Rian Johnson

>Brothers Bloom
>3 Breaking Bad Episodes
>1 Terriers Episode

Can someone explain to me why exactly the Mouse thought that it was a good idea to entrust the next chapter in the Star Wars franchise to this cuck?

A beta they can dominate and who does everything they ask him for without protest.

It was already ruined in ep7 so they just figured fuck it who cares anymore

Except it's clear to me that this guy was given full freedom and had no one else look over his story to say "Hm, maybe this isn't such a good idea" or "Hey, you forgot about this."

He had freedom but he also worked with that story team that Kathleen Kennedy made and stacked full of women.

He had ZERO experience in writing a story that had the same tonality as Star Wars. And it shows.

Apparently they thought the FN/Rpse plotline was better than putting LUKE FUCKING SKYWALKER in action! Thanks for making me watch The Last Casino Nigger.

>Except it's clear to me that this guy was given full freedom
How is this clear?

He was subverting expectations, maybe you just weren't smart enough to understand it

The Luke that was set up in episode 7 is the Luke we got here. I don't understand why he got so tired he died though.

Supposedly he died, I never got that far in it

Its probably so that Disney and LucasArts Execs could manipulate him more. He is an inexperienced and new director, and if higher ups wanted to push something through, they could just tell him how much of a favor they're doing him by allowing him to make a Star Wars movie and that he should be grateful, while a more experienced, seasoned Director would have an easier time saying no. Also if he'd be successful after TLJ then they could claim that "it was thanks to them that he is that big."

They do it with Marvel films all the time.

They seem to have forgotten that Marvel Studios is heavily involved in the production of MCU films though. Its good executive meddling.

This time they just have complete nobodies for fucking everything involved.

They made the mistake of thinking that manchildren would accept anything other than their shitty fan theories and shitty EU fanfic from the '90s.

I don't think many director dare to direct Star Wars since it can basicly ruin their careers

It doesnt fucking work when you subvert EVERYTHING

You literally have no idea what subversion means. Doing the opposite of expectations IS NOT SUBVERSION! for an example i will give you this

In the UK we have a comedy series called "the league of gentlemen" It's very funny but finished many years ago. They did a christmas special this year with many of the old Characters. One specific favourite characters (Papa Lazarou) Catch phrase to women was "you're my wife now" before kidnapping them. In the Christmas special there was no sign of this character right until the end where it was revealed that he had been capturing women in a photo booth that opened a trap door and took them into a cave. At the end he walked into shot and said " You're in a wife mine now"

You see how that has subverted expectations?

Rian Johnson's version of this subversion would have been to have a woman capturing papa lazarou and saying " you're my husband now"

You see the difference between subversion and SHITE now?

I doubt that the idea to put some "porgs" in his movie was coming from him. The problem is that everyone in lucasfilms is talentless.

Looper and Brick are legitimately good films, 8/10, but I think what Disney was more interested in was the tv work. Johnson made some of the most famous, and acclaimed, episodes of one of the most famous shows of the last decade and franchise filmmaking has evolved in such a way that when you make one of these film you are essentially making a very expensive episode of a tv show as the stories are set up to be told over several films with plot threads and characters dangling to set up new franchises. On paper, Johnson was a very savvy pick by Disney.

>He is an inexperienced and new director

He is inexperienced after directing feature films and television for 13 years?

Star Wars was the third film of Lucas

Because Brick and Looper were pretty good movies.

So was Last Jedi, by the way.

>Mouse thought
that, right there, is where the error in your assumption lies

Giving some indy guy a movie worked with Guardians of the Galaxy and then it didn't.

He wasn't supposed to die at all. Hamill thought the movie ended with Luke exhausted after using this force ability, but then he gets up, rips his cloak off and heads to his X-Wing, getting ready to save his friends.

But Rian CGI'd him fading away and disappearing last minute and didn't tell Hamill until he'd seen the final cut.

Yeah after 2 fucking amazing films. THX1138 and American Graffiti are classics. Brick and Looper? not so much

lmao this sucks. hopefully george lucas does an interview or memoirs at some point and says what his proposals were

Better than Abrams
I'm convinced JJ isn't a real person they just made a robot that makes movies but they haven't perfected it yet so his work is a soulless, uncanny valley kind of experience like it LOOKS like it's made by people but there's something creepy about it in the back of your head.

iktf but i attribute it to the over-producedness of jj movies.
You can tell everything is so carefullly focus group tested and prepared to appeal to normies for lack of a better word that it appears soulless.

sauce or gtfo

He got full freedom Iraq invasion style

Because he would do what Kathleen Kennedy says.

Kennedy's puppy

pretty sure he was joking
not that others who've said that weren't

>Looper got enough buzz that people know who he is.
>He comes cheap.
>takes the job without any demands of creative control that might keep the (((studio execs))) locked out of the process the way a higher profile director would.

(((Disney))) main aim is propaganda. They care about that above everything. They want to subvert any established IP that people will still buy with SJW propaganda and ram it down your throats.
Western Civilization is doomed. The demographics are too far gone.
Press F to drink yourself to death.


He's a beta orbiter that will agree to everything Yass Queen Kathy puts in.

It was an excellent idea


>mediocre movies and tv show episode
he was probably really cheap. Nobodies that star in franchises usually end up asking for more money as the franchise moves forward, so they got a cheap director. I wonder if Disney will double down to not admit defeat or it will remove him from the new trilogy he got.

Look at Trevorrow, he had basically all his scripts rejected. I'm thinking they just wanted someone that agreed with their agenda, and Rian fit the bill.

He had experience shooting on film, made some critically respected films, but wasn't quite auteur tier so they could still puppet him when they wanted to.

His feminist girlfriend pulled some strings and assured them that he's a very good obedient boy.

first reply best reply

I don't think he really wrote anything. I refuse to believe it.

Press "S" to spit on Amerimutts

Can you explain to me why you think Rian Johnson had a control over this movie, and wasn't just there to shoot the footage?

Can you explain to me why you keep asking that retarded question?

We have a winner. Treverrow and the original Han Solo directors wanted to actually pay respects to the original characters, but Kathleen Kennedy wouldn't have any of that. She often cites creative differences about their firings.

>Make Han Solo a cuck to this brand new bitch.
>What brand new bitch? And no?
>You're fired.
That's how it went.