You have been blessed with a high midichlorian count. Do you become a Jedi or a Sith, and why?
You have been blessed with a high midichlorian count. Do you become a Jedi or a Sith, and why?
The Sith are pants on head retarded, cartoon villains. As a philosophy, it would be moronic to choose to be like them.
Well the pants on head retarded kill the entire other side despite being outnumbered.
They must be doing something right
Grey Jedi.
Here come the faggots saying Grey Jedi's are retarded and greedy like bisexuals and want best of both worlds.
What's a midichlorian?
niether. i'd use my powers to trick cheap floozies into sleeping with me.
Live in a swamp like my man jolee bindo
Jesus Christ this is a Reddit post if I’ve ever seen one
>Here come the faggots saying Grey Jedi's are retarded and greedy like bisexuals and want best of both worlds.
I'd let the past die and make my own order where I'm the Supreme Leader and I get to have tons of qt twi'leks disciples.
Probably a Jedi like Qui-Gon or Jolee. Still a Jedi but not restricted by the council's rigid teachings
Sith. Red light sabers are cool, I'd get to wear flowing black robes all the time, and that low menacing background music would follow me wherever I go. Sign me up senpai.
Sith. Red is my favorite color.
Sith. I just want to hang out with Dooku and go to some space operas with Sheev.
Plot question.
If Palpatine restored the Sith in Episode 3, how come there aren’t more Sith in the OT. Surely there must be more than Vader, as it is safe for them to come out of hiding and the teachings would be more prevalent.
>can't have sex
>hurr durr muh space monks
>incompetent as fuck
>bretty gud but I'd probably have a early death murdered by my apprentice since there can be only two
I'd rather fuck off to Tattoine, cheat my way through gambling using the Force and live my life as a filth rich slave owner.
Rule of Two. Also there were other dark side users who served Vader in EU and nu-canon.
I chose neither. Let the past die.
Be someone with a high midochlorian count, but never do anything with it.
Then tell everyone about having a high midochlorian count, but no one cares, because it doesn't matter if you don't do anything with it.
Like those annoying young adults who never did anything with their lives, but talk about apparently having a high IQ.
>I want to be a Sith!
Sheev or Duuko kill you because muh rule of two
>I want to be a Jedi!
Okay so you are either an inhuman autist with no emotions, or you will fall to the dark side, become a sith or a dark jedi, and then Sheev or Duuko will kill you
If midichlorians are just microscopic parasites that infest your organism, couldn't you just murder a Jedi and like... drink his blood or his semen or something? You don't even have to kill him. You could just eat some Jedi poop and get toxoplasm-- I mean midichlorians.
They have their own bizarre plot armor that somehow preserves their "order" despite it only being two people at a time and the weaker is always a Starscream.
You now realize that Sheev could have destabilized the galaxy, seized control of the Republic, made himself an emperor, and destroyed the Jedi without any Force powers.
I'd probably end up like Dooku, starting out as a Jedi and breaking away with them over disagreements of doctrine and practices. Probably wouldn't fall to the Dark Side or join the Sith because they are inherently self-destructive and self-defeating.
Always wondered how an "order" could survive when there are only two members at any given time in history...
I become a bounty hunter. Having force senses means I'm the most effective tracker and investigator in the galaxy.
Sith. I would raise an entire invasion force and stake my claim to the outer rim worlds. If the Republic attacked they would be annihilated.
Is sithdom supposed to be a religion? I remember the original sith race from kotor 1, who were basically nice frog people with no sinister motives. When did it all go wrong and why?
Go back to the REYLO general you steaming pile of horse shit
>Grey Jedi
I am a nice guy and all but celibacy and abstinence is not my thing. So I'd become a Sith and be known as Darth Alcoholic Mess.
I will invent drunken lightsabre duelling, use force choke for recreational purpose and never kill my master so he can ascend.
I am eventually killed by the Jedi because I was showing off my skills to some floozies at the bar and blew my cover.
Because all members of the orders are exponentially stronger than their counterparts. They also have pseudo Dark Side user that they taught to use lightsaber and rudimentary force power. They are equivalents of the normal Jedi, except they are not Sith
basically the entire 'rule of two' order is a cluster fuck that only survived because apprentices either sucked at killing their masters or because the masters forgot to realize that when the apprentice gets an apprentice then they are doomed.
Not to mention how many times the apprentice just fucks off and creates their own dark side order.
>Here come the faggots saying
There used to be tons of Sith (in fact, they were a now extinct race). But because of their nature of betrayal, the weaker ones were always teaming up to kill a stronger one, thus weakening the order as a whole. They would also nearly have the Jedi beaten, then start fighting among themselves and let them off the hook. That all stopped when Bane (kek) created the rule of two. This ensured the order was always getting stronger, and he also knew that numbers wouldn't beat the Jedi, they needed cunning.
>I remember the original sith race from kotor 1, who were basically nice frog people with no sinister motives.
what the fuck are you talking about? there was no Sith race in the first Kotor.
Nah it's more like a secular ideology (since neither Jedi or Sith really worship the force as such). The Sith were conquered by the original Dark Jedi who split from the old Jedi order and when the last of the Dark Jedi died the Sith carried on their ideology and lent it their name.
That helps a lot! Thank you my anonymous friend.
I remember beaches and lots of rancors. And the inhabitants called themselves sith. But my memories are vague kek.
Neither. I'd probably use my powers to be the best bounty hunter in the galaxy, find an alien waifu to marry, and use my fortune to settle down on an estate on a comfy planet.
nah those guys were Rakata. the only Sith race are the red dudes from Korriban.
>join the Jedi Order
>learn about the Dark Side
>seduce Aayla Secura and have her betray the order with me
>we become Sith Master and Apprentice and have sexy adventures across the galaxy as we have no ambition as Sheev did
Sith, for the pussy
Got it. Siths were conquered and died. Dark Jedi went extinct, too. Evil, force-sensitive people of today call themselves Sith to honor the original Dark Jedi ideology. Thanks, user!
Oh shit, I need to replay Kotor I think. Thanks user!
>implying you can't just not take on an apprentice and spend your time fucking chicks and having force sensitive bastards
If I had to choose then I'd probably go with being a Jedi, but certainly a non-traditional one. I'd keep most of the main philosophy, but with fewer restrictions on personal activities.
There's still the chance of Sheev or some Jedi finding and killing me
Just learn enough to hide your powers like Sheev. Let the Jedi think at best your some late blooming faggot from a hick planet scamming on bitches
Sith are generally assholes for the sake of being assholes Jedi are Jews I would be my own man and accumulate power for the human race I would construct a new force order that exists solely to advance the interests of the human race.
I would not be afraid to use the force against my enemies but I would also be compassionate both to aliens and my own kind when the option is available
Basically I choose good/bad morality over good/evil
This, except I'd be a human supremacist, raise a force sensitive human army and make the galaxy great again by murdering all the filthy aliens, while encouraging my race to reproduce and populate the galaxy.
>not encouraging HUMANING the galaxy by filling every alien womb with man seed
Human supremacy is essentially what the empire was all about.
Sith, they get to bang, be angry and generally just have normal emotions.
Jedi have so many fucking weird rules and hang ups.
Probably go to the Sith Lord who’s vying for power and be all “hey, not interested in power, but I’m very discreet. I have no code of ethics. I will kill anyone, anywhere. Younglings, animals, old people, doesn’t matter. I just love killing”
And be a bounty hunter/assassin for hire.
>I will kill anyone, anywhere.
Even sexy Twi'lek sluts?
>Luke, did I ever tell you about Ahsoka? Your father and I convinced her that she could increase her midichlorian level by drinking Jedi cums. She was a good guzzler.
Sith, I'm not into little boys.
Besides sith are more powerful, probably end up being a grey jedi.
Neither, really, but I would support the Empire.
Jedi couldn't have relationships, where does it ever say they can't have sex?
Jedi. I don't know if I'm a "good" person--I think I'm unusually empathetic (for a male) and deal with that by being disagreeable and maintaining emotional distance from all but a select few people. But I have absolutely no desire for power over others and a deep reverence for individual agency. It sounds trite but it's true. I don't even enjoy dark side/evil playthroughs of RPGs except a morally grey ends>means guy in KOTOR 2 and I still cringed through some of the things I did but was sick of playing the same dude over and over. Sith are fucking fags.
I would be a god-tier Jedi I think
most people would become grey jedi on some level
i would do my best to use the light side, but its made clear that unless trained from an early age its hard to make a pure jedi
>being a Sith was a liability
>because of their nature of betrayal, the weaker ones were always teaming up to kill a stronger one, thus weakening the order as a whole
Sith = chimpanzees
literally why chimps are still just freakishly strong kinda smart savages running around naked in the forest or living in our zoos. constant betrayal because the females aren't selective just fuck whoever can get it in. which is the current top dog, who got there by brute strength and betrayal, and will meet his own end eventually the same way
Wasn't Luke closer to those Jedi who don't follow rigid codes? He grew up as a farmboy instead of undergoing Jedi training, was impatient like his father, decided not to listen to Yoda, the grandaddy of all Jedi, and used the dark side to defeat Vader.
How is he a shining example for the Jedi?
He is an example of what a Jedi should be. Obi-Wan was more what your typical Jedi is like especially during the prequels.
Sith. because red. GOTTAGOFAST
I become the Senate
Obi-Wan was the best and last of the old breed. Luke was the new thing. Anakin was the transitional figure, to bring about the rise of the new he (and the Jedi as a whole) had to fall
man the prequels could've been good
Jedi. People you like you.
Being a Grey Jedi is like being bicurious. Unable to commit. If you're gonna go dark side go dark side.
It's heroin
Destroy the Force. It has no right controlling the fates of us all. Let life in the universe succeed (or fail) with self-determination.
Sith so I can have a waifu, Jedi are forced to be celibate (except with younglings)
can i join the dark side but not be a total asshole about it?
Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
dark side, but I don't want of the sith ships, they suck.
Kreia was something different than just a grey Jedi. She had been a Jedi master, and a dark Lord of the Sith.. yet she ultimately rejected both.
That's stupid. Is that actually canon?
The Dark Side is the quick and easy path to a better wardrobe and superior waifus.
I'm a Jedi, as my father before me.
Without being too much of a snow flake, I feel i'd be a jedi kind of like mace windu. Mostly because i'd really want to do shit like force lightning, but I still want to do what I know is right and good. even if the powers used aren't traditionally good.
I freeze myself in a cryopod only to awaken when the time is right and save the world from Kathleen
Darth Talon makes me want to become the strongest Jedi so I can tame her roaring passions with my balanced, quiet strength.
>Would you chose stoicism or emotional instability?
>coolest saber color
>badass armor
>serves the objectively best government, imperial strength and aesthetic but not heartless and divorced from (((Sith))) fuckery
>but not an anal-retentive jedi either, you can use Force Grip or Rage every once in a while
Even with the "Rule of Two" there were always more than two Sith right?
The rule is basically saying a Sith Master and Apprentice pair should never work with a different Master and apprentice. Like Sideous said when he beat Maul, if an apprentice made themselves a master and found their own apprentice then they made themselves a rival to his old master.
Why not choose driven loyalty?
>actually like Samurai/Knights, and not Ronin/Errants like Jedi or Satanist Jews
Emotional instability would be fun. Women respect you because they know you're dangerous and men respect you because you will kill them if they annoy you.
Bruh, it's time
Too on the nose.
With all the ridiculous variations out there it's time to just go full saber suit.
Sith, probably. I have too many insecurities and am filled with both self-hate and hate for cetain groups as a result. Which means that I'd have a lot of emotional fuel to draw from when it came to being an autistic, angry edgelord.
And no aliens for me. Fuck Malgus and his """diversity""" program. White Humans Only Club.
As a philosophy they're actually a lot more reasonable than Jedi. Fair enough if you said actions.
Become a Jedi, uncuck myself, quit and live a free life using the Force and fucking the bitches.
Do you niggers know how a would you rather style question works. Fucking brainlet
But the OG Sith weren't mainline Humans.
>tfw Sith are Amerimutts.
The Sith because you can do whatever you want, force lightning, and you get a Darth title.