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Le evil corporate talk like a cartoon villain man

They should have got someone older like Jeremy Irons for this role

Also he blinded himself deliberately right?

Agreed. He was absolute trash. Here is Denis talking about the toughest part of filming BR2049. He's got to be talking about Jared fucking Leto. Start at 2m36s. Wait for it.

well I have millions

to save billions

a child can count to 4 on fingers
we should own the CHANS!!!!!!!!

edward james olmos maybe?

Why have millions when you can have... Billions

>I need more than I can make
senselessly slashes belly open just cos

no hes talking about the goose

>it's a very existential journey
>i think it would be a good one to prepare me for the passage
>awkward laughter and change of topic
Is he going to be okay?

He's a glorified farmer. what did you expect?

Probably including Ford.


Nah. It's this guy on the right. I bet they filmed or wanted to film more scenes with him and cut them. You can just tell by how out-of-place he is in the morgue scene. He was probably supposed to have a more significant role but he can't act for shit.


He's talking about a woman? The rebel leader

He expresses admiration for Goose earlier in the video.

how can goose be the problem when hes used to playing characters like this?

he just needs to go into Drive mode and problem solved

ree fucking mods

You might have brain cancer, he was the best part of the Wire and his acting was fine for the one line he was given.

My money is on Robin Wright.

>wears contacts to simulate blindness for BR2049
>puts salt in the coffee on the set of Suicide Squad and gives bullets, anal beads, and dead animals as gifts to his castmates
>lived on the streets for a couple weeks before filming Requiem for a Dream
the absolute madman
what would he be up to right now if he was preparing to play the lead role in a Hitler biopic?

Failing to make it into art school.

>anal beads


>his acting was fine for the one line he was given
How retarded can you be that you judge this guy's performance in Blade Runner 2049 based on his work in something else, and then double down on your retardation by saying Wright was worse? Wright didn't give the best performance ever, but she was way more convincing than this guy.

If Denis was fine with Jared's performance then I'd be less annoyed and just accept it as Denis' vision for the movie. I just wonder who he's referring to here. Any other clues?

Yes niander wallace was defintely the weakest part of BR2049. The role was ham fisted writing, the performance was meh, the casting was not great, and he didn't get enough screentime. His motivation is good and painting him as "right in his own sick way" megalomaniac who wants to use expendable replicants to conquer the stars is interesting. But then they throw in the scene where he senselessly murders the newborn replicant to make him seem more evil and violent and but it doesn't make sense for him to kill replicants when his main problem is that he can't make them fast enough...

Because nothing in his performance in BR is much different than how he acted in the Wire, Villeneuve wouldn't have casted him without knowing that's the performance he was going to turn in. The role is clearly not meant to be big so I doubt he would've felt any anguish over what is basically a cameo.

Wright on the other hand is playing a hard boiled police chief, something she'd never approached before. Unless you've been living under a rock not everyone was impressed with her performance.

I agree with this user , gotta be that rebellion bitch leader, quite of a flat one-dimensional performance

Yeah, Leto was pure kino, the highlight of the film.

Props to him for admitting that he made a mistake, many directors would just blame it on someone else or just outright deny that any mistake were there to begin with

Having erectile dysfunction and shitting his pants

It's really embarrassing how much better this movie was than TLJ. What the fuck is the mouse doing

>But then they throw in the scene where he senselessly murders the newborn replicant to make him seem more evil and violent
He guts her because she's a failed product, she was an attempt to make a reproductive replicant, "a barren pasture, empty and salted, right here, the dead space between the stars"

You're talking so much shit it's unreal. By your own reasoning, if Villeneuve only casts actors he knows will turn in a predictable performance, then why cast Wright in a role she's "never approached before"?
>Because nothing in his performance in BR is much different than how he acted in the Wire

I smell a jew.

>if Villeneuve only casts actors he knows will turn in a predictable performance
You're putting words in my mouth, I only said he would understand that about that particular role. I never implied his casting method is uniform.

but did jared leto send a live rat and a dead pig to a film set?

I hate these untouchable characters. I wanted Ryan to fucking kick his ass. God, that would have been better...

Wallace was originally intended to be played by David Bowie but he died in Jan 2017.

The movie is fantastic, but yes, this guy was pure cringe.

Leto is the walking definition of a hack.

Good, that literal queer would have ruined 2049.

You're hating on the writing of the character, not the performance.

But you did.
>Villeneuve wouldn't have casted him without knowing that's the performance he was going to turn in
>Villeneuve wouldn't have
This straight-up implies that his casting method is uniform. It's no wonder you can't tell good acting from bad acting when you're this much of a brainlet.

No, I'm hating on the performance. I hate the mannerisms he incorporated and despise his line delivery. No matter what he does, he never feels madly intelligent nor subtly menacing as he is supposed to be. Just imagine the magic and mystery someone like Bowie would've bring to it and compare it to Leto's lameness.


>he actually thinks Bowie was a good actor and wouldn't have been embarassing in Blade Runner because OMG EVERYTHING BOWIE DOES IS AMAZING
Fucking americans

He would have been way better than leto and you know it. Bowies fine

that wouldve been insane

Well don't kys like angry user wrote: But just a light spanking will do for now.
You naughty naughty boy.


"We should own the stars."
Words to live by user.

He sounded like he was doing Jeffrey Combs from Re-Animator. Shoula just got Combs.

Too old. What's wrong with imitating Combs?
What's your boggle?

I hated Jared Leto at first but now Im a big fan of his role in 2049. we desperately need the 4 hour cut so we can see Luv kill all those cops.

I like how Wallace is both God and the Devil in one. He wants the replicants hes made to be 100% human, he makes them "obey" but in actuality he knowingly gives them 100% human responses. The way he comforts Luv after killing the newborn stands out to me. It seems like he sees replicants as both an artificial tool hes created, but also living beings with real lives. Luv probably wants the child just as much as Wallace because she wants to be able to bear children. Also I have this feeling that Wallace isnt in charge of most products that they make. He might handle replicant developement and oversee the company but in my current headcanon its actually Luv who designed Joi or atleast influenced its design. When she steps on the eminator K has it seemed like she knew how Joi would react so she played it up to fuck with K extra.

So put her in a labor camp, don’t just throw her away.
Also gotta love le edgy kiss before I kill her movie.

Imagine that speech but this guy instead

jared leto is pretty lame in everything except in movies when he plays a young stupid guy

>directors can’t control an actor’s performance

quads of truth.
Yet you can tie actors down and beat them with sticks until they obey.
OBEY Muther fucker!

the character just sucks

Watch this, you uninformed soycuck:


He would have done a silly voice and sweated profusely. It's what he always does.

I thought he was fine

Yeah I agree with this. I didnt notice it a first but on my second watch I noticed her performance was really flat. Specifically the scene where she introduces K to the rebellion army.

you shut your bitch mouth

No, it wasn't Leto. He said it was one scene.

it was most likely a character who got one scene of screen time

He praised Goose, 4 young actresses and Ford. From the clip you can tell it's a he.

It's not "I'm the captain now" man is it. We all can tell it's Leto.

remember Tyrell? That was a proper character with motivations. It was possible to feel sorry for him when he got killed. Not so with Leto's character.

this is who he's referring to

yeah i think the writing needed to be tweaked
his performance wasn't bad and his star power didn't fuck it up

everyone agrees he played the character well
the script was hammy but that's kind of blade runner
my bets on ford desu senpai

The sole reason why I didn't go to pay and watch BR2049 (going to pirate it later) is because of Jared Leto. Can't stand the talentless hack and who thinks arbitrary "dramatic" pauses and stilted dialogue counts as acting.

Could be the big burly maggot farmer.

The original Blade Runner is superior in every shape and form. Don't misunderstand me, BR2049 is alright and watchable, but very inferior to the original film.

Fascinates me how soyboys on Sup Forums and Reddit keep spouting this is the greatest sequel of all time, while at the same time posting their waifu Joi fantasy garbage.

>a genius god complex having multi-zillionaire that creates millions and millions of replicants, is blind and uses flying robot stones to see multiple things at once, lives in a gargantuan 3km high monolith and decorates said monolith with 95% wood - one of the rarest resources according to the film

Fuck you, I liked his performance

He did nothing wrong

Well look at this fancy pants user

This is who Jared Leto reminded me of


Fortunately he didnt have much screen time. His character didnt really seem needed at all now that i think about it.


Some people are just determined to hate on certain things. I have this strange ability to just immerse myself in a film and overlook not so perfect aspects of it so that I can enjoy the overall experience. (not criticizing Leto's performance btw)

glad it wasn't Goose

the guy is too much of a die-hard Blade Runner fan, but he's right that the original didn't deserve a sequel.

instead we only got a passable fan-fiction film with actors that have 1/100 of the charisma and acting chops as Rutger Hauer

They spent billions
To lose trillions

Razorfist would have been great in 2006, 2007. But I'm not a metalhead teenager anymore who listens to Man O War and Burzum unironically anymore and can't take this fucker seriously. Haven't been able to sit through more than 60 seconds of one of his videos.

>with actors that have 1/100 of the charisma and acting chops as Rutger Hauer
This is true for the first film, too.

I don't know why he had to deliver his lines like he's just learning the language
>but we need more. MILLIONS. SO. WE. CAN. BE. TRILLIONS. MORE.
>you think all I can give you is pain. ONLY. I. KNOW, you love pain. MORE. JOY. THEN.

He'll get his chance in the sequel

His scenes were in fact cut.

But i don't think it's him because Villeneuve said it's a woman in the clip?

because he's fucking crazy and detached
he sees the world from an ivory tower

contrarian faggots who are actually retarded or have sad unfulfilling lives and have never actually made anything creative

those rebellion people seemed like such a fucking screwball. Like where the fuck do they come from, where's the lead up? Where do they go? they just come and go out of nowhere to no effect. They could've taken the place of the internal monolouges much better, but it just feels like they were meant for a different take of the movie and accidently got left in after editing.

It was like too much of a comic villain. Blind villain, with weird speech pattern living in a pharaonic-like setting. Bitch, pls.

He was the wrong villain. His motivation and goal clashed with his personality. Cult leader personality for a man that lives like a hermit with very little human contact? He must have been more narcissistic. Maybe have some fucked up fixation. If Luvis his best angel, he must have had some other replicants to roleplay his sick fantasy, not meditate in robe and larping as japanese.