw this is actually a good idea

We can use fanfics? Well in that case Luke uses the Force to contact other universes, then he teams up with Superman and Batman to save the day without any casualties.