Food just got here and now I'm about to pop in Blade Runner 2049 in 4K bluray

Food just got here and now I'm about to pop in Blade Runner 2049 in 4K bluray.

What are you watching tonight?

Other urls found in this thread:

The Gumby Movie and about to eat a pan of browned ground beef

>the typical 56% man’s meal

SNL rockwell


That's like 6000 calories you fatass.

I just rewatched Your Name, made me cry more than the first watch
inb4 faggot

Anyone else can't tell the difference between 4K and 1080p?

I'm not because I have a productive life and no time to watch a movie on a Thursday night. However, I do have time to shit post.

americans are fucking disgusting

>drinking pop
if you're gonna drink poison at least get drunk while you're doing it

Are you me?

>europoors can't handle a little snack

Is this bulking season or are you just fat?


I could go for half of one of those pizzas but I'm getting an artisan chicken sandwich from mcdonalds today (on a sesame seed bun to cut calories).

>willingly giving yourself explosive diarrhea before watching a 3hr kino

for a moment i tought OP pic is the mexican cartel gore video that gets shitposted here sometimes...


>tfw got a buffalo chicken sandwich from dominos and it was pretty good

their blue cheese is ass though

Blue cheese is supposed to be ass. That doesn't mean it can't be good ass.

dominos is the worst of the worst za chains

> Anyone else can't tell the difference between a 12gb 1080 rip and a 14gb 2160 rip ?

brap masters 5: beef stew

That's not a 'za. This is a 'za.

Just finished watching a 1080p blu ray rip. It was pretty alright, a bit underwhelming from what I expected, but the atmosphere was great.

That said, why the fuck was Las Vegas fucking orange? From the plot it seems like a dirty bomb went off there or something, but why was it orange?

Man I wish it had more world building, like I want to know why the world is so gloomy / cloudy, what was the environmenta disaster? Were the walls surrounding LA because of sea level rise or something? I just want more info on the Blade Runner world, like what's the status of countries in it since apparently the CCCP still exists (courtesy of the ad in the movie at the start). Wish there was like a lore bible I could read or something.

Donald “One pound shy of obese” Trump is that you?

their subs are pretty underated

its ok i just whip out my kens steakhouse kino cheese

im ready

TWO za's?

such delicacies are haram over in eurabia

Gonna get papa johns and watch supernatural fuckers. HYPED

Tell me about your productive Thursday night activities.

not sure if i've seen that one, is it the one where they removed the girls face?

Motherfucker now I want a pizza.

I know Giordanos crust when i see it

order some pizza then

>american speaks of delicacies


That's one fucking ugly pizza. These ameriturds don't know real cuisine.

>a bit underwhelming from what I expected

Not sure what your expectations were given the people praising it probably saw it in theaters. Watching it in IMAX and at home in 4K is night and day.

Cooking a Tombstone pizza right now. they were buy one get one free at Publix

la película y la comida de la criatura...

these don't even look good, the ones i make at home look much better. why haven't you started making your own pizzas yet, anons? it's way cheaper, and if you do it right, it tastes better than ordered pizza

*starts crying
>My dad was an immigrant that use to sweep the floors
>but it's a no from me

People always say this, but muhfuggah, I know I can't cook.

Meant for dis guy:

>outer crust is half of your pizza
do Americans really do this?

everyone can cook, it's just something you have to learn, like swimming or driving a car, after a while of practice you'll become better at it


oh god I'm so fucking hungry

user i'm glad you traveled and took those photos so I don't have to.

order a kino'za

because high quality cheese is expensive, and I have to do all the work.

Do you have some chup with your za?

it's too much trouble when i can just have a pizza delivered in 20 minutes with a few taps on my phone

I don't deserve it my dude no job no money

I'm just gonna eat my disgusting rice

wow it's just really sad if you think that's what pizza is supposed to look like. that just looks like 80% bread to me.

if you are downloading a 14gb 4k rip of a movie you are doing it wrong most 4k most are around 40-60gb

Only niggers and tourists ever order this in Chicago. If you're real Chicagoan you don't eat this abomination.

>high quality cheese is expensive
just buy the cheapest mozzarella you can find if you're on a low budget, still does the trick

I have no job or money and just bought this $16 talking Trump pen.

This. Boiler Room thin crust sausage pizza or lou malnati's is the best.

4k is a multilayer bluray, ya dingus

Not necessarily

>calling pizza 'za
fucking kill myself

>Not necessarily
what, like only sometimes?
no, necessarily
there arent two kinds, user
submit to my perfect logic

I don't see a single thing you could classify as food in that image.

Why are /ck/ threads always the best threads on Sup Forums?

not true