Your tears say more than real evidence ever could

>Your tears say more than real evidence ever could.

This episode was way ahead of its time.

Other urls found in this thread:

it was right on time, some just took as instruction manual

but people did that crap back then too...thats why it was funny

I hate women

we hate you too

trannies aren't women you filthy abomination

right on sister but you forgot to add "sweetie"

I never used to be the last decade has pushed me over the edge.

>I didn't initially hate women but another 10 years of loneliness and desperation made me.

How do I stop being a misogynist? Asking for a friend.

Solitude is legitimately preferable to living with a girlfriend or wife. It gets old within a week.
I fucking love living alone. The only reason I would want a wife is for children.

By meeting compelling and interesting women.
So never.

Fuck off roastie cunt

I don't doubt you in the slightest little soldier I'm just saying this would have more credit if someone who is lonely by his own choosing rather than lack of options.

Same with the kids news ep ("bart's people"). I dont know how anyone can take a news broadcast seriously these days. They try all this corny shit to make you feel worse about what happened.

>Claims to like living alone
>Hurr durr not like you have a choice

Yeah exactly.

Yes, I'm amused by that.

Are you?

>grab a young girl's ass unprovoked while you're alone at night
>"It's okay, he was recovering stolen art."
I'm gonna go for that one, I'm gonna grab a girl's breast and say "no no, I was just trying to wipe my coke off".

I got raped, how do I obtain evidence?

Do I have to have security footage everywhere at all times?

did it hurt

i mean when you fell down from heaven

and got raped

His semen inside you and the bruises where he forcibly held you despite resisting force should be evidence enough.

The accusations against Homer in this episode are less ridiculous than they are IRL today.

It's funny because you pretend like there are standards or gates to free sex but we live in a 21st century dystopia where Sup Forums, which used to be absolute trash, is now a gathering point for the last vestiges of standards-having people, and it hasn't gotten better at all, it's just that everything around it got worse and Sup Forums stayed the same.

>Sup Forums stayed the same
Hello newbro. Also no.

>because you pretend like there are standards or gates to free sex
Then why can't you get some?

It wasn't like that. I just thought I'd get more out of fucking him than I did. How do I report that without sounding like a stupid bitch?

Eff the heck off bro XD!

it had been a target for some time before that

>get called out for mindless "lol virgin" post
"Haha I'll post it again, that will show em"
I see I'll need to rise to your 200 IQ level to avoid being BTFO, so here you go:
Why can't you get any dick?

>tfw classic Simpsons would be kicked off the air for being Alt-Right propaganda now.

You're not clever so I doubt you'd catch that I understood what you were going for if I don't point it out so here I am doing exactly that.

Now, since the original post I responded to asked about security footage you're edgy 'made up rape' post doesn't make any sense.

*looks at camera*

I was playing along, retard. I didn't write the original post.


Everything you posted was wrong. And yes if my argument is that bitter "loneliness is better than 'modern women'" posters have no female companion as an alternative to loneliness and that their bitterness is correlated with their personal relationship with the female gender I have to point out you're a virgin. How else would one go on to point it out?


If there was a way I could go back in time and tell myself and my friends to simply continue living together as bachelors, I would.

I would gladly trade the wife and instead by a house with my two best friends (that I haven't seen in years) and just play vidya and watch movies all weekend with them.

>you're old enough to remember when Simpsons was good and society at large wasn't totally retarded

Someone robbed my bank. I'm going to blame the nearest nigger. Why do I need evidence?

the absolute delusion

I know. ence I said the original pst I responded to.
What I said is that you playing along didn't work.

haha, I like satire.

Not hard in our current era. If you got raped then there's a pretty big fucking change it's on security camera somewhere. If the person broke into your house, you'll have to rely on DNA and whatever it else it is they use to catch burgulars and serial killers.

>Sup Forums is now a gathering point for the last vestiges of standards-having people
hey Sup Forums

But you are a stupid bitch, and a roastie to boot, so your only viable option at this point is to kys yourself

Cut that out, retard-kun.

If you didn't go to the police immediately so they had a chance to collect DNA evidence, then it didn't happen and you're lying.





woah... so these are... lefty memes...

amazing, such power........

let's see your OC buddy

Show boipusy.

please post milkers

This is fucking embarrassing. Put some effort into it, autists.


>I haven't seen it so it MUST be a strawman
The counter-signal memes are more accurate than I'd like them to be.

Washington sneed ahead od Its time?

>Couldn't even draw a new character
>Message of the comic stems from pure asshurt instead of plain mockery


t. 2016 election t_d boomer

pls die

These memes are really breaking new ground. Ive never seen something so desperate and idiotic. Bravo!

Has an imager ever summed up white women more perfectly?

Fucking hell Nu Simpsons is unwatchable garbage.


>not sure if this is a true leftist failure or Sup Forums false flagging again

>This episode was way ahead of its time.

certainly was. there's no way these people could have known Sup Forums was ever going to exist or that it was going to be choked with adult men pissing, whining and weeping like women

my god.


Literally all made by me

I don't think you watched the clip nor understood what the OP meant.

He was referencing the fact that women and liberals equate feelings with facts and that women will lie about rape to get atttention and sympathy - as they are doing at the moment with their #metoo movement.

You know, it's really not that hard to understand.

what you're experiencing is the feeling 95% of the population feels, or would feel looking at Sup Forums memes

>left cant meme

But why Rush Limbaugh? No one on Sup Forums and no one under 30 knows who that is.

The complete failure of these leads me to believe you are a Sup Forumsack shitposting.

Keep it up.

yeah, the OP sure is a fucking idiot and like you he doesn't seem to understand how unintentional irony is always best irony

If those memes are what 95% of people find amusing, then I am glad and I failed at life and can't be a normie.

But the OP's point is very clear and accurate. And I can't understand what you are trying to communicate. You seem really angry about The Simpsons though.

Don't worry, user; your tears say more than real evidence ever could.

Are you the tranny everyone has been talking about?

This thread isn't even about Trannies. Why are you are sperging out and throwing a tantrum?

I thought you only did that in Trump threads or when they laugh at trannies.


Because every lefty watches Colbert apparently... was the concept of creating a strawman too subtle for you despite referencing the concept in the preceding shitpost?

Definitely overestimated the power of this (You)producer though.

Might put in some redditing spacing next time.



When the fucking Simpsons is enough to trigger it into having a mental breakdown.

...I don't get it.

What has this got to do with The Simpsons.

literally all me

Now you're just trying too hard, user.

And they had the nerve to say the left can't meme.

Trying too hard to do what?

I'm not single and I still live alone as much as I want :-)

kek, Sup Forums is triggered as fuck right now!

nah dude, all those posts were from me

probably best summarized in terms of how loneliness & cheeseburgers are a dangerous combination

>Sup Forums

It was actually this post lmao. It's a tranny fromr reddit that had a meltdown the day Trump won. He posts here 24/7 because he is on disability due to mental illness. The guy spams this type of stuff non-stop if you ever make fun of trannies which I always do

I still don't get it.

Why did you get mad all of a sudden. Was it because of this Most of us are just joking. I've masturbated to transvestites. I don't hate them or anything. Stop getting so angry about it. The guy didn't mean anything by it.

get used to it faggot. This is Sup Forums now