Woah, FOUR times?
Woah, FOUR times?
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has she said anything about her underage nude scene in the hole 2001?
>trying to talk to women is sexual assault now
someone post that tweet of Brie Larson where she says shes constantly under attack because some TSA agent asked for her number
>drunk guy bumps into her
Yeah, I met women in bars that I didn't want anything to do with either.
Who the fuck keeps going to bars if you keep getting raped in back alleys? Either you like it or you're simply retarded. Shouldn't you at least get a bodyguard or something?
lul no tits
has anybody ever mistaken her for a man?
Soon men won't even be allowed in public without a license vetted by women
>it's a has-been actress claims she was sexually assaulted 10-20 years ago episode
i can't stand daily mail headlines. they always have to capitalize one word in the headline, i don't know if it's mandatory or what, but nearly every article has it.
>Keira Knightley reveals she has been approached by ugly men FOUR times when out in bars...
Oh the horror!
are men not allowed to pick up girls at bars anymore or something?
i bet she considers an ass slap as sexual assault
these feminist libtards can't stop whining.
What the fuck is wrong with her cheekbones?
>hitting on women is now on par with jaming your dick in their mouths
2018 America folks.
I think the bar for "sexual assault" has dropped quite sharply in recent years
she looks like she eats ass
4? Maybe stop drinking yourself silly.
why don't you post a picture of your perfect face, user?
>tfw never been sexually assaulted by a cute girl
Why even live?
simply bad manners now are a sexual assault I guess ^^
They either bumped into her or pinched her bottom.
it's the cheekbones, gives her the appearance of a meth addict
Why would she go to a bar for sexual assault and then complain about it?
she's old and anorexic
>toastie roastie identified
I know Weinstein fucked all those girls (and good for him)
But why is there ALWAYS fucking pictures of them posing together? What possible reason could there be for an actress and her producer to go out in public?
Oh, so she probably sucked his dick for a role and now she hates all men for it.
Chad only bars when?
>mfw got drunk at a party and signed a girls tits with a sharpie
Guess my career 20 years down the line is dead and buried
To show the other producers the pussy he's getting
>going to bars
do people seriously still go to bars?
no they go to Sup Forums
Terribly done plastic surgery
Oh it shows
i go to pubs
Anorexia and she's 32.
How do you get raped four times if you aren't going around rape baiting? Whore.
Humanity still hasn't figured out anything more fun than hanging with your friends having a couple beers.
t. skeletor
>these feminist libtards can't stop winning*
I mean, FOUR TIMES?????
No, what about you?
For a board that gets triggered about feminists making shit up, you all are really intent on making shit up.
Serious talk:
As a male I've been sexually assulted several time throughout my lifetime, with a simple grab of my ass from a female boss to all out forceful groin groping from a fat pig of a female when I was 14. I've had it with women grabbing my arse offering sex even when they're friends with my girlfriend in the same fucking room to all of sex pesting from doing someone's plumbing at their house that I've been called to.
So yeah when she says everyone has battled their fair share of monsters I completely agree, unless of course this is only a social concern when the predator is a male and the victim is a female.
How handsome are you? Do you look like Mel Gibson or something?
Well that's fucking horrible, but because this is Sup Forums you're a liar and a nu-male pussy. That's how things work on this board.
Brie Larson thing is true though. She went off on twitter because some tsa guy hit on her in the airport.
the larson one is true my dude
She didn't "go off". She made a comment about how she has dozens of strangers hit on her in the most inappropriate places possible. An NSA employee asked for her number. That's pretty unprofessional. And she never likened anything to rape or sexual assault.
The definition of sexual assault is open-ended enough these days that their speculations are not an impossibility.
Post your handsome face
If she stopped going to gay bars, she wouldnt be getting the Kevin-Spacey-hits-on-twink-boys crowd.
Problem solved.
It's just bullshit speculation built from paranoia. Instead of reacting to what's real, they react to future threats they can't account for and said "talking to women is sexual assault now" in response to Keira's account. It's ridiculous.
>An NSA employee asked for her number
over the phone?
Whoops I mean TSA agent my bad.
>four times
She just did a lot of friendly fire to herself.
yeah im sure world famous actress keira knightley has experienced genuine sexual assault on 4 separate occasions.
pro tip: inappropriate comments, wolf whistling and poor attempts at conversation are not sexual assault
>she's a liar!
>proceeds to post bullshit
Oh my GOD. People ask her out? THE HUMANITY
Why isn't anyone doing anything?
>flerting is now sexual assault.
I feel like all bets are off at this point, if you gonna get rapist fame at least make it count.
tfw the cute little boy has no dick :(
if she wasnt a liar she would have specified what exactly happened to her and gone to the cops not use the vaguest description she could think of, while whining about it years after the fact in a fucking interview
You're the only one blowing this out of proportion. Did you even read the Tweet in question?
It's called cocaine and it's not as great as Dave Chapelle might lead you to believe.
>anonymous literally who assaulted her at the bar
>goes to the cops
>"Ma'am, what did he look like?"
>>"uuh, like about 50 other people"
Yeah that would work out perfectly. I'm glad you have all the answers.
first world, desu
wtf i hate men now *leads a miserable, lonely life and suicides at 40*
>those sunken cheeks
>the heavy eye makeup trying to conceal those lines
>the hair curling that fails to save the limp hair
how does it feel to be a white actress and live through how fast you expire. To have your entire worth just slip away through your fingers to the march of time. To wake up everyday and look into the mirror and see the rot, and know that you are as disposable as toilet paper.
right because all those literally who rapists and sexual offenders never get caught, its only the famous rapists and offenders that go to prison
if you're not an autist, and go out, etc. you have a handful of stories just like all of these fucking bitches who are crying 'assault'. it's fucking garbage.
t. normie
Most rapes are never "solved" or prosecuted, so you're right. Also, which famous rapists are going to prison? That's not a phenomenon either.
She's dead inside.
>Most rapes are never "solved" or prosecuted
Knightley is a Jew and Lohan did so many fucking drugs it's a miracle she's still alive.
I'd also be willing to bet that panface on the right has had surgery to look slightly human.
That image might impress if we could see the azn woman's skin
>Knightley is a Jew
No she isn't.
>How handsome are you? Do you look like Mel Gibson or something?
>Post your handsome face
I don't consider myself handsome but here you go. It's one of the few picutres I like of myself as I don't consider myself photogenic, plus I have a great tan which I don't usually have but I was on holiday in Sydney when this was taken.
Are you stuck in 1997? Can I help you come back to our world?
My bad, who's the other one who looks like her because she's jewish. Easy to mix up 5/10 looking women.
That was from 2007 so it's an 11 year old photo.
>inappropriate comments, wolf whistling and poor attempts at conversation are not sexual assault
enjoy your reeducation camp faggot
Natalie Portman!
Actually, Keira Knightley played one of Padme's doubles in The Phantom Menace. So that's probably where the confusion comes from, at least partially. She was clearly cast because they look similar.
she looks like a ghoul
>CUZ I'M IN TOO DEEP starts playing
Oh okay, I'm not trying to bust your chops, I just think frosted tips are funny-looking.
Ah yeah of course Hershlag. I take that back though Hershlag isn't a 5/10 she's good looking.
Yes, four times.