How is the audience supposed to feel during this scene?

how is the audience supposed to feel during this scene?

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Um, happy? Because the bad guy just died?

Jesus christ, it's like you've never watched a movie that has no soul before.

t. soyboy

Regret at wasting money on this film

>Newfags can't register irony

Regret that their time making that Star Wars Fan Theory channel was entirely wasted.



>we finally beat Drumpf!

Feeling sorry for JJ because he is so fucked when it comes to the third movie i bet he'll quit halfway through.

>b-but muh subversion
Jesus. It’s like those fags that defend shit by saying it’s a “deconstruction”, except a deconstruction actually has a message behind it. Subverting tropes for the sake of being different isn’t smart, it’s a desperate attempt at looking “deep” without actually saying anything.

>feeling sorry for JJ
It's his fault this trilogy is shit. RJ just made it shittier.


>implying good isn't a point of view

Atleast he had a plan a boring plan but still a plan. RJ killed every single thing he could possibly do in the next movie.

JJ is the director that studios use when they want to make a movie by committee and need a powerless figurehead to fill the director slot. I don't know how much I would blame on him since he has never made a decision in his career that wasn't really being made a by a studio exec with a hand up his ass.

The audience in my theatre cheered

This. The first row actually dropped their popcorn for a standing ovation, the row behind them got mad because they couldn't see the screen and stood up also spilling their popcorn and drinks. This continued until the ruckus reached the top row where I was seated but by then it had died down.

John Williams equivalent of this:

Nihilistic with a wicked sense of humor

my theater people began screaming and shouting uncontrollably, some people looking as if they were possessed. everyone's popcorn and drinks were on the floor. after about 20 seconds everyone sat down

Subverted boner

I saw Blade Runner 2049 in an almost empty theater 2 days after the movie came out. No one cheered at the end



>when you hit the blunt to hard

I heard a few chuckles
Not really sure if it was suppose to be funny. It seemed misplaced
Good thing JJ will bring back Snoke in part 9

So is there going to be a time jump between TLJ and episode IX? The end seemed to imply that the kid was force sensitive so maybe Rey will train some new Jedi. Plus the resistance seems like they have 20 people tops so they would need time to recruit n sheit

>Good thing JJ will bring back Snoke in part 9

"Oh hi guys I'm not actually dead it was all part of my master plan!"

This is what happens when you kill off your new bad guy for no reason and then try to play it up for laughs. It doesn't register in the human brain at all. There are just too many opposing things going on at once.

I was curious to see what Kyle would do after - since we had been hearing he’d been under this guys direct influence since childhood. And then he pretty much behaved exactly the same. So, not really sure of the point since Rey acted the same too... dunno bro.