"Your daughter died"

>"Your daughter died"
>"Yes, and 6 million more"

What did they mean by this?

I actually laughed out loud at this part, fucking Sup Forumstards ruined me without i ever going there.

i will never care about the jewish holocaust and i don't think any non jewish person actually does
as an american it is so strange we use the incident as our spiritual creation myth, the foundation on which all of our morals are based on
also that fucking poem on the statue of liberty

The Holocaust is simply a modern mashup of the Exodus & the burning of the Second Temple.

>as an american it is so strange we use the incident as our spiritual creation myth, the foundation on which all of our morals are based on
that's actually the holocaust against native americans you did burger.

>General:"What would you have done? Our government would have to pay reparations!"

LMAO and I actually thought it was a good movie until then.

*distant oy vey*

6 million more jobs from the abysmal reception this movie got

what movie is this

that is nowhere near as forced
would make just as little sense though, there's nothing wrong with conquest

He had a good reason though.
>pay reperations on a galactic scale
>humanity gets seen as those genocidal monsters
>trade decreases
>tourism decreases

>there's nothing wrong with conquest
then stop being buthurt when blacks, mexicans and asians take over your country burg.

looking back on your ancestors conquering is different than literally being in the process of being conquered

he means through test of combat

what a fucking ignorant hypocrite.

it's the 21. century buddy, no more major wars and shit. The conditions of war have changed.

how so

That was a series of battles and wars. Not a genocide. We simply won.

There are now more Native Americans than there were before 1492.

Much of what you believe about the Native American genocide is propaganda. The tale of Smallpox blankets, for example, is a fabrication of professor Ward Churchill, who was fired for fabricating the story.

i dont think thats a reference

Yes, but most of foreigners in Europe for example are hugely dependent on welfare state, if for some reason that system collapse and they are on their own they will not last long

>if you re ok with past conquests you must be ok with its rewards being taken from you

>6 millions dead
Heresy, He should've killed every dirty Xenos scum.

>There are now more Native Americans than there were before 1492.
there are now more people in general than 1492 you retard. fucking burger education.

>Yes, but most of foreigners in Europe for example are hugely dependent on welfare state, if for some reason that system collapse and they are on their own they will not last long
pure bullshit, you've never been to europe I presume.

what will the kikes do when future generations of movie goers foget completely about the shoah?


people are not buthurt when the blacks,etc do it. They are buthurt when their own liberal people sell them out and tell them to embrace the conquerors and feel guilty about their own existence

they're just on the righteous winning side you fool. Doesn't mean that there wont be place for white people under the rule of blacks, lationos, asians etc.

There is no "righteous winning side" there is only the conflict. He who wins is the righteous and both sides have a duty to their people to fight with all their might

Why are non-Jewish victims of the holocast always left out and ignored?

kys serb

because ((()))

Jewish ethnocentrism and infinite reparations

did this movie just hit the torrents or something

Serbs want Muslims dead as much as the Jews, so you fucked up m8.

>He doesn't know about the 3rd Impact

> just as much as the Jews

Bullshit. Jews use mudslimes as pawns to drive out Christians. They only show any hatred towards mudslimes when there are no Christians around.

Make up another one. That, however, assumes that they haven't taken complete control of their mudpeople slave planet by then.

Which Christians?
The Orthodox Christians want you catholic dead for weakening Constantinople and opening the gates for Muslims to swarm through.

The biggest hilarity is that Zadar was one of the first cities sacked and destroyed by the Crusade yet Croats still suck the pope's cock, showcasing how cucked a people they are.

This, you're not mad at a dog who barks, you're mad at the owner who trained their dogs to eat human beings.

You can't call it genocide then


you're retarded. literally retarded.

>that's actually the holocaust against native americans you did burger.

Stone age tribes dying from sickness does not equate to Americans Holocaust them.