Why do they always make fun of people who live with their parents?
Why do they always make fun of people who live with their parents?
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AIDS Moby is entirely incapable of self-critical thought.
Their target audience is into masochism.
Has any of them ever had a real job?
their parents didnt love them
probably kicked them out of the house too
Because they met them when they still did conventions and they know its their fanbase.
So they're indirectly making fun of their audience.
And directly make fun of the comment sections on their videos.
Because it’s fucking pathetic. If you are above age 20 there is not a single fucking reason you should still be living with mommy, it is an admission that you have utterly failed at life.
Where are you living user?
That's right, goyim, you need to get out there and start paying rent.
>no affordable housing
>you should be independent!
Give me 300k and ill get started on it
Comfily living in the mountains of austria.
Should've majored in Mathematics
gee i wonder (((who))) could be behind this post?
can't it be the parents fault
I live off of fucking bitcoins and even I'm able to afford a house, stop being a lazy faggot.
Jay used to work by the docks
>WHAT?! This person is telling me the truth? Must be a jewish conspiracy
Kekistanis ruined Sup Forums
They know their demographic.
you quoted me but i never mentioned jews or a conspiracy
I'd say if you're still at home within a year of finishing college then you've got problems with being too complacent.
what are bitcoins
>have spare money from not paying rent
>put it into crypto
What's it like being a retarded wagecuck?
>multigenerational households the norm all over the world
>hey boomer, why don't you kick junior out so you can build your sportsball mancave
begone, kike.
because they are one step above that
My grandfather became completely paralyzed and I sold my house to move home and care for him.
It has fucked up my life, I get almost no pussy anymore, and Im so depressed that when Im not finishing school, working, helping around the house, or out drinking the pain away Im stuck here with you people.
Go fuck yourself.
A legal and simple way to scam goys if you know what you're doing, a waste of money if you don't.
>25 year old brother coming back to live with us
Pathetic and sad, this is really giving me motivation to get my act together
I said I ONLY live off of crypto, I don't have a job.
That's a very good thing to do though, and a sad story like that will really get chicks into you.
You sound like a great brother. I always feel bad for people who have cunty siblings. My only perspective of my brothers is that we’re all insanely close knit and basically each others best friends and confidants
>>multigenerational households the norm all over the world
Give me one person with a bunch of friends, a good paying job and parents who are actually proud of him that lives with his parents.
My brother's gonna be 25 in like 2 months and he still lives with our mother. Twin sister lives with father and stepmother, and I moved out about 8 months ago at 20. I mean, I could've stayed at home to finish college, but fuck that. I'm way too independent of a person for that shit.
>giving me motivation to get my act together
...so you're no better than him? Sounds like you haven't even moved out to begin with.
I hate my brother mostly because I project all my negative qualities onto him
>I'm way too independent of a person
how did you type that out unironically
i bet you have some sweet tattoos
Is anyone having issues going onto their homepage? I keep getting a blank screen. Haven't had this issue with any other page. Oddly enough it happened right after I update windows 10
american families are disfunctional so to them it's weird living together longer than they need to
>I'm way too independent of a person for that shit.
Damn, look at the vagina on you. You go, girl. Get yo groove on.
I never implied that wasn't the case. I am 6 years younger than him, though so I needed this motivation.
Here in the Balkan region everyone is with their mommy until their very late 20s, early 30s even. It's because of the extremely strong family values and literally everyone lives only in the biggest cities so it's dumb to move and pay for rent just a couple of blocks away.
Oh and we're all poor lmao
Aids used to shoot gophers
Because it is shameful to get old and live with your parents, you are supposed to be out of the nest by your 20s, if you haven't you fucked up and deep inside you know it.
Yeah but by classing him as pathetic and sad makes you seem incredibly ignorant of the housing crisis, the present job market and other such factors that go into these things.
My friend Luke.
It's an American thing to strive for independence.
I've never seen a single second of a RLM video and never will. It boggles my fucking mind that
>people watch this shit
>people give millions of dollars to their imaginary internet friends so they pretend to want to keep making videos
have fun guys, get some exercise
Lol at this autists trying to play off moving away from your mother's teet as some sort of Jewish scam. People need some pride and autonomy.
>haven't watched it and calls it shit
>thinks people on Sup Forums use patreon
>assumes you can't have a life because you watch an hour long youtube video a few times a month
Holy plebbit
Because moving out is the biggest thing they've ever achieved. It's sad
Is working at walmart better than making videos people enjoy and getting paid for that? Why?
It's an easy joke that gets more and more dated as the years go by. I'm a complete shut-in and I don't really find it all that offensive. Nothing wrong with staying at home if you're paying your way, it's when you're a sponge that it becomes a problem.
Fuck you buddy. It's not my fault the crypto market crashed and I lost all of my savings
The union's on strike, he's down on his luck again.
My dad lived with his parents after he married my mother
My mother went to live with my grandparents, her in-laws, for a while
>le real job meme
If it pays well and it is fun, why is that not a "real job". Do you really feel superior working at McCucks?
Thats very nice of you to say user, but Im not nearly good looking enough for girls to give a shit about my sad story. I get by on the occasional shitshow chick in bars and, every once in awhile, a hooker. The real problem is that I'm now pretty much limited to girls that will take me home with them or are comfortable in a hotel/motel. And, even when you have a reason for pathetic circumstances, it just sounds like a made-up excuse.
Pro tip: move out of expensive ass places and stop renting. I used to live in San Francisco, paid about 2k/month in rent. Now I live in Boise, own a home, and pay a mortgage of $600/month.
Depends on what you do. Proud Walmart maintenance worker here
My parents are proud of me and I resent it.
Rich worked construction before all this. Jack unironically went to Clown College so, I think he was a clown.
Post pic
Does anyone have details on Jack's "trying to make viral videos" thing? Did he give up on it?
That sounds all fun and great until you realize that places like Boise have 1/100th the amount of jobs available and minimum wage is probably a lot less in bumtucket cities in flyover states.
I would move out of California in an instant to go to Hicktown, Kansas if there was a solid job opening there(that isn't a manufacturing job that's going to be automated in 5 years).
Because they switched tits from their mums to their fans and can't come to terms with it
What does Mike have against toll booth workers??? What an asshole
Holy fuck you just made my night :)
You just checked off every point on the lazy liberal arts hipster who lives with his mom checklist. Fucking lmao, keep using every excuse in the book to not try to get a job
Why make bait so obvious?
The implication of someone living at home is that they are not working, are not capable of working, and have no means by which to support themselves. They need their parents to pay for their rent, their food, their clothes, etc. From this we can gather that the person who lives with their parents has no skills applicable to the real world and no motivation to obtain said skills, thus making them pathetic losers. This is not true in every case but that's the implication that is taken from the fact that someone still lives with their parents from their mid-twenties onwards.
Right now I live with my parents (I'm in my mid-twenties) because I got a job very close to their house, I'm saving money by not paying rent, and I have a good relationship with them. We enjoy each other's company and I see no real advantage to moving out of their house at this point in my life. If I moved to a nearby apartment I'd probably just spend most of my time at their house anyway because its a nice house and I enjoy spending time with them.
That whole channel is embarrassing.
Nice excuse. You know what doesn’t crash? Actual money. And if you had 100% of your savings in one investment without diversifying you’re a fucking retard, so yes it is your fault.
>Because it is shameful to get old and live with your parents
It was shameful when the economy wasn't as fucked as it is now. Some parents would rather have their kids still live with them and contribute to living expenses just to save up money. Mileage varies of course.