What are some television shows & films where this happens?
What are some television shows & films where this happens?
Moyers: Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth
Forest Gump. Star Wars.
Star Wars Saga (Episodes I-VI)
Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit.
Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny.
It is unironically good.
honestly, shrek
Every single one
It's a bold-faced insult to the Vulgate Cycle and I'm glad it bombed.
Are you saying this isn't a faithful adaptation?
This looked like some UHD gameplay of pic related. Had about the same level of connection to the Arthurian legend as picrelated had to Lotr.
Which is a problem.
Literally almost anything
Pretty much all hollywood movies with a story structure (with exception of Memento)
Look up Blake Snyder's 'Save the Cat' or Michael Hauge's 6 plot structure if you want to know more
the Matrix
Wow another Skyrim remaster???
The Dark Knight Rises
One of the few female versions.
Magic Mike
I don't actually think this happens 100 percent with Luke, the whole thing is kinda bullshit imo.
charkes dickens:a christmas story
why doesn't he tuck his shirt in
>he thinks the heros journey is based on Star Wars
Bow Wow Barky's Historical hounds 8: Joane D'Bark
I mean if they're going to count Luke they probably count a bunch of versions that don't fit. Obviously the thing is based on the Anti-Christ story.
Hero's journey existed way before christianity u pleb.
Literally Hercules is a hero journey arc.
Satan existed before Christianity or Judaism you pleb
The greatest trick Satan ever pulled was convinving plebs he doesn't predate Judaism.
I am not watching this.
According to my retarded sophmore High School English class, this.
Most stories. For some reason humans like this story and are put off by anything that differs too much from it.
>Wizard of Oz
This. It's fun as fuck
Chariots of Fire
Faithful adaptation of what? The early Welsh texts? THe Medieval Latin texts? The 19th century revivals? The legend of King Arthur has always been interpreted differently, with different motifs, characters, and stories, by different authors throughout history. this film is no different imo
Robocop. Stephen Chow movies.
What's the matter?
The Jude Law scenes are all Kino.