How do I get throug season 2 lads?


by watching it, maybe some whiskey

Just skip to the last 3 episodes. Fuck the middle.

you sure of this?

You don't.

just skip it

shut the fuck up plebs

CUTEposting on Sup Forums while watching episodes

Don't be a skipfag and just watch it. You'll get to enjoy all the good scenes and subplot and also join the ranks of people who post all those "fuck those fucking subplots!" when discussing s2.

I swear, Season 2 only has such a bad reputation because of how big of a meme you guys make it out to be.

It's like a 6/10 at worst OP, just watch it and if you ever rewatch the series skip what you want. It's not so bad you need to skip it the first fucking time watching the show.