All the possibilities, people.
All the possibilities, people
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>having to justify your shit story after the fact
The only thing worse is the 'you didn't read the novel!' defence.
wow you made ANOTHER thread about star shit even though we have 5 of them on the first page. This is SO IMPORTANT WE HAVE TO DISCUSS IT RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!
Is he going to do this for every fucking criticism made about this movie? Is he being forced to?
There's been so much it. The damage control is fucking insane.
>Johnson compared his decision to the Darth Vader revelation in The Empire Strikes Back.
>The reason the “I am your father” line resonates so strongly, he explained, is not just because it’s a surprise—
>but because it’s the “hardest possible thing that Luke, and hence the audience, could hear at that moment.
I can see his reasoning, but he's seriously retarded if he genuinely thought this would have the same impact or could ever be compared to that.
I'm glad she isn't related to anyone of importance. It's fucking stupid when everyone is related to each other in a galaxy of trillions.
imagine being so little and pathetic you have to spend weeks and months giving interviews on what did you mean by this or that in your movies
Your movie's shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Enough damage control
While this is true they could have just had her parents in ep 7 as slaves like her and never even started the whole discussion
This frankly was one of the better parts of the movie. Did you want her to be a secret fucking Skywalker? You motherfuckers have become completely absorbed by TLJ Derangement Syndrome.
>I'm a bad writer and this was the best I could come up with
I'm shocked.
The problem is that nobody knows why he did any of this other than for IT SUBVERTED MY EXPECTATIONS Shyamalan-esque tweeests.
Two steps out of the theatre you weren't thinking about what an amazing movie it was you were starting to think about how it didn't make any fucking sense and wondering how they could possibly salvage it.
Cue slew of articles about how it really makes sense somehow or how it's artistic or.. whatever else.
>tfw be edgy Padawan
>get into Sith culture
>start using Dark Side and Jedi teachers don't know because the Dark Side is hard to read for a Jedi
>get stronger faster than anyone else in my class HELL YEAH!
>be strongest Padawan in the Temple
>finally find Sith Lord to teach me
>get even better at using the Force
>Sith Lord says I only have one thong left to do before becoming full Sith
>I have to make my lightsaber 'bleed' to turn it red (it's Disney canon)
>wtf??? I give it a go
>can't do it
>I just... can't
>Sith Lord cast me out, I'm not worthy enough to be Sith
>fuck this shit I'm so angery I try to turn my blade red again
>doesn't work
>whatever, I'm still the best and most powerful Jedi there is I'll just fake being a goody two shoes Jedi
>get seat on Jedi Concil at a very young age
>be youngest to become full Jedi Master
>only Yoda is better than me and Dooku is almost as good as me
>Sith Lord takes Dooku as Sith apprentice
>so mad about this shit I try to turn my blade red again
>it's just fucking purple now
>other jedi Masters make fun of my new saber
being Windu is suffering
The best part of the movie was a hand wave because the writer couldn't come up with a compelling way to include the narrative thread so he just dropped it entirely? That's a good endorsement for the movie user.
People are all about muh tweest, muh surprises, muh fresh take now.
Many, many people in audiences want new shiny moving things, not good things,
We've become like cats wanting the next laser pointer distraction when we could have a fucking mini-castle made of carpet and full of great classic kitty toys.
sure but you gotta own it instead of crying like a bitch in media every day.
> Did you want her to be a secret fucking Skywalker?
No. She should have been a virgince though.
It would have explained her Mary Sue abilities.
It also would have made her a potential sith lord and she would have had to make a serious career choice.
It would have tied up with the prequels.
Rian Johnson made the bad choice for her characters origin.
One of so very many.
this, who cares who her parents were, though I don't see why it's even brought up in the movie in the first place.
When she saw herself in the mirror after asking about her parents and being a recurring Rey train I thought she was going to turn out to be her own progenitor somehow
Disney PR backtracks are a fucking joke
The original idea was for her to have been a clone of Snoke (Dark-non-Sith-Force-user from the unknown regions). She would have been created by the FO after finding Snoke 'dead' in a cryopod. But Snoke would have come back to life (that bit of flashback, because it's JJA so there needs to be flashbacks) would have been seen after Leia gets 'killed' and before she Superman her way to the ship.
A young Phasma would have dropped Rey on Jakku after being told by Snoke to get rid of her/kill her. That small act of kindness in her past and how she changed/how it came back to bit her in the ass would have played as a nice parallel with Finn's character arc.
he only got half the equation right. Not was it only hard for luke, it impacted the story because the bad guy had more meaning now. Her parents being nobody is hard for her, sure, but it doesn't add any real meaning to the story
Novelization of the events before Force Awakens didn't help at all
? What happened to the "HHAHAHAHAHAHA" act?
So true. It was hard for the audience in literally the worst way possible and helped contribute to the trilogy story arc losing all momentum.
>A young Phasma would have dropped Rey on Jakku... That small act of kindness in her past and how she changed/how it came back to bit her in the ass
Fuckin hell, one of the many simple ideas made by fellow neets/neckbeards which makes for a much better story.
If any Star Wars writer has half a brain they would raid this knitting board for the next 20 years for ideas.
Being related to someone who could teach her basics of the Force in her childhood would be the only thing that could possibly explain why she such Mary Sue. As it is, she simply The Mary Sue. I guess it's a TWIST but it's hardly something good or to be proud about.
Imagine explaining something in an interview instead of in your own fucking movie.
It was really the only possibility, with the previous movies not necessarily existing for the audience.
>haha lol everyone can be a jedi
>what other movies? XD
That last scene with that kid made me so mad
>Writing a terrible plot twist not to make the story better but to enact your will upon the canon.
Why are all faggots like this? Your job is to make a good story, not push your personal agendas.
>going on record to address complaints by so-called russian bots and muh altright troll accounts
So is this the Depression or Bargaining phase?
Rey wasn't expecting famous or important parents, just to them to show up and get her back.
The ego. Movies and tv don't have the impact these creative types think it does.
In the end, the parents and the friends are the major influence on a person's way of acting. When youg, it's either go with parental ideas or rebel against them. Have friends that support your choice/have the same outlook. When older you become your parents even if you don't want to. Only way for it to not happen is to stay a manchild (sad but true).
Remember how Anakin was a prodigy with overwhelming power, and all he could do without training is to be good at flying racers and ships, and he was deemed being "too old" to teach how to use Force? Now everyone is double, triple and quadruple Anakins who can use Force without any training.
People care because it was blatantly set up and indicated to be important in multiple ways, and when you describe a rifle hanging on the wall in chapter one, you shouldn’t aim it at you’re own testicles and pull the trigger
Hell the novelization for TFA itself worsens TLJ by heavily implying Kylo and Luke already know who Rey is.
>blah blah now the force isn’t a genetic thing
Just like how it was never a genetic thing with anyone else in other than fucking luke skywalker. Yeah Obi wan, Qi Gong, Maul, palaptine, yoda, even Vader we’re only powerful because they inherited the force from their parents. This little manlet bitch is such a pandering faggot.
Subverted expectations: When you expect your new gf to be a whore in bed but instead lays there like a gunny sack.
What a hack. No wonder games and movies diving into shit with increasing speed.
How could he just ignore the Obi Wan shit they dropped in her flashback in TFA? That was one of the few things I was excited to see elaborated from that film.
(((They))) did this to kill the concept of hard work, dedication and inate exceptionalism.
This is why Luke was made a fool of.
Now everyone can be a stronk womaz or repressed "minority".... everyone is a special snowflake.
Death to the patiarchy!
>The Force Awakens was clearly designed in such a way that it would raise questions about Snoke and Rey, thus priming the audience to expect that these questions will be explored in the future.
>The Last Jedi either completely ignores these questions or gives really dumb answers.
>People are predictably disappointed about this.
Is Disney literally retarded? They clearly set up a mystery about these characters, and now they're mad because some people actually had the gall to get emotionally invested in the mystery. Furthermore, the Star Wars franchise has some of the most iconic characters in all of film. Luke Skywalker. Han Solo. Admiral Akhbar. When Disney purchased Star Wars, they gained the rights to these characters. So why, after gaining the rights to all these iconic characters, would you immediately start killing them off or giving them retarded endings where they waste their life drinking milk out of titty creature on an island in the middle of nowhere. Financially, it DOES NOT MAKE SENSE. You payed for these characters. Why don't you want to actually, you know USE THEM?
>british girls parents were bums who sold her for booze money
wow what a shock
he's had to justify and explain basically everything in his movie, it's hilarious.
>Why don't you want to actually, you know USE THEM?
Because it turns out all these very smart people at Disney actually don't know how to.
Yeah I know, who the fuck knew she was actually Irish?
Maybe she's related to Canji Club.
Rey is powerful because shes a good and noble person, theyre making a specific point about strength coming from within, not your bloodline. And she takes to this stuff naturally because she's basically an in-universe star wars fangirl
Just because you're a powerlevel autist doesn't mean the character is flawed
If booze is code for Aryan blood it makes perfect sense
>Rey is powerful because shes a good and noble person, theyre making a specific point about strength coming from within, not your bloodline.
Then why create the mystery in the first movie?
Oh yes, the planned absolutely fuck all.
TLJ is literally like taking a hot girl home, only to discover 'she' has a dick, then to add insult to injury everyone expects you to be happy with the situation.
Just like how anakins strength came from his bloodline... oh wait
To top it off her dick is too small to get made into a vagina. So all you can do is prostitute her to the media for booze money.
If not for your gif I would thought you're serious.
Obi-Wan is a noble person, which is why he sacrificed his life for Luke
Luke was a noble person, which is why he cast aside his saber and was willing to die to defy the dark side and save his father
Rey is a selfish and entitled brat that has sacrificed nothing and shows no signs of ever intending to.
Good people don’t attack seemingly defenceless old men from behind, then draw a deadly weapon on them, simply for not telling them what they want to hear.
I know this is probably bait or a joke, but some dumbass almost certainly believes it unironically
>in-universe star wars fangirl
and they made kylo a weak, pathetic fuck because he's a
> in-universe star wars fanboy
good work.
There was no "mystery" in TFA, Maz tells Rey her parents don't matter and to move on. Autists just made up headcanons because after Darth vader built C3PO they think everyone is connected in this universe
It came from his blood type because he was retconned into being space Jesus
I had this issue with rey in tfa when she stole bb8 from that teebo thing. I mean what the fuck, he found a fucking droid. A great find on that shithole planet and she lets him go and tells him to fuck off, then considers selling him to portions guys,
We are all special snowflakes. (except problematic white men)
This is new? JFC. Why doesn't he just release a book called "What Happened" and tour it around low rent bookstores and warehouse outlets like the other mega-loser.
Are we gonna get an op ed from Bruce Willis next about how we shouldn't care about nonsense plotlines and bad creative decisions?
There is a mystery, don't pretend otherwise. They even used Luke's theme for making Rey's.
>There was no "mystery" in TFA, Maz tells Rey her parents don't matter and to move on.
If that is so, she did move on and TLJ repeated the lesson for nothing.
His decision is not surprise or twist, it’s just hack writing.
>hurr durr idk what to chose let rey be hobo’s child
>There was no "mystery" in TFA
Have you actually watched the movie?
The whole backstory of Rey (which ties up with Annakin in the prequels) combined with her having a flashback to the episode V cloud city hallway created a very strong expectation about connections and heritage.
Secondly your argument is as dead as the franchise. Now ask yourself: Why?
Actually, Maz scene talking to Rey doesn't have sense if Han Solo says that she's a nobody when Maz ask about her.
Plus, Trevorrow said the parents are people that we know, but that was before he got fired...
>Vanity Fair, a fucking women's magazine, is still defending the worst Star Wars movie over a month after its release
post a pastebin or archive link or something because I'm not giving free clicks to shit like that.
Way to go RJ
I love that Disney fired Colin, because his vision didn't allied with theirs and he received heat from his flop movie, but they totally loved Rian enough to give him a new trilogy. The fucking hack that probably destroyed their plans.
There's so much damage control going on, a single thread would get too confusing.
>imlpying TLJ's damage control for JJ Abram's Lost-like mystery set ups without pay offs in TFA was a bad thing
too bad jj is back for IX
>I don't see why it's even brought up in the movie in the first place
Because that was their explanation for her to be so overpowered.
I think we all get what it wants us to think. The problem is in movie 8 of a series, precedent has been set. If you are going to go away from it you have to have a clever well thought out explanation. Perhaps she has some weird mutated version of the force, or she was one of the kid jedi anakin didnt kill, or yoda banged her mom. You cant have the Luke and Anakin stories establish that being a Jedi isnt just waking up and being one...and just have the Mary Sue wake up and be one.
>JJ sets up Rey's parents for some mystery possibly explaining Rey's natural talent for the force in TFA
>Rian dumps the mystery in the dumbest way possible in TLJ
>JJ retcons Rian's explanation with something incrediby generic like she was actually Leia's kid and Kylo's sister
This is what's going to happen mark my words.
>JJ sets makes ANH remake, even copies the plot point where main characters are related to a different, important character
>Based Rian throws all of that into the trash
>people complain
The aggravating part is that they could have easily worked that in as a genuine character flaw she had to overcome. Being selfish as a result of living in that shit hole would make perfect sense, and it would be good to explore how she eventually has to empathise in order to be a better Jedi, or resist the dark side.
But nope, every time she acts like an entitled bitch, the plot tries to convince us she’s doing nothing wrong
>you have to be related to a Jedi to be force sensitive
top kek, a child's take on Star Wars
Vanityfair is like Christian Science monitor.
Don't underestimate the two publications.
The first has strong opinion pieces and is respected for that, for example: Christopher Hitchens wrote for them for years.
The second as an accurate source of news.
I kid you not.
I care more about the shit on my shoe than I do about the opinion of prequelautists
Someone with no prior stake in the universe finding her own value and reason for fighting is a lot more interesting than hurr secret Skywalker durrr born of the force because powerlevelfags cant comprehend why a protagonist of a fantasy movie is good at things
They don't want to use them any more than it takes to get the fanboys through the door. They want to kill them off and replace them with their own OCs.
Hello Zhe.
>*beats up Luke and steals from him*
>he deserves it for lying
>Yoda defends her
>she's rewarded by everything going well for her
Great character.
>so susceptible to the dark side that Luke refuses to teach her
>she goes into the dark side cave
>lol it's just a mirror and she's a woman so she can't actually become evil
Great movie, best since empire and maybe the best Star Wars ever
>you can become a jedi master in a week
top kek, a nu wars take on star wars
And that is why you fail
Are you a nigger or a female?
You know the whole point of that speech was that "logic" doesn't mean anything when it comes to the Force, right? It was about strength coming from belief and how faith can move mountains
Rey does that and you cry that it doesn't MAKE SENSE when the Force is, by intention and definition, nonsensical
You can be genius at math, but if no one teach you even basic numbers you won't solve shit, much less all theorems in existence. Having parents that at least could teach you to count would be possible explanation. As it is, your parents were cavemen who know nothing about any math shit.
If you don’t see why powerful people who need no training cropping up out of nowhere is a bad thing, you may be literally retarded.
It means there’s never any tension, since there’s precedent of people pulling powers out of their ass to save the day
It means there’s no closure, since for all we know a new Sheev could pop out of a Broom closet, scream that tempest keep was just a set back and set everything back to square one.
Why the fuck should I get invested in a story that gives absolutely no regard to basic narrative or dramatic necessities?
>Rey is a selfish and entitled brat that has sacrificed nothing and shows no signs of ever intending to.
>except where she sacrificed her portions so BB-8 can be saved
>or when she sacrifices her personal plan to wait for her parents to deliver BB-8 to the rebels
>or where she went on a dangerous solo mission across the galaxy to find Luke and save the Rebellion
>Good people don’t attack seemingly defenceless old men from behind, then draw a deadly weapon on them, simply for not telling them what they want to hear.
>implying that was her motivation with attacking Luke. Not the fact that the life of many people were at stake and Luke didn't give a fuck
Was Luke a jedi master after training with Yoda?
She doesn't become a Jedi master at the end of TLJ, she gets a better understanding of the force and more control over it but that's it.
>implying her using the force is much different than Luke using it during the assault on the Death Star
She doesn't really "use" the force per se except for that one dumb scene in TFA (blame JJ), she gets saved by the Force because she is extremely force sensitive.
Broom boy, is that you?
>Why the fuck should I get invested in a story that gives absolutely no regard to basic narrative or dramatic necessities?
Turns out no-one running the Star Wars franchise at Disney has a clue.
A shame because I thought Kathleen Kennedy had a brain. Turns out she's just a radical feminist idiot with an agenda who built her career on men and thinks she can discard them like Kleenex.
Just as Lucas thought he could discard Joseph Campbell.
The Force is not math
>Doesn't use The Force
Hey, remember that one time when she pulled the lightsaber to her when Kylo was trying to do the same thing at the end of TFA? Or at the end of TLJ where she matches Kylo in force use and rips Luke's old saber in half? Because those happened. Not gonna bother bringing up the mind-control scene because I am sure that is what you were referring to.
Also hardly a dangerous solo mission when you have a pissed-off carpet with a laser crossbow on your side