Clear morality in my media is booooring!

>clear morality in my media is booooring!

>i can only watch movies where a good guy fights a bad guy

Any examples?

Rocky IV

I like both.

sci fi and crime are my favorite genres!

You have no real opinions, you're most likely an alt right virgin neckbeard. The moment the next popular movie comes out with clear moral lines, you'll start making this exact post but for ambiguous morality instead.

>I need gray morality because I am smart!!!

I just wanted to share my soy brainlet with a high-traffic board, what do you think user?

based radcenposter

>Sup Forums and SJWs are exactly the same

Haven't watched any Rocky movie. What's the moral of Rocky IV?

they really are just opposite sides of the same retard coin

take steroids

But they aren't. That picture doesn't even imply that. Brainlet.

They're not. Sup Forums is much much worse

Except that when countries try to fix 'degeneracy', like the UK making it harder for kids to see porn, Sup Forums just calls them cuck nanny states. So Sup Forums is rather different to SJW in so much as they don't really know what they want and will quickly change their tune or attack things that they once agreed with because Sup Forums is mostly shitskin larpers.

It's a shit meme, creating and posting it was a waste of your time and contributed to the degradation of the board and your wellbeing.
Soyboy and brainlet wojaks are shit memes.
Sort yourself out and clean your room.

I dont like it that much desu. You could edit it to where the mouth is more like the nu male fear grimace since this soy wojak thats been going around looks like he has his mouth open. maybe you could add some exaggerated cheeks or something like Porky Pig and other various cartoons.

all extremists groups act the same way, this is common knowledge

and you fags are the edge of that coin

It's sentimental anti-aryan propaganda.

>Sup Forums is much much worse

only if you file everything down into a simple strawman

go back to your safe space retard

>Jordan Cuckson

>SJWs control every mainstream media
>Sup Forums controls not even their own board

yeah exactly the same

stop user just let them parade their knowledge of the horseshoe theory and derail this good thread

see what i mean? no different from a Sup Forumstard telling me to go back to tumblr or and SJW telling me to go back to Sup Forums.

>oh fuck, he shot my two favourite flavour-of-the-month buzzwords!
>What tired meme from 3 years ago can I dig up?
>"Cuck!" Ha! Got him!

so... when will Sup Forums make a movie like star wars?

>being this assmad

tumblr isn't any more mainstream than Sup Forums

deleting my thread, pity you didn't like my meme tbqh, put love into it

Maybe when they become successful and smart. Oh wait-


>will quickly change their tune or attack things that they once agreed with
Still mad whedon boy?

Sup Forums is much worse because it invades places I like to visit, ie. boards on Sup Forums. SJW don't piss me off daily, just occasionally because I don't see them everyday like I do you fucking faggots.

>error: you cannot delete this post

BASED radcenposter

Grow up you fucking manchild.

they literally made a useless containment subplot for the minorites

is that you robert?

>calls me radcen when i'm mocking them

Mel made Apocalypto

>He will use the same excuse for IX

>spend hours on end shitposting his edgy reli... "politics"
>tells me to grow up


you should feel bad for insisting on this stupid strawman

>I like diversity in my movies!

Absolutely SEETHING

and what are you doing right now?

>tfw to smart to be a radcen

it's always white men


it's not white genocide. it's white suicide. don't blame "jews" or "niggers". you made a choice. now live with it white "men"


Are you projecting?

They're not exactly the same but cancer comes in many flavors, of which stormweenies and SJWs are two.


go back to the /ryloken/ general you fucking tumblr FAGGOT

>more tired, old buzzwords, less arguments
>all this over big P destroying your meme safe space
keep them coming lads

jew detected


I liked it when movies had "diversity" without mentioning race in the first place and trying to make it a selling point for self-righteous cunts with their positive discrimination

nothing i said was me pretending to be anything. maybe you're projecting?

t. nigger

>le epic strawman smuggie deflection with no actual argument

This but unironically.

I'll agree with you there. I'm watching raiders of the lost ark right now.

>I don't know what behavioral patterns are despite constantly complaining about them

what's the face for they are both good in certain settings and moods?

what is the phrase that english speakers use for this kind of people? those who, afraid of being honest and trying to score points with both sides, pretend a neutral position?

how ironic

>dude things that are different are like totally, the same dude. HORSES THEORY GOOGLE IT BRO


Nobody is saying that they're "totally" the same. Why strawman?

pussies, fence sitters, radical centrists

they're called based radcenposters
or this


>I too enjoy Denis Villeneuve!

They're called intellectuals. If you believe someone is being dishonest because they don't fit into one of two categories of retards, then you are one of those retards.

See, you're doing it again. This is why you're losing the culture war. Keep alienating people.

>if I say this maybe she will let me touch her
Good try.


Sup Forums and muslims have a lot in common though
they are racist, ignorant, hate women, hate anything "degenerate" (tattoos, piercings, drugs etc.) and jews of course and they stand for traidtional family values

Not even the same user retard.

why is it that anti-pol types are always so dishonest? it's like they can't argue without resorting to fallacies

>smashing f5
>immediate response
you aren't very good at this but I guess I'm giving you what you want so 8/8

why is Sup Forums are always so dishonest? it's like they can't argue without resorting to fallacies

is there a phrase for them in your language?

you realise you're just proving him right, right?

You're saying this in defense of a board that only stops lying when it's time to call someone a soyboy

>if you're not with me, you're against me
Nobody is trying to score points with both sides my dude. Both sides are cancerous.

take a step back and realize that you are a caricature


>Nobody is trying to score points with both sides my dude.
Do you have the misfortune of knowing boogie123123?

im starting to like this goy

>I don't understand categories and different groups classification

The one with the glasses and big brain

you're trying to score points by being pretentious and above-it-all without actually being above-it-all

I honestly don't want to exterminate neither Jews nor white people, user. Synthesis.

They literally are intellectuals, you meme-spouting brain dead failed abortion. I love the delusional smugness of this post, like you actually think I care that you've demonized the term "intellectual" in your various inbred neckbeard hugboxes.