>Men are scared of A.I super bots enslaving all of humanity humanity
>Roasties are scared of men having a plastic hole to fuck
Any films for this feel?
Men are scared of A.I super bots enslaving all of humanity humanity
what movie is this pic from
it looks kino
Matrix rave scene
Only a fucking beta would buy a sex doll
How much of a pathetic faggot would you have to be to choose a picture of rubber over pussy
Women are for breeding. Sex dolls are for fucking.
>getting so triggered you go back to the things you've been fighting against for decades
How does it feel that women will ban sex dolls once they become too good. You will never live out your male sexist fantasies neckbeards. Society needs you to be adults and take care of our children.
As soon as artificial wombs become available and A.I. with tech reach certain point, biocunts will become obsolete and pussy market will crash with no survivors.
Is no one sick of these fucking
>"What are some films/kino that "
Would a wife? Most women absolutely refuse to do those things nowadays, and have no clue how to even if they'd want to, because it's sexist.
A sex doll provides pleasurable sex, something a modern woman won't can't/won't do (again, sexist). You can just hire a maid to cook and clean for you, and could just adopt if you want a kid (you don't want one). It'd be cheaper than a wife.
None of this is Sup Forums though so fuck your thread.
Can a black woman do those things?
Only if the guys white
Women have been fucking themselves with mechanical penises for decades. Not a peep from men. The mere concept of sexbots or VR sex and women loose their shit. They are aware how little they bring to the table. Luckily Black Mirror is their to make them feel good about their projecting and nerd hate.
In both cases people are afraid of robots replacing what makes them important
Men are afraid of losing power and control
Women are afraid of losing the ability to control who gets to have sex
>I make my own meals
>I dont want children
>I wash my own clothes
>I make my own home
Its almost like women want a childish man that depends on them and are easily controlled.
I would really like such movie exploiting story about time when sexbots with advanced A.I. become easily available on market and women started to lose ground. Too bad Hollywood too lefty and impotent to do justice to such story and they will turn it into another anti-male/anti-bots propaganda.
futurama did an episode on that
t. a woman
The feminist articles on artificial wombs is a perfect example of female double standards. Women have been artificially inseminating themselves for decades, but men choosing to have children without women is somehow a right too far.
>artificial wombs
prefer for a wave of genetically enhanced Chads raised by single fathers lads
That was long ago, a cartoon, and it was as anti-bot as it could. Artificial wombs is a thing already, even crude and in early stages.
>women cooking meals
>women washing my clothes
>women building me a house
I might get lucky that the baby that comes out of a woman is mine, but the rest don't happen.
but even still the roasties are triggered, they feel 0.01% of their power over betas slipping and they cant stand it
Can modern women cook your meals?
Can modern women have your kids?
Can modern women wash your clothes?
Can modern women make your home?
What's that? You'll are really triggered DESU ain't no sensible man that is marrying.
>the only thing modern women can do in that list anymore is have kids
can't wait for the eventuality of vat grown babies tbqh
fuck women
I find it strange you believe right wingers would be okay with sex bots. Sex bots are degenerate and undermine the religious nuclear family. Right wingers are highly opposed to anything in those two categories.
Probably, but only if men are too pussy to say no. Men have all the power but virtue signal to get in womens pants.
Lets hope the sex dolls are good enough to make them reject real pussy.
The only thing that killed the traditional family is women. At least with sex bots we get to enjoy one aspect of a relationship.
A lot of right wingers on Sup Forums are anti-woman anyways. Not everything is, abortion is bad because liberals say so, as a right winger I oppose it. If men here feel like """modern""" women won't change their ways, they will feel they have no option but sex bots or prostitutes.
Plus what about individual freedom.
No, you literal faggot.
...Do women do those things anymore?
lars and the real girl
It's sexist if you expect them too.
>a picture of rubber
this is the most retarded thing I've read on this site
top kek as if women today can do those things.
they are getting scurred haha
Well get ready for the unholy alliance of feminists and traditional conservatives against the artificial womb. The right hates the concept of exogensis to.
You men are scared of "roasties" and just can't admit it. Just look at how much you freaked out about the new Star Wars because 2 new characters had vaginas
>women will ban
stopped reading here
She's right, nothing will ever surpass a woman at doing her job.
They'll have support from conservatives who want to perserve the nuclear family and traditionalism.
You think any government in the world gives a shit about single lonely men who wants a robot waifu.
as if people can find enough Sup Forums related things to discuss
Only because there's no mirror
You're retarded enough not to notice it was a typo.
I know right? Its not like men have founded every country, fought every war and invented virtually all technology throughout history. wouldn't it be crazy if things were that one sided?
>le left/right dichotomy
Yes, Hollywood is as left as it can be, it's a fact and one of the reasons why most their movies suck, but that doesn't mean that everyone who isn't "left" are "right". Not in real world and outside of lefty minds.
Yeah, how long did that last? I can't wait for a new prohibition. Think of how many new criminals we can make when people start selling AI ass.
I want to have a captain apollo son, when is this coming out?
The lack of awareness it takes to make a post like this is extremely amusing.
>As soon as artificial wombs become available
>biocunts will become obsolete and pussy market will crash
Even as a guy it seems more likely that we could be taken out of the reproductive equation first.
Eddie Izzard on the left.
nobody would obey that law. If they're that good, it's happening.
only the religious right, and that is why they will fail. That part of conservatism has been dying a slow death for a long time, and there are no signs of improvement
tits or gtfo
artificial wombs will not come about except for barren people as fucking and growing a child in utero is free.
>Society needs you
Should have treated us better. Now you have to rely on niggers and no tax base to fund your shit.
>That part of conservatism has been dying a slow death for a long time
Religious white people have the highest fertility and are the fastest growing youth movement. Christards are strong, the media just ignores them.
leftists are the new moralists. in america it seems like whoever has the money makes the morals. now that silicon valley is big they try to call the moral shots for the whole country. since california is generallly insane, this has gone less well than when christian republicans try to dictate what the country's morals are.
None of this shit matters to me. Im single, I dont want kids, and I'll be dead before any effective robots actually replace significant numbers of the workforce. Just watch the world crash and burn and laugh
>pointing simple facts is sexist
Seems smart/woke, but you know she'd still be slipping off to fuck Da'Quan and smoke crack on the side.
Bill trusted Nia.
That's what housekeeping bots are for ya dumb cunt
>wash your clothes
I wouldn't be so sure of it. Cunts got the vote. Marriages and divorces all favor women, and they are in positions of power just because they're women.
This all because men allowed it. Betas will keep allowing this i'm afraid.
I'll have an OG Starbuck son, they can hang out and be bros and fight Cylons and shit.
(Yes, there will be 1970s style Cylons in the future, because why not)
Who can't wash their own clothes? It's fucking idiot proof. And as for cleaning a home I know single men and single women and the men usually keep cleaner houses. You ever see the bedroom of a modern women. Fucking shit everywhere
>I have a stove, oven and microwave
>dont have kids
>have washer and dryer
>I can easily clean my small apartment
checkmate, women
Is this tweet even self aware
Contemporary women won't do any of these things either
deepfakes already mean that if you meet a woman you like you can download her facebook pictures and watch her get fucked by a pornstar. Also can be done in 3d/vr easily, it only requires that the body's model be shot in 3d. And of course there are so many enhancements to VR sex that can be applied on top of this.
You are all missing the intermediate steps here. By the time sexbots that the average guy will enjoy come out, women won't have any sort of sexually powered ego like they do now unless they're incredibly attractive and/or get off on being a turboslut
>white men have credit
>By the time sexbots that the average guy will enjoy come out, women won't have any sort of sexually powered ego like they do no
What makes you think that? If anything modern media and universities accelerate their egos right now, I can't think of it getting better in the future
Yeah but Sup Forums conservatism seems more nihilistic then traditional conservatives. I don't know how to explain it but it's like they really only care about economics and fucking people over who vote against their interests.
Women don't cook anymore, because expecting them to is misogyny
Women don't want kids anymore, because they don't want to be a baby-making slave to the patriarchy.
Women don't wash clothes anymore, because men can do it themselves so why should they?
Women aren't homemakers anymore, because homemaking is oppression.
>extremely amusing
Yeah, no. There's no irony there. The left is the bed of identity politics and aggressive in-group signalling.
Everyone else was actually just doing their own thing until you guys tried for complete social domination.
read the post maybe
Of course it's not. She's accidentally admitted that women are only useful to men as homemakers and mothers
>Sup Forums conservatism
*Sad Beep*
i don't care what side you're on, one woman isn't going to build a house ever.
I don't think VR sex or deepfakes would change that though? That's a very niche market
>money money money
just die negress
this. the main thing women have is power of pussy. they're the only ones that can provide it. if there's a viable alternative then they'll have to set themselves apart and do all sorts of traditional women things. amazing. thanks sex dolls.
we already have been, the point is it is one sided because women still have the biological tools to make a baby on their own, provided they can be artificially inseminated.
Artificial wombs will even the playing field, as now men can have a child on their own.
Therefore there will be one less incentive for men to settle with one partner
Women only clean houses so they can hold it over the man later when he necessarily needs to move or dirty something in order to biologically function in his own home.
I pray this is bait. I really do.
yeah prostitution is illegal for the same reason, it still goes on. Drugs are illegal, people still take them. If sexbots become comparable to actual sex there will be a social impact, legislation be damned.
>I can cook
>i don't even want kids
>i can wash my own clothes
>yeah sure I totally want a wife that spends hundreds of dollars of my money buying useless shit to "spruce" up my home
You can't outlaw them unless you give human rights to objects and also ban dildos completely, so good luck.
Wrong board.
my point is that the road to 'robot waifu' is littered with a lot of related parallel developments. AI that can make one person look like another is just an example.
I can even agree that it's niche (I don't really) and still say that enough of these new technologies will come out and be applied enough 'niches' that it will become a 'death by a thousand cuts'
Prediction: there will be an epidemic of girls removing themselves from social media once a deepfake/VR combination becomes computationally feasible for the average guy. Right now it costs quite a lot to train each model.
>modern media and universities
You mean "present".
Future media and education is going to be replacing that shit pretty soon.
The long march through the institutions has been halted, and swill soon be reversed entirely.
They already do ban them though, child sex dolls are banned (I know they aren't the same). You can ban objects, you can ban bytes of data.
But modern Western women don't do any of those four things.
Sup Forums conservatism is only interested in social politics insofar as being contrarian to the current narrative, which happens to be "fuck white men"
What did Nia do?
the ones that you fuck feel 100 times better than the ones that you masturbate with IMO
>Lists 3/4 things I can do for myself because I’m not a man child
Ah, it's another "let's generalize what a small number of the people in group X say into what everyone in group X supposedly believes" thread.
why is it so small
well then good, there will be social (sexual) upheaval