Pretend JJ is fired. Who is your dream director for Star Wars 9 to salvage what's left?

Pretend JJ is fired. Who is your dream director for Star Wars 9 to salvage what's left?

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Oh, and pic related is mine. Idk why exactly, but I feel like he'd be perfect.

doesnt matter
its still a trash story full of boring bullshit and stupid shitty politics

Mel Gibson.

TFA and TLJ are made non canon and Zack Snyder is given a blank check to do whatever the hell he wants for the sequel trilogy.

Only way to ever get me in the theater for another Star Wars film again.

Clint Eastwood


>JJ was fired
Holy shit, source?
It's about time the mouse house came crumbling down on its libcuck dick suckers

Idris Elba

Tommy Wiseau. this mess of a story is impossible to salvage anyways, so lets at least have some fun.

There's no story to tell, no character to root for, what's the point of Ep IX?

Michael Bay.
he's a pleb Director but his macho dont give a fuck style is exactly what Star Wars needs.
hot assed bitches, explosions and 60 minute long CGI headfucks.

Nolan unironically

Larry Flynt


George Lucas

Mike Stoklasa

Nolan but ironically

bloomkampf is the only choice

as in Myklon B Stoklasa?

Ben Browder

No salvaging this mess.

Redo episode 7 pretending all of TFA and TLJ were Luke’s nightmares ab the dark side

Jodie Foster

Tommy Wiseau unironically

But JJ didn't direct 8 you dumbdumb

David Lynch

>it was all just a dream
Has this ever been done in cinema? Redconing 7+8 is like admitting they fucked up big time. They' will never do that, especially not since the movies have been succesful among the Transformers crowd.

I want Villeneuve to make a movie about the mandalorian wars

Patty 'the boobs' Jenkins.

>Fat Riker: "Computer, end program"

How many times does he have to re-use his unique script?

The guy who directed Shin Godzilla.

Ridley Scott. Not for artistic vision, but for knowing how to get shit done competently.

it'd be pretty weird to see a nolan star wars film

A Star Wars film by Nolan would be Dunkirk in space.

I assume JJ is back for Ep 9 because no other director would go near Disney right now

>all of TFA and TLJ were Luke’s nightmares ab the dark side

This could actually work and still link in with those films. He could have been meditating about Rylo and the state of the galaxy should a certain path be taken, should he fall and go exile like the corrupt Jedi before him. The film could literally begin with a close up of him opening his eyes.

Tommy Wiseau

Edgar Wright. Then have Disney fire him again when he's 97 percent finished.

I could get behind this, but... how would he get american patriotism involved?

Denis Villeneuve

The guy who did the "Chauvinist Cut".

I'm not joking. It's amazingly watchable. It's still bad, but it's as good as it could be with the shot material.

James Cameron.
He's so autistic that he'll built a Star Destroyer in Earth' orbit so he could direct the entire movie inside it.

a wormhole would appear and an American Chad Pilot in a Fighter Jet would team up with the Rebels

>Pretend JJ is fired. Who is your dream director for Star Wars 9 to salvage what's left?
Daniel Boyle

Anyone who is not a brown nosing hack twat

I thought of him a few times in the TLJ, especially during the mirror scene and when Luke's force ghost was visting Leia. Dude would piss off all the fans. I think there's a term for when he does this...

It doesn't matter. Lucasfilm would fire him for trying something genuinely interesting.

George Lucas

the only right choice

Time travelling to get 1977 George Lucas and his crew

The director doesn't matter. I don't care at all.

What would you imagine a lynchian SW to look like?

Steven Spielberg?

George Lucas

The average intellect and reading comprehension of someone who gets upset over children's films

This is probably it.

wow you're sharp

Have Jodorowsky lovingly rape the shit out of Soy Wars canon and turn it into an entertaining acid trip full of nonsensical symbolism. At least the result would be worth watching unlike what we currently have


To make money, just like every other Star Wars product ever made

>mfw tarantino is chosen
>mfw he demands full creative control and gets it
>mfw tarantino himself calls finn a nigger

George Lucas

No, Rian and JJ have injected more than enough nonsense plots and ass-pull "cool moments" into Star Wars.

i wouldn't actually care what director it was as long as it was good BUT i would care if the director was gorge Lucas (you know what he did)

Can't salvage it at this point, need to start over. Villeneuve as director and Lucas as advisor for whole trilogy, with total creative freedom and no influence from people like KK.

>TFA and TLJ were Luke’s nightmares ab the dark side
TFA and TLJ were Rey's self-insert fanfic of the Luke Skywalker biography.

Episode 9 opens with Rey clutching her books and giving "lightsaber lessons" with sticks to a small group of children in an isolated location, and after a few minutes it's revealed that none of the last two flims happened, and she's living on a farm with her adoptive parents who are on her case to get out in the world and meet some other adults. She sees a ship fly overhead, and then the narrative transfers to it, and we never see Rey again.

very similar to Dune.

Rian Johnson

George Miller

Ridley Scott

Man I wish Lynch got the final cut on Dune :/


Lynch is a real filmmaker, he has better things to do than work on Star Wars

Came to post him

Patty Jenkins. She could do the sàme thing she did with Wonder woman which is actually make us care about a story without shitting it up with kids humor and filler scenes.

Plus she is thick so the red carpet premier will be GREATTT

Now there is a female only version.

Stop being a retard.

Go to bed George

The dude already turned down RoTJ.

>no other director would go near Disney right now
Are you joking?

A bunch of terrible shit?

The only way to make Star Wars even more self-important and brainless than it already is. Bravo.

Have you watched it? He didn't "just cut out the women" as people are claiming. Rey's still a major character. Rather he cut out as much stupid as was possible from such a terrible film.

Jon Favreau

Has Patty Jenkins directed anything other than Wonder Woman?

who cares? This trilogy is already dog shit

They should had let George Lucas or somebody like Christopher Nolan write and direct it (with the leader of the company who is not a dumb feminist and who understands story telling)

George Lucas

>Ridley Scott

^ this if they cornered themselves into this narrative at least end it well.

>tfw Rey fuck and drops Kylo

girl making ok/white supremacy.gif

>terrible film

You've been spending too much time on this board.

Tommy Wiseau. I'm serious, the only way to salvage Star Wars now is to go FULL clownfiesta. Tommy is the only person in the galaxy who won't make it look like some band-aid damage control. He'll bring cohesiveness into this fucked up mess left by Jew Jew, Johnson and Kennedy.

She's directed cocks into her ass

>created the best Kino of all time
>not competent

I thought the movie was already the feminized version.

And yet another thread that implies that Star Wars is still a important franchise

More people dislike it than like it. Get over it.

this guy. At least it would be funny bad

>How many times does he have to re-use his unique script?

B-but he make a cool shot on YouTube of a creature with a bunch of body parts and is so edge!

Idk but you can do worse than what rian did.

Liberals don't understand sarcasm.