Was this KINO?
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Nothing? I guess it wasn't KINO after all.
Yes. 100%.
When I watched Deadwood when it came out I kinda didn't like Bullock (well, he grew on me.) and I didn't enjoy seeing Timothy Olyphant. But after Justified, I'm a huge fan.
Of course
Now I have no problem with any of Die HArd villains' casting
he plays an autist in deadwood
That's a theory I had as well, I mentioned it a ton back in the old days, but Sup Forums shot me down every time I mentioned it.
Seasons 2-4 are literally LITERALLY top tier kino
Seasons 5 and are still pretty good and have some great moments
If it’s on FX there is a high chance that it was kino
One of the finest last scene in a tv show
Definitely. One of my favourite tv-series of all time
I still don't believe Ava deserves a decent ending though.
boyd and raylans relationship is my favourite thing on television
their dialogue is something else
Yes it was a damn good show.
I tried Sup Forums, I really wanted to like it after watching Deadwood but I dropped it during season two. I wish they focused more on the longer story lines instead of often having so many cases just work themselves out over the course of an episode. The focus that is put on the main characters is usually quite good, though. Also Olyphant is a handsome devil and I wish I could pull of that hat
haha after season 2 it's literally season wide storylines
Yeah? I might pick it up again if that's the case. I just couldn't deal with the villain of the week thing
season 4 and 5 are basically 1 storyline as well
Cool beans, I'll give it another shot I suppose
You should watch season 3 for Neal "thatguy" McDonough alone
Great season, even better writing.
Ending was satisfying as fuck, why was it so based ?
You have to go back
Still one of my all time favorite tv shows.
>I just couldn't deal with the villain of the week thing
Don't know why, S1 managed to perfectly balance villain-of-the-week with storyline
Who else was mad that this cringy Ramsay Bolton expy was Justified's final boss!?
Yeah.. I honestly felt the same way about him. The thing was that there had to be a badass shoot out with Raylan at the end, the only person on the show that really fit the bill was Boyd, and while his ending was great, it created a void in the finale.
One of the things I didn't like about Boone was that it seemed his only real purpose was to have a shootout with Raylan in the finale. He didn't have any kind of charisma like the other villains throughout the series. His inclusion almost felt like an afterthought. "Well we need Raylan to have a shoot out with someone, lets just throw in a random goon whose only background is that hes a decent gunslinger."
slot machine trips is correct. I would rather have seen season 7's main antagonists in a gunfight than tack on boone. this series is KINO with the exception of the Crowe season.
There will never be a follow up series with Raylan going after thugs in Florida while raising a daughter.
Or a Wynn Duffy spinoff, especially if it's him driving this van. Also RIP Mikey :(
Was he a big fella?
Or a Quentin Tarantino-helmed feature that brings back Jackie Brown, Raylan Givens, and Karen Sisco.
Wynn Duffy returned to Hawaii where he spent the rest of his days spending that money on Prime Hawaiian pussy and surfing
i watch this guy on Kingdom and hes a fucking good actor
>that nude scene
For Choo.
It's enough of a consolation that Tarentino loved Goggins in justified and specifically wrote a role for him in hateful 8 (Who basically stole the movie in my opinion), I'm sure we'll keep seeing him in future Tarentino projects since he likes to recycle his actors.
>Who basically stole the movie in my opinion
I liked Kurt Russel and Bruce Dern more. Still my fifth favourite Tarantino Kino
Sure, but his character is fucking mediocre, specially when compared to Wynn Duffy, Garret Dillahunt's, Choo Choo, Boyd and of course SAM FUCKING ELLIOT!
Did you see Dern in the HBO series Big Love? He was also pretty good in that.
That scene in the pilot of Raylan and Boyd running from a mine collapse. Brought full circle in the finale. Fucking great shit
It was a great spaghetti Western
As long as you don't watch the hilariously bad body double scene of him getting thrown down the stairs, sure
Nah. Just in H8, Django and Nebraska. I know I am a pleb
except for the opening theme song
Yeah.. But even that wasn't anywhere near as bad as Dexter's kid falling over on that treadmill.
You should check it out. Bill Paxton also does a great job in that series.
dewey crowe did nothing wrong
Ok. I'll see it. Thanks
does the main character fucks every girl in this show?
i dropped the moment he fucked the married blonde, i hate degenerates
>dropped it during S2 because you wanted season long storylines
>S2 is when they ditched the "crime of the week" formula and pivoted to season long storylines
You sure you got to S2 bro?
>Crowe season
>a show having the balls to make the season all about the villains and pulling it off
>not kino
You got that shit wrong buddy
Good season, the actor playing Daryl did such a good job. Goddamn his character was probably the biggest cunt in the series.. And the way he fucking talked, used his facial expressions... lol
I love Dewey but he did literally everything wrong.
Raylan: Boyd, what was the name of that astronaut?
Boyd: You know, I don't recall.
Raylan: He was a big deal. Went up to the moon.
Boyd: He swung the golf club, Raylan.
Raylan: He drove the car.
Boyd: Raylan, I was the one enamored with space flight. I'm pretty sure I'm right on this one.
Raylan: He drove the car. I'll bet a dollar.
This. Dillahunt is great at comedy, straight, quietly menacing, outright menacing, crazy fucker one breath away from pulling the trigger ... you name it he's great at it. Seriously underused actor.
>Quentin Tarantino
Keep that fucking hack away from Givens, I don't want my memory of him destroyed.
>You shot me in the back!
>If you wanted to get hit in the front you should've run toward me
When I am old and in retirement and have time I'm gonna watch all of Raising Hope just becayse of him
Tarantinos one Elmore Leonard movie is brilliant son
I watched the first episode a while ago. Seemed pleb-tier.
The only pleb here is you.
Maybe the show is good but that wasn't a great first episode.
Why was the ending so satisfying user ?
Lexingtonbro here who grew up out in the cooler, I loved how they showed the good and bad parts of Appalachia without turning us into a punchline.
Based Dickie Bennet
He deserved that Emmy (And Sam Elliot deserved one too)
You’re wrong
Ditched it at like episode seven. But yeah, the bank robbers, the horse criminals, the pregnant chick are all crimes of the week
And waht's wrong with that!? There is still a main story that gets focus. It's balanced
i have such fond memories of this show. the banter was just spot on and so fucking comfy and quick. the best elmore leonard adaption by far
Probably because it has realistic and intelligent portrayals of rednecks whereas the usual media almost always portrays southerners as either incredibly stupid or heartlessly cruel. This show gives you a grey look into that world, these people aren’t stupid just desperate, some of them are just trapped by circumstance, there’s more to these human beings than nascar and racism, that’s why justified stands out
>liking pussy
Exactly this, that's why I loved it. I grew up in Appalachia and there is way less racism than people want to think. My grandpa is the biggest hillbilly in the world, he grew up in Logan County WV and mined coal his whole life and his best friend since the 30s was black. Poor is poor, and any man that can make it in the mines deserves respect regardless of their skin.
Thread theme song, post more southern kino
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to watching women's tennis
not really as many as you would think
his ex wife
some bartender
amy smart
That's all I can remember.