ITT: We cast the Deus Ex movie
00 - JC Denton
11 - Paul Denton
22 - Manderly
33 - Anna
44 - Gunther
55 - Alex
66 - Nicolette DuClare
77 - Savage
88 - Walton Simons
99 - Bob Page
ITT: We cast the Deus Ex movie
Donald Trump
00 Get
dwayne johnson
flatlitty woman
>no Adam
c a s t l e c l i n t o n
John Wayne
Idris Elba
Mark Hammil
Ryan Gosling
The Goose
Idris Elba
Cara Delevigne
Daisy Ridley
Alex Skarsgard
00 - Christian Bale
11 - Sean Bean
22 - Sam Elliott
33 - Charlize Theron
44 - Ralph Moeller
55 - Jimmy Simpson
66 - Lea Seydoux
77 - Jack Coleman
88 - Walton Goggins
99 - Jon Voight (younger)
>virgin adam
>chad jc
This is actually a pretty good list.
Aidan Gillen
>lady manderlay
I guess she's playing 2 roles now
Can we make it 3?
Have her play every role.
Deus Ex isn't for men anymore
Tom Hardy
rolling for this
reroll, agent gunther is a big guy
pic related
tom hardy
>not a serious single dub in the thread
taylor swift it is then
Blonde JC a best. The only man who should portray him is the one who was the inspiration for him, and that's pic related.
Except Adam had a gf and JC probably didn't
Elias Toufexis
who /heem/ here
He was the inspiration for Gunther, not JC
Aiden Gillen
Who insbired jc
Tom Hardy
I've received reports of armed attacks on shipments. There's not enough vaccine to go around, and the underclasses are starting to get desperate.
Your turn.
Walter is the best JC since Bale in Equilibrium.
Agent Orange
Fred Savage
Lucius DeBeers
Who could realistically play JC keeping in mind he's in his early 20s.
Dwayne Johsnon
Idris Elba
Breakout role
JC Denton
Daisy Ridley
Idris Elba
Rerolling for this lad
inspired casting m8
Mads Mikkelsen