ALL FEMALE Remake of BAD BOYS In The Works

This is in addition to the all female remake of The Nice Guys.

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Where in the fuck is Bad Boys 3?


>all female remake of the nice guys
>making a remake of a film which is only a few years old and it’s also pretty shit

Nawww, there's no demand for it. We need something that will bring the audiences in the twenty first century

What's fascinating is the anger incels get when 100% of the world's attention isn't directed their way. Like, how the hell do you even get that mad at pointless shit without killing yourself?

What's with this trend of remaking movies that suck, Bad Boys is shit, Oceans eleven is shit, why would I want to watch an all female remake of that.

>Nawww, there's no demand for it.

What happened to the summer block buster action movie? Has Capeshit ruined that too?

Why don't you start by telling us?

Just for you, sweetie.

Don 't call me that.


>Liberals think straight black men are just as bad as white people
What a time to be alive.

>all female remake
stop doing this, literally who wants that? make new movies starring female characters instead, jesus christ, it's like they are asking their movies to flop

they're also doing an all female remake of The Nice Guys for tv

it's just marketing trash

>rise of female take over of Hollywood
>decline of movie ticket sales
>decline of cable television
>women think they are being empowered as their Rome is on fire

...and it's beautiful

All male remake of Sex and the City when? Think about how much butthurt it would cause when 4 dudes are talking to each other how they fucked the brains out of some chick the other day.

The shitstorm would be beyond glorious.

what other all female remake has been made other than ghostbusters? that was a colossal financial failure from what i remember, so i'm not sure why they keep trying to do this shit. (((they))) probably have something to do with it

pumped with all those remakes of guy movies
Can't wait for 12 angry Cunts

To be honest, not even I want to watch that.

You need to go back. Stupid roastie

To prove how superior the shit male versions are.

Excuse me! It's 12 Reasonable Cunts, thank you very much. It'll be a short because women make no mistakes.

Hedie and Kaya go to the abortion clinic.

I guess Hollywood wants movie theatres to be wiped out as well.

wow girls are so powerful now
this is what real change looks like

That's the kicker. You don't even have to watch it, just write silly posts and articles on how much you like it and that everyone who doesn't love it is misandrist.


Did they learn nothing from ghostbusters?
Also, having to use the IP "Bad Boys" just to get recognition for your all female whatever is just pathetic

>To prove how superior the shit male versions are.
But they aren't, those movies should have never been made.

Mind of the married men was pretty much the male version of sex and the city bro

>jews like money
>jews are in charge
>all-female shit put forth by executives
>these movies make no money
Something's not adding up.

how would an all male Thelma and Louise be?

or an all male Death Proof?

All male Charlie's Angels called Cheryl's Devils

>Did they learn nothing from ghostbusters?
They obviously learned to not to remake good movies. At least these 2 flicks can't be much worse than the originals.

Are they making any money for these gender swapped movies?

How many are there so far and how much did they make vs the original?

What's fascinating is the anger roasties get when 100% the attention they get isn't positive. Like, how the hell do you even get that mad at pointless shitposting threads on Indonesian image board without killing yourself?

It's called Entourage you fucking pleb and women loved it.

They're setting things up for the Chinese takeover, like they did with Bongland a century ago.

>Original film about nigger cops nigging
>Now with niggresses!

I didn`t give a shit about the first one, even less about the new one.
I hope it flips hard.

You are the one posting here sweety.

how do you live with the fact that you are walking with a rotting hole between your legs

>it's another all female remake
Literally why? They should've learned after Ghostbuster.

This one's gonnna have a plot.
Not assume women are competent AND funny

Bad Bitches

>The Jews letting liberal directors kill Hollywood



further shows lack of originality in hollywood. first it was sequels, then capeshit, now it's all female remakes of once popular ips. here's an idea, instead of pushing your agenda through already established franchises why not use some fucking creativity and make something original with an all female cast, that way nothing is ruined, everyone's happy and if (heavy emphasis) it's good it's more a testament to your socio-political movement than fucking ocean's 11 with women because girls can rob banks to (hehe)


Will a random white aryan man be caught in the middle and become a love interest triangle? I'd tune in.

>The Nice Guys
They are making a Shane Black movie into a tv show, without Shane Black. This is gonna fail so hard.

Why are they continuing with this all-female remakes? The new Ghostbusters was a flop.

they'll all be cancelled once oceans eight flops

>women can only get half assed hand me down remakes of films made popular by men

Modern feminism has gone full retard.

Bad.... Girls?!?

wait until WIB, the MIB reboot, now with a Tranny and an overweight black actor.

You sound sweaty

>not liking it means you are mad.

Spin-offs and animated series here we come 8O

>Ghostbusters was a disappointment at the box office
>Last Jedi was a disappointment at the box office
>they still keep announcing more all-female remakes and reboots

Remember guys you gotta look at this rehashing of beaten dead brands with 'all-female' gimmick as good and empowering or else you are a triggered cisgendered white male.

>Still no sex video
It's been a decade.

I agree, they would be much more successful if they actually came up with a good original idea that would star women instead of just taking X movie and replacing the men with women.

thank fucking god you posted this, I keep thinking about picture sets I used to fap to when I was younger but couldn't remember her name UNTIL TODAY

She is the deffinition of perfectly average.

Whats not to love?

It's a TV show

if it was a movie about female cops taking down female bad guys i would fucking love it.

but we all know it's gonna be a feminist power fantasy where a 120 lb girl fights multiple 250 lb 6'5 men and destroys them

>making a remake of a film which is only a few years old and it’s also pretty good

It's better to remake movies that suck and get them right the second time rather than ruin a previously good movie.

Unfortunately the only time Hollywood's done it that I can recall is Dirty Rotten Scoundrels.

At least they aren't remaking Brewster's Millions for the sixth time.

This new wave of feminism bought the propaganda that gender is a label whole cloth.

I can't wait to watch this generation crash and burn

Lethal Weapon is decent enough.

not an ounce of creativity amongst the entire gender

it's god damn sad

They...they made Lethal Weapon tv show, didn't they? Fuck. Fuck this world. And fuck you for telling me that.


An excerpt from Gabrielle Union's recent book "We're Going to Need More Wine".

it's the laziest shit

BRAP just got real.

Explains how she got that tv contract.

Im assuming studios want to lose money?
Seriously? Who's gonna see this shit?

Can't wait for Ocean's 8 fiasco.