Ywn eat her pie

>ywn eat her pie

>Kate walks in
>"oh really?"

Just watched this 2 days ago.
Man that shit was captivating.

ill eat her pusy

I alt tabbed during the pie eating scene, am I pleb?


I mean its a really long scene, but yes I'm afraid you've been degraded to pleb status for the time being my son

sorry to have to break it to you but yeah you are, bro

wat did the note say

I love you, I hope you are at peace.
PS. Stop watching me blow my new boyfriend

"i cheated on you the entire time"

uhh she didn't do that

it's okay I checked my phone

The second half of this movie is a mind fuck. The first half is Rooney Mara being really fucking boring and unconvincing

>Eats like one slice of pie, two tops
>Stomach cant handle this much food, throws up

Being an actress really must suck, girl probably survives on an apple, some vegan crackers and vitamin water daily.

Prove it waifuman

damn, how can I recover?

Watch "it comes at night" without thinking about cuckholding once

I didn't make it past "at night" before I started thinking about cuckolding

I'm afraid I have to demote you further.
You are now RANK: normie who cracks jokes in theatres

This, first half is garbage. Only gets interesting after she leaves

>vegan crackers
where do you live that you actually have to specify this? Do you usually make crackers with eggs and meat where youre from?

I turned off the airline seat monitor during this scene. How pleb am I?

I think most cracker brands use butter.

Literally just finished the movie. Teared up during the second piano scene. Him walking out of the building in the future was pretty chilling.

Pretty good film. A24 delivers again.