How the FUCK do you go from making kino to Tommy Wiseau tier shit like this?
>Also, Snowposting
How the FUCK do you go from making kino to Tommy Wiseau tier shit like this?
>Also, Snowposting
Why is it so bad?
A lot of reasons
Give me a 4 line greentext
>They only shot 70% of the script, so editing is unique
>Val Kilmer is dubbed, badly. And not in synch with his lips.
>It has the most stupid end ever
>They teleport across Norway in location, things teleport on screen form cut to cut, and they mispronounce names, so the lead is called harry hole (not joking)
Not seen this yet.
Should I watch it in color in the B&W version?
Kek this is some lazy shit. Did literally nobody care?
Its mindblowing when you watch it.
Remember, he dubbed, but not well.
I don't get it
Toby Jones is too pure for this shit.
Wot if your Nan was a snowman
Same guy who did Tinker Tailor did this shit...
top tier show lad
It's too european and that's offputting.
More than just the setting and characters, but the way they make movies in the non-English speaking countries
Fassbender is doing something different. He as good in that Irish movie
Yeah, that's not it. The story is completely fucked up. Someone was doing way too much coke and then they had to fix it in twenty minutes in the editing room because they run out of cash.
thing is they hired great editors to try to salvage the mess.
>it wasn't coke, it was drinking by fassy BTW
is it autism?
Was the story that he fucked up production and now the director is taking heat
Rumor is that Fassbender spent more time banging half of Norway than working on the movie, some days he'd show up drunk or not show up at all. So when time and money ran out they decided to try to put together something with what they had. Martin Scorsese lent them his long-time editor to try and salvage it, but the movie was fubar