Was at a bro's house we decided to watch Scooby Doo 1 for the hell of it cause it's been a millions years since we've seen it.
Now that I'm older I just realized how fucking hot Velma was in this movie. Literally the entire time we were watching the movie we were just commenting on how hot she was. How was this shit meant for kids hot damn?
Was at a bro's house we decided to watch Scooby Doo 1 for the hell of it cause it's been a millions years since we've...
It wasn't.
It was an adult film watered down for a kid audience.
>there's an r-rated cut that will never see the light of day
Is that Montez's wife Colleen from Workaholics?
Makes sense.
Also I looked up the actress and she's full /mommy/ now
it was clearly made for an older audience
>How was this shit meant for kids hot damn?
Early 2000's kids movies were fucking wild.
No but it's Don's neighbor Sylvia he fucks from the last season of Mad Men.
the cat in the hat with a bat meme is one of the most regretfully failed memes of this century
it shouldve been bigger
Kinky too
Body swap degeneracy is hot as fuck
its the chick from freeks and geeks
I want her to sit on my face.
Now I'm starting to remember why I liked the movie so much
Linda Cardellini is the supreme waifu.
holy milf
>that body swapping scene
Velma > Daphne
There I said it
You are among brothers.
>that deleted scene
What deleted scene?
Go to bed Walker
giv milkies
>can't appreciate them both
Your loss
I love the two movies. They are so absurd and capture the essence of the show while updating it for the 21st century.
And yeah, Linda Cardellini is fucking HOT
She's in that Netflix show Bloodline I believe
Linda is the wind hottest woman in Hollywood.
Based marvel for casting this slut
That body swapping scene turned me into a tranny. No joke
Is the early 2000's humanity's peak of culture?
Is there any truth to this?
The cleavage largely remained, as for the pot references
no body swapped lesbian kiss though
>not fapping to Linda Cardellini since 2000
I suddenly realized I'm too old for this place.
Her nudes, I want em
i liked her since freaks and geeks
sweet milky jesus
Go away JP, that's very inappropriate.
was a thing for like a week. I thought it was pretty funny :'(
Just imagine if she had agreed to keep fucking Seth Rogen and friends how successful her career would have been.
What's this story?
She voiced Velma's implied lesbian love interest in Mystery Incorporated.
agree. almost watched the movie (never seen) because of it
Based Linda.
I didn’t care for that storyline.
Velma dancing half-naked in slutty make-up in the locker room was pretty hot. Wish it went further than that still
Everyone describes this as like a porn parody of Scooby Doo except it's a real movie.
I just think it's funny that James Gunn did this, before he really became famous.
Did Velma sense her death with the Force?
Pretty good movie too.
What the fuck is Kerberos Panzer Cops doing in Scooby-Doo
What the fuck has this thread gotten me to find
Watch the end of scooby doo 2 when they're all stuck in tar and then the end of GOTG V2 when they're all being buried under rocks, he ripped off the same scene from a movie he made 12 years earlier lol