Which Kurt Russel kino is your favorite?
Which Kurt Russel kino is your favorite?
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They're all classics but the Thing is legitimately one of the best movies of all time.
The Thing
Captain Ron of course.
Based Overboard
Don't know what you're trying to imply
top 5 worst films ever made but pure, pure kino
Escape from New York > Hateful 8 > Big Trouble in Little China > Escape from LA > The Thing > Death Proof. But those are all kino
I think I may be the only person who really enjoys Breakdown.
But The Thing is definitely his best.
btilc is like a top 5 comedy movie for me
Escape from NY purely for how cool it is.
also because MGS
Beard Russel
movie without any females cannot be soycore
The Thing or The Hateful Eight
big trouble in little china, mostly because it couldnt be made today
It's getting really remade starring the rock
What's that movie were Kurt is a soldier fighting a super nigger with spaceships and shit
Hateful Eight, though only the first half is kino
Death of Kangz
Probably Stargate. Haven't seen it though
The Thing > BTILC > EFNY is nonnegotiable
why tho
idc im not that huge on the deliberate gross-out effects in the thing. I'd like it better if that element was toned down
Big Trouble is still the king of Russelkino
Big Trouble in little china is boring compared to The Thing and Escape
>27 replies
>no one mentioned it
Am disappoint lads.
I don't know why the opening always gets me hyped
>Wife character is a boring cunt
>Nothing happens until the last 25 minutes
>The young cop exists solely so they can have a gross-out scene
Saving grace of this film was the autistic old guy, I was shocked and filled with joy that he survived. it was a fucking miracle.
Anything he’s done.
>Probably Stargate
Nah, nigg was like Captain America not prince
This is embarrassing, but not surprising because of how reddit this board has become.
what makes you think that?
It could be made, but lots of the stereotypes would be removed even though it's part of what makes the film great.
Taranplebo couldn't dream of a movie as good as The Thing, let alone make one. It's a profound ignorance of cinema to compare Taranshit to The Thing.
because the Thing is too low? Find me one fucking reddit board that doesn't put the thing at the top of that fucking list, redditors love shit like the thing
Hateful Eight is almost, if not is just as tense and unnerving as the thing
>Hateful 8
Stopped there.
I know you want this to be true, and I kind of wish it were true too, but it's not, and it just has to be accepted as such
Lol what the fuck
Lmao. The fate of the world (possibly universe) is at stake if my nigga MacReady doesn't snuff out the Thing. There are no stakes in the hateful eight.
bc pleb
Most beautiful man I ever saw
If I remember right, there are really only three scenes that qualify for gross-out effects, which are extremely impressive but don't carry the movie. The Thing's biggest strength is the constant atmosphere of tension and isolation.
Fox and the Hound.
you're just retarded. fuck off.
and I like all that stuff but you guys are still overrating it. It's still like a 9/10, Kurt Russel just has a lot of very kino movies
Is he legitimately the manliest-looking man in the fucking world? Holy shit, with the beard, there's no question, and even without the beard he looks like a manly mother fucker.
That's it, thanks my nigga.
I watched that movie like 20y ago.
The thing is objectively a better movie but big trouble in little China town is still my all time favourite action film, it holds a special place in my heart.
I can see why people say the thing is better, and it is up there as one of the best horror movies and arguably the best practical effects of a horror movie.
This man ties you to a chair and tells you he's going to prove to you what he already knows. What do?
i dont understand saying you like something better but you see how the other thing is better. Just say you lik BtiLC better and btfo all these reddit shits
The Thing followed by Big Trouble.
>that movie came out 20 years ago
Jesus Christ I'm old
Id eat the grapes outta that camel toe if you know what I mean
big trouble might be the most kino movie of all time
You can like something more but appreciate how other would say it is good, there are loads of films I find boring that are universally acclaimed but then movies like reanimator I love.
BTILCT is goat tho
I found that movie to be a better super hero movie then most marvel movies.
also why does marvel need to make heroes villians?
I find slasher movies to be pretty boring, so for me to enjoy The Thing as much as I do says a lot about it. What Kurt Russel movies would you say are better?
For the record, I agree with the 9/10 rating
see im not a redditor
Whats this movie again?
Isn't he a Republican?
The Thing
He's a classic liberal. The Democratic party left him behind.
Was it the most Based haircut in existence?
>It's 'O'Neill', with two L's. There's another Colonel O'Neil with only one L, and he has no sense of humor at all.
The Thing > Tombstone > Big Trouble > Escape From New York. I love 'em all
>The Thing > Tombstone > Stargate > Soldier > Big Trouble > Escape From New York
I wish Sup Forums existed in the late 90s so I could experience Paul W.S. Anderson kino posting, though Event Horizon is a legit 2/3 great movie.
No. Kurt needs long hair.
He doesn't like actors talking about politics but I think he's said something about being a libertarian on the Big Trouble In Little China movie commentary
Tango & Cash 2 fucking when? I'd also like a Lethal Weapon 5, maybe do a crossover.
I didn't even know they knew eachother, thanks user.
>Hateful 8
>Above anything at all
Miracle is the best sports movie of all time.
stop be mean to m e
why don't you ask him faggot?
Bone Tomahawk it's pretty good
I still wish that "surprise" death halfway through the movie was Sam Jackson instead. Kurt was easily the most entertaining part of the movie.
i know we all want to hate tarantino movies here, im not criticizing that, i want to hate them too, but they are generally very good and we have to face that fact
Why would you want to hate something you like?
This this this.
Him and JC is Golden Age and the trilogy of films are perfection.
BUT Capt Ron is comedy K I N O.
Check out the director's second film Brawl in Cell Block 99. It's the second film of Vince Vaughn's dramatic comeback. Amazing film with violence that's graphic but fucking great and necessary.
The fact that it took so long for anyone to mention Tombstone really says a lot about the absolute state of this board.
Has there ever been an actor with as many endlessly quotable roles as Kurt Russell?
Cmon user. You can do better then that.
tarantino is cringey outside of his movies, is annoying to listen to, is kind of gross and stuff, and possibly thinks higher of himself than he should, but the actual movies are very high quality
meant for
He's one of the only outright libertarians in Hollywood and there's an article on it.
I agree
Executive Decision is Kino
don't believe you, cause my soyboy-in-law hates it.