

jdimsa tbqhwyfam

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You know how I can tell you're new?

she will never brap in your face

just die in my sleep already, to be quite honest with you family


>swn anally inhale you

>she will never brap in your face

what board uses this? one of the thirsty beta filled ones like /fit/?

That's a guy isn't it?

The first sentence was right

holy fuck that's what jdimsa means? i thought it was just a joke collection of random letters

no the thirsty beta filled ones like Sup Forums

>tfw you could read the whole post even with the retarded acronyms

that's what I thought about fpbp for the entirety of last year haha

A newfag and retarded.




This is what we've become, worthless cretins thrashing in the afterbirth of Sup Forums.

You should just kill yourself


fpbp literally came in to usage last year, sorry for not being on Sup Forums every second to learn the new acronyms. oh you're a soyboy as well so have that.

>fpbp literally came in to usage last year
Are you retarded?

>dem fore arms

I have a sneaking suspicion that this is a male


>not the broad shoulders and square ass

it did, at least in it's very large amount of usage on Sup Forums. idk where exactly the "genius" who thought it up first used it. sorry

You should stop talking, you just sound dumber with every reply. Also reddit might suit you better

You are clearly in no position to call other people newfag

please don't reddit shame me

>doesn't understand acronyms constantly used
>no! You're new!
How surprising

knowyourmeme.com/photos/1232540-Sup Forums
>page was made 10 months ago
>last year
suck my dick retard.

>knowyourmeme.com/photos/1232540-Sup Forums

Not him but jesus christ kill yourself newfag and spare us

I repeat, you just sound dumber with every post. Now please go back to redd*t

do you have source that fpbp was in heavy usage on Sup Forums before last year? I don't remember seeing it until 2017. sorry! sorry! please send me to the reddits!

>implying /tv is full of pussy-slaying superchads

I think I'm going to call in work tomorrow and stay here shitposting just to spite you

We both know you don't have a job. Shouldn't you be in bed by now?


You need to go back.

You need to go back.

get off my sight

ok so it's fair to say it came in to usage in 2016 then sorry! sorry! sorry guys! I was off a year! sorry!

FPBP started around late 2015 to early 2016 on Sup Forums.

fpbp has been used by internet forums since forever retard

fuck off back to Sup Forums also commit suicide

Just kill yourself

that's not what we were discussing

sorry for not knowing your acronym! sorry! please don't tell me to go to a different website again! sorry!

theres no scape from this place right


>the sonyfag memes have made their way to Sup Forums
Nowhere is safe

You talk like a faggot

I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I know now that an acronym for "first post best post" existed for a much longer time fram than I previously thought! I'm so sorry! I will use it more frequently and educate others on it's meaning if they are ignorant! I can see it's a favorite meme of yours! again I'm so so sorry!


I know you think you look cool but it shows just how butthurt you actually are

what's that one stand for?

>caring what some other autist uses to play vidya
Stop being gay user.

embarrassing post



see I did it guys! I'm now meming with the Sup Forums elite! if anyone new friends are wondering it means first post best post, you can look it up on archives to verify it's long and storied usage on Sup Forums and other sites.

While we're discussing forum jargon what does the "t. ..." Mean?

Is that like signing a post?
"Sincerely newfag" ...?
T. Newfag?

>i'm le harely quinn daddy
kill all normalfags

based ottoman poster

It means author

How did it come to mean that? Do they use that in books or something?

Seems a little strange


>She will never....butt? Bra- Oh


it's an abbreviation for the Finnish word terveiset which basically means "with regards"

Post more ass.

I didn't wanna find out what that meant ;(

I thought so but this user seems to know more than me

Fuck me Sup Forums is filled with newfags.

she will never BRAAAAP in your face

just die in my sleem already to be quite honest with you senpai

based islam poster




You had some deniability before, but now you seriously need to go back

You replied to the simplest bait and you're calling people new?

>she will never brap in your face
I don't know what this means to be quite honest with you senpai.

those are some mans legs

because of the hair right me too

wow that's hyper gay I'm never going to use that again, even ironically

>I was just pretending to be retarded!



>he thinks ultra chads dont tell girls that they'd suck her dad's dick for a chance to tounge punch her fart box just for a laff

It's a time honoured masculine pasttime you no fun limp wrist homo

Even if that was true, it's instantly intuitively obvious

That's a man

no it isn't it's always said in response to the second post the first post is op's post... maybe they mean first reply best post......

Jesus you're stupid

it goes
>original post (posted by original poster, also known as 'OP')
>first post
feel free to reread the Sup Forums whitepaper, newfriend