Wheel of Time /WoT/ General

The Wheel of Time is being made into a TV Show!!

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tuon is white eurasian

These threads are comfy and I wish the show would hurry the fuck up so that I could have a regular place to shitpost about WoT.

That said there might be an announcement soon.

>One of those announcements will be a television series for Wheel of Time, a fantasy series based on the work of Robert Jordan that has been compared to Game of Thrones. This franchise has been the subject of much mystery and speculation. When FXX rushed the production of a pilot and aired it at the odd hour of 1:30 am, all sorts of discussion proceeded on message boards and in the news media on whether the gambit was an attempt by one production company to hold onto rights. That led to a slander lawsuit, which was later settled. Now, Field is prepared to announce a future for Wheel of Time.

matt and tuon have white babies

fuck me what are they waiting for?

i've literally been making /wot/ threads for years in the hopes a show would get made

i gave up when i realised my autism was failing

Anyone else hoping that in 15 years when they finish the series they change the ending of A Memory of Light? I'm still annoyed Sanderson pulled the Demandred shit out of left field and then went all Frieza saga with him and Elayne's brothers.

Also pissed not a single Asha'man survived uncoruppted. Not even to be absorbed into the Aes Sedai.

fuck sanderson

I'm looking forward to smugly correcting GoT fags that WoT came first and all these are original ideas by jordan and grrm hates fantasy and is a hack

first for black Lan

What about smug LOTR fags huh?

fuck em



I'm not looking forward to the many many MANY teenage girl secondaries that'll come out of the woodwork.

We've got a book series that primarily centers on three handsome teenage boys and a bunch of female sorceresses with a uniform that's easy to cosplay. Sure the point of Aes Sedai is that ivory tower feminism ultimately weakens the position of women but none of them are gonna pick up on that.

I fully expect Faille and Berelain's actresses to get tons of death threats from Mat/Perrin shippers and at least one "Elaida is the real hero of the Wheel of Time" article on Vice.

i think what i'm going to hate the most is they won't have seriously hot babes playing all the main female characters

thats the thing that will shit me the most because GoT had a bunch of uggo's in it and now casting directors think thats the norm

you guys do realize that ending and every major event in the last three books was set up by Jordan before he died right? Sanderson was playing connect the dots with his notes and honestly a lot of stuff in between the notes came from his wife aka his editor for the 11 other books

oh yeah its gunna get fugged hard but i want the right to complain about it

i just want them to make something at this point i'm pretty desperate

>Faille and Berelain's actresses to get tons of death threats from Mat/Perrin shippers

i don't understand

i knew a fucking sanderson shill would come into this thread and start bullshitting about him not fucking it up

He means that there will be fangirls who ship Mat with Perrin and they will be mad when they get canon heterosexual waifus.

There will be at least one set of men on the show where Tumblr decides they belong together as a gay couple and go nuts with the shipping. It's why most women on Supernatural don't live longer than a season.

The IRL wife of the guy who plays Oliver Queen on Arrow got death threats from crazy bitches mad he wasn't married to the actress playing Felicity on the show.

You do realize that Jordan's notes were donated to a local library after he died so you can check them out yourself and see multiple references to "Mazrim Taim is Demandred" right?

Sanderson barely skimmed them and had an assistant give him "the gist".


fuck does that mean

i don't speak poof

I think the best chance is if it lands on The Paramount Network. They'll want something to make a splash, and since they used to be Spike they might keep the eye candy for the guys.

Okay, so what's your excuse for the three books proceeding him being even worse? I like the series but Jordan was going downhill towards the end.

>tfw no thicc forsaken gf

arrow and fucking supernatural should not be posted in the same thread as WoT

A decent chunk of Asha'man survive uncorrupted. They're led by Logain.

To ship characters X and Y means thinking the characters should end up together. Is this your first day on the internet you goddamn kumquat?


>you can check them out yourself and see multiple references to "Mazrim Taim is Demandred" right?
That was the initial plan, yes, but Jordan changed it himself because he got butthurt that people got the "twist" immediately.

no matter how much of a shit show this "based on WoT" thing becomes i hope we get a Mat Cauthon spin-off out of it

honestly Taim just being Taim while Demandred ended up coming totally out of left field was better anyway

nah their is a very real thing that lbtqgh people use words only in their little fucked up community and then they go around sporting them in the real world and people are like i don't know what the fuck you mean but it sounds super gay

>words women will never understand

Reconquering Seanchan with Tuon would be neat

Yes, but this is not one of those cases.

>there will never be a spin off book about Matt and Tuon returning to conquer the Seanchan empire

also disappointed we only got one forgettable scene of Elaida after her comeuppance

actually it is get out of my thread fagget

thing is mat doesn't become much of a bad ass until he goes to rhuidean

In my opinion it's better too, but suffered greatly from the change of plans. It would have been way better if it wasn't changed after having already written Taim as Demandred in disguise for a while, since all of the clues are still there and now lead nowhere. It also destroyed Demandred's story arc and the Shara thing was forced to happen offscreen and super abruptly because of this. If Demandred's Shara tomfoolery was planned earlier we could've had more buildup for it. The idea that Demandred is so butthurt at LTT that he tries to make himself the messiah for the Sharans was hilarious.


lads i'm on book 5 and struggling to finish it how do i power through

get the audio book so you can listen to it while you do something else

Breast power rankings coming up.

giv aes sedai milkies

can't wait

6 is great and the ending is the best in the entire series.

ok thanks i needed to here that this is my 3rd re-read and i'm trying to finish the series before the show premiers

I always wanted more scenes of Ads Sedai dick riding and being humbled and subservient to Rand.

>Rand telling Cadsuane to cut the fucking bullshit or he'll ta'veren her heart to stop

might as well give up then, the middle and last few jordan written books are a slog

people can say what they want about the sanderson novels but at least we finally got to see something happen again

>Kneel and swear to the Lord Dragon, or you will be knelt

How will audiences receive this in the post #Metoo era?

Rand should have waifud Alanna over Elayne.

>yfw it's changed for Rand kneeling to the Salidar Aes Sedai instead as thanks for the women who get shit done(tm)

I can't wait for the hordes of haters.


what was the scene where 3 extremely powerful aes sedai realise that rand could dominate them all at once if he wanted

think that was when he was on the hill and single handedly wrecked the seanchan armies

is that the one with the scene on the mountain? because that was goat as fuck.

oi when are you fucking posting the power rankings

Or maybe it was when Rand caught Elayne and Egwene and someone else (I think) in weaves of air and just completely manhandled them in midair. They were amazed that he could control so many complex and strong weaves at once without breaking a sweat and Rand was just like "what, you guys can't?"

I can't even rmemeber a lot fo the names, but there was so much goddam filler in the middle books. who was rand's queenwaifu? She had entire chapters of her governing I skipped and missed absolutely nothing of value to the story.

No, Dumai's Wells.

honestly its been so long and he does so much stuff like that it's hard to be sure

yeah I think it was that.

the series did such a great job of portraying how women must feel in a male dominated society. like cadsuane being an absolute cunt is extactly how a lot of men in power treat women.


1. Selucia
2. Setalle Anan
3. Halima
4. Graendal
5. Berelain sur Paendrag Paeron
6. Sevanna
7. Cyndane
8. Morgase Trakand
9. Therava
10. Riselle
11. Lanfear
12. Else Grinwell
13. Someryn
14. Elayne Trakand
15. Aviendha
16. Tylin Quintara Mitsobar
17. Birgitte Silverbow
18. Alanna Mosvani
19. Talaan din Gelyn
20. Melindhra
21. Verin Mathwin
22. (Betse Silvin) That Barmaid Mat dances with when he has the flashback of him being some minor lord dancing with a Sea Folk Wavemistress at a ball at the court of Shaemal right before the start of the Trolloc Wars.
23. Semirhage
24. Deira Bashere
25. Nynaeve al'Maera
26. Tigraine Mantear
27. Melaine
28. Romanda/Lelaine
29. Cadsuane Melaidhrin
30. Alliandre Maritha Kigarin
31. Mesaana
32. Eldrene ay Ellan ay Carlan


47. Alviarin Freidhen
48. Pevara Tazanovni
49. Egeanin Tamarath
50. Suroth Sabelle Meldarath
51. Aludra
97. Mili Skane
98. Tylee Khirgan
99. Elmindreda Farshaw
100. Egwene al'Vere
101. Leanne Sharif
998. Siuan Sanche
999. Faile
1000. Moiraine Damodred
1001. Elaida do Avriny a'Roihan
1002. Bair
1003. Moghedien
10,000,000. Tuon

yeah and whole chapters to dreaming i skipped that shit

I wonder if they'll go full GoT with nudity. There's so much that could go wrong with this. CGI had better be on point or the magic that is used constantly will be trash. or maybe they'll just avoid showing magic being used as much as possible.

One thing I'm worried about is them doing a medieval fantasy when WoT is actually more like renaissance in terms of technology and fashion etc.

>bonded against his will
>did so assuming she could control his actions like a normal Warder
>would have has to share with other Warders
>got butt hurt when Rand actually allowed a bond
>almost fucked up everything in the last battle

fuck that noise, she got better than she deserved

good luck with that since in the later books major use of magic takes place all the time

best girl coming through


>tuon is white eurasian
>matt and tuon have white babies

I thought the Seachan were japanese?

this is an accurate artistic depiction of tuon

i thought they were black, or at least she was

no tumblrina's who read the book and started inserting their head canon think that tuon is black

they can definitely get away with a few showings early on, like got did.

As for weaves, I think they could just not have them visualised. perhaps have a few exposition scenes where rand is learning. a teacher describing what weaves look like and we see a visualisation of it as it's described. but we don't need weaves shown, just the effects.

If I remember right she was described as "dark"

and all the "official" art of her has her as Black too

head cannon

That's shadow rising book 4 when egwene and Elayne try to 'teach' rand how to weave

Got a chapter number? I want to reread that scene.

was towards the beginning, while they were still in the stone

Mat's story doesn't really start until book 3 after the dagger gets resolved, before that he's just Rand's bratty friend.

Tuon and most of the Imperial line are black. As are most of the Deathwatch Guard. The Seanchan are culturally based on Imperial China though and their accents are canonically Texan.
It's like Jordan was intentionally making a bunch of characters who would confuse the fuck out of the victimhood olympics types, Black slave owning kangz culturally appropriating foreign empires.

It's a Nynaeve is grouchy because Lan left her with a sore """""back"""""" episode

no tuon is white

i hope they do some full vag shots of moiraine

based tuoniswhiteposter

Your autism never failed you, son. You failed your autism.

Tor should do a Worlds of If print where they give a bunch of different authors Jordan's notes and have them finish the series

i had to let it go it was too big of a commitment

moraine is mine i want to be her warder and her lover even though i'm a younger man

I'm now imagining the John Ringo version of the Last Battle.

It's not pretty.

Which /wot/ memes are you responsible for? Fess up

the most major meme my friend

>it's a perrin looking for faile episode

>it's a sanderson butchers mat's character episode

>It's a Sanderson literally completely forgets Sulin exists episode
>it's a Sanderson completely fails to grasp that Gaendal had been working with Demandred in taking over Shara since the prologue of book 6 episode
>It's a Sanderson completely bungles how characters treat the use of the power and Aes Sedai are constantly called "channelers" despite the term literally never being used before he took over episode

You don't really realize the first time you read them, but on re-reads it's incredibly obvious how badly Sanderson fucked up those books.

>it's an "other two boys know about women more than I do" episode
>it's a "Blood and ashes!" episode
>it's a braid tuggin' episode

in his defense, if he had gone through and read the 40k pages of notes and tried to connect all the dots he would still be writing the first book to this day. jordan's waifu had a lot of say in how they were written too.

That hardly excuses missing such blatant things. There was an entire chapter dedicated to Graendal displaying a bunch of Sharan slaves to Sammael in order to convince him she wasn't involved with the place, then in Sanderson's books, she suddnely has no idea at all what is happening in Shara. Plus he completely butchered Berelain as a character, he essentially had her tarred, feathered, and forcible ejected from the story when she was one of the most likeable characters in the series up to that point. And he literally forgot about Sulin completely.