I'm watching this for the first time. Gonna catalogue my criticisms as a go, or I'll just go to sleep. We'll see

I'm watching this for the first time. Gonna catalogue my criticisms as a go, or I'll just go to sleep. We'll see.

Right off the bat, first scene.
missed opportunity to show Bautista working as a farmer. Show a couple of days of his life. Gives a glimpse into what life is work for the hiding replicants twenty years down the road. Make us feel sympathy for him: lonely, keeps pictures or some shit that he looks at, lives his life for farming. Trying to be a normal "person".

Second missed opportunity: have deckard 2.0 show some more emotion after killing the dude. Whatever. Maybe it's part of his character plus maybe this isn't film noir anymore. I don't know shit. Doesn't seem like noir but if it isn't, is it blade runner?

Bad start, Denis.

Other urls found in this thread:


Okay, score is great entering the city.

Okay, seems being emotionless is part of the gig now, being tested for it and shit. Cool. Good start denis

shut the fuck up and just watch the movie.

Wow suddenly I want to buy a Sony. Nice angles Denis

I don't understand why is picking up the flower what's the box thing why did he leave the stove running why is there snow in the city WHEN PEOPLE WERE JUST FARMING AND IT SEEMED NOT TOO COLD CAUSE THE DUDE IS WEARING AN UNDONE JACKET??? MAYBE BECAUSE NOTHING MAKES SENSE IN THIS FUTURE WORLD U FUCK

This is woman's behavior user only women document thought during a film. Dont be a woman.

God, these criticisms are worse than CinemaSins. Just finish the damn movie and gather your thoughts.

Ok what's the deal did they have to do reshoots and couldn't get his girlfriend actress in time? Why is she offscreen? This is retarded. And then he drinks her drink? This guy is more of an asshole than RAPIST deckard

Holy shit, the vr girl is fucking hot as hell. What's her name? I think I'm gonna take a break and google her a bit if u know what I mean, hope you guys can wait a few minutes for more commentary

>im going to pause this nearly 3 hour long movie every 5 seconds to write a twitter-tier mindfart instead of letting it flow organically so I can immerse myself into the setting like the director intended me to

saged, you shit

Are you 12 years old or just mentally challenged?

WOW it was snowing and now it's raining. Looks like global warming wasn't a myth after all! Hope that RETARD RACIST drumpf watched this movie and took some notes

Go back to Sup Forums

Global warming is most definitely happening, the only question is if us humans are responsible for it or if it's a naturally produced cycle

Okay sorry guys, I'm not gonna watch it after all, it's just too boring for me, thanks for listening tho

Okay my man, thanks for the brainfart blogposts appreciate it

No worries did you know Casey misstated has a new video out? Watching it while checking my insta love This life ami right?

How about you just turn it off and don't bother. If you are going into it with the mind set that you are going to be bored so you have to post on fucking Sup Forums to keep yourself entertained, there's no point in watching the film. Dumb cunt.

OP is a fucking brainlet

this is some 100% concentrated autism

>20 posts
>10 posters

No one gives a fuck. Why is it that everything thinks their opinion is worth something these days?

Post your fucking credentials.

Why is the police chief a woman?
I thought this was about based Gen Z and not some stupid millenials

>Trying to be a normal "person".

You didn't watch the shorts?

This is one of the worst threads on Sup Forums I've seen in a while

human are responsible for accelerating it.

>Second missed opportunity: have deckard 2.0 show some more emotion after killing the dude. Whatever. Maybe it's part of his character plus maybe this isn't film noir anymore. I don't know shit. Doesn't seem like noir but if it isn't, is it blade runner?

This is why you don't criticize a film until you've watched the entire thing.

I bet you're going to be criticizing why it's the middle of June and snowing in LA

It isn't the same style of film, it's definitely not noir more like sci-fi/mystery/kino. It loses its noir aesthetic to tech indulgence.

I found it slightly refreshing having a woman play the "We keep the order" character. She's also the only person that doesn't hate K outright.

>yfw Joe's eyes turn green as he dies at the end


Jesus Christ the autism in this thread
Can't even look away from your computer for 2 minutes and actually think anyone on this board gives a damn what you think

was the memory implanted? and if so how? muh brain wasn't able to comprehend it

Wallace was the only real flaw. He sucked as a villain. He already has all the power and control but needs MOAR just because.

>first scene. missed opportunity to show Bautista working as a farmer. Show a couple of days of his life.

Your baseline is way off user

His motivations are actually pretty sound (help humanity expand and live among the stars) it's just that he's kind of an edgelord in the way he goes about it. It's justified because he's shown to have a god complex, but it's still a tired cliche.


Normal people don't like working for a living

>He thinks BR 2049 has a villain
You've been watching too much capeshit user.

this movie is fucking kino, 9.5 /10
is everthing stars wars dream to be bye

>Wallace was a villain because he supported enslaving machines!

Wow, really makes you think.

>The VROOOM VROOOM VROOM music from the china town scene isnt on the sound track.

Deckard says "Her eyes were green" when offered a newly made Rachel. Joe's eye's turn green as he dies.

Implanted memories or twins or whatever I'm not sure of, but a biological transition suggests ancestry and no youtube armchair film critic has picked up on this.

His goal wasn't more power and control, you dumb fuck.

Flight to LAPD track, at 1:03

Stop pretending to be a 12 year old.

mmhh would that imply that the "duplicated" DNA was actually real. there was a girl AND a boy

I'd say that yes, it implies that.

>"watch" movie by live memeing it for 20 mins, browsing, posting, snacking
>Spend the next two years putting the film down as boring lol

It does it one time though, I demand the whole glorious repeat of that sweet melody while everybody is rushing food/drink dispensers.
I dont know what it was but that moment in the movie with that audio just made my dick rock hard and I demand it over and over.

wow you are retarded

no u

This is a good thread.

OP did you spot this??

what the fuck

fake and gay this is shopped

satanic witchcraft begone

That's just green screen

Denis is a hack, jesus christ.

What am I supposed to see here?

Retarded ass memes


>show Bautista working as a farmer. Show a couple of days of his life. Gives a glimpse into what life is work for the hiding replicants twenty years down the road. Make us feel sympathy for him: lonely, keeps pictures or some shit that he looks at, lives his life for farming. Trying to be a normal "person".
Batista literally had more character development and backstory than Roy Batty

>curved glass
Fucking dropped. Suspension of disbelief can only go so far.

terrible forced meme you were forced into making to defend your autism where you originally actually thought glass can't be curved

keep defending yourself

you're an educated idiot. Everyone knows that glass can't be curved or bend.

The curved glass cups you drink water from? A LIE

kek amerimutts drink from plastic


I guess the glass on cars isn't real then?

They're not real since our eyes aren't real

Why do you think windows are squared? christ.

I just checked again. I don't see his eyes turning green anywhere in the ending scene. What are you guys talking about?

You should be burned for this.

Here's some devilish witchcraft for you

Fucking chinks, man.

Where's the unsubscribe button for this shitty blog?

>first comment is inane drivel

who decided to read past this? sage


I don't know if you're watching on a phone or something but his eyes clearly turn green.

Explain to me exactly when this happens. I'm watching the BR rip and there's no real close-up of his eyes in any of the ending shots.

>tfw you realize the insert shot of Joe handing the horse to deckard contains a moment where he check of a horn.


Nice CGI

>Nice CGI
tell that to your moms glass dildo

Is this the type of tech the government gets from ayys?

It's probably not even glass it's probably acrylic or some other thermoplastic

>go back to (random board)

Savijanje buraz, samo savijanje

normal rate desu

>glass can't be curved