Thank FUCK this is still okay!
Other urls found in this thread:
I want to recut the last jedi to remove all human
So nothing happens?
Call down, reddit! Be careful with your EDGY
Somebody should make the ultimate recut where they cut out everything. Just literally cut the master reel. And burn it.
I'd gladly watch a version where Laura Dern argues with herself for five minutes, throws herself in the brig, and breaks out just to fly her spaceship into another one
You fuckers brought this on yourselves
So while morons argue back and forth with opposing anti-man and anti-woman edits, all the genuine problems with the movie will be overlooked. Thanks Sup Forums, you've made sure that nothing gets fixed for episode 9. This is why the world can't have nice things.
I want to see this.
>implying we don't want to see them do worse
I'd be fucking shocked if nuWars were shot on film.
i already did that, they're late
They sure got triggered by one guy making a stupid troll edit that had wrongthink in it
imagine being this naive
>Thanks Sup Forums, you've made sure that nothing gets fixed for episode 9. This is why the world can't have nice things.
What would a cut of Schindler's List without nazis look like?
A camp for really skinny people?
it's impossible to salvage the series, just let it go and enjoy the car crash
Now get one without all the whites
i'm glad they weren't mad about the no-women cut
Dude what if you recut Star Wars and cut out all the space
How long was it? 2 minutes?
What if they recut without all the soy?
I want nuWars to crash and burn
>a total no one spend probably less than two hours doing a cinematic shitpost. the absolute madman even had a swastika in the torrent's name.
>the professional media have fake outrage for a month.
we really are made for eachother, is this a toxic relationship?
>Journalists are still this assblasted over a fan edit
was it tho? or is it digitally filmed? because in that case a super stronk solar storm would be totally cool
kill yourself tripfag piece of shit
Now we need a cut without Kennedy and Johnson.
36 minutes
>implying a man actually made the no woman edit
i want this but with niggers
Sup Forums do this pls
Baiting them was his point. But liberals are just mindless drones with rarely an IQ higher than 70. Thus due to their stupidity they can't help themselves.
That's even more pathetic than the makeup app being review bombed.
>We Recut The Last Jedi to Remove all the Men
So it is a story about a bunch of Insane women fighting against nothing, crashing themselves into shit and committing suicide?
so they are admitting to copy-write infringement?
>remove all men
>it's just leia floating in space and rey destroying nun island
just like my porn edits!
>Still no women
REEEEEE, women are important to Star Wars you bigot! IT WAS HER TURN!
look, I laugh at the "WE WUZ _____" shit sometimes. the absurdity of the idea that Shakespeare was black and there was some conspiracy surrounding his race is pretty funny.
but at the same time I can't help but think some of the same people that spout this meme are those that would say "white ppl invented everything. we were architects, scientist, authors, etc. " and the fact that they don't see the irony in this pains me deeply.
that's why I don't I say it or other racist memes. I don't want one phrase to automatically give people the idea that im an idiot trump supporter or a 16 year old.
thanks for reading guys.
Pretty much yeah. Just call it Roastie Wars: The Wall Awakens
look at the article screencap. its a joke
We need to placate the SJWs and Soyboys by replacing all the humans with Steamed Hams.
We invented a lot, certainly more than niggers ever did. But we have enough achievements as a race that we don't need to try and take credit for other cultures' work.
but there would be no villains
>implying Disney didn't made the first cut as a new strategy
holy shit dis gonna be good
this needs to be done to Wall-E
this is an embarrassing statement
Go ahead its not like they can make the movie any worse.
>we don't need to try and take credit for other cultures' work
>random dude makes minimum effort edit
>gets this must attention
honestly wish I did it
Based Laura Dern. Truly a masterful actress.
when you shout into the roastie void, the roastie void shouts back at you.
What about a recut where the only thing left is Luke drinking milky
It would be funny haha
People have posted their genuine criticisms with the movie. They've been generally ignored because liberals and conservatives both live in their own little bubbles where they don't have a dialogue with each other about anything.
hello I'd like one dialog with you please
Kino of the century
E M P O W E R E D!
oh no, a cut without men, how will I survive
Based anonymous bringing down scientology and the patriarchy.
so after the bad feedback the movie got for the portrayal of luke skywalker, they gonna remove him from the movie?
>The cut is 46 minutes long and nearly incomprehensible, proving how important women are in the Disney era of Star Wars.
Does anyone have that internal document that was leaked, where some Disney executives where talking about running a fake alt-right campaign as a publicity stunt?
>it could have been good
Do you really think it could ever be good in this timeline?
Stop deceiving yourself, user.
I look forward to seeing someone remove all the black people in Black Panther.
its kinda funny how the media is talking about an edit of the camrip of the movie
its ridiculous
why are you guys so obsessed with this? the people you think that are so gravely offended are about as fazed as you are when someone rails on anonymous. You just feed on each other. if you recognize this as just entertainment it's fine, have fun that way, but anyone taking it dot dot
whoop de doo basil, some blogger with access to a website wrote about the camrip and it got shared on social media until someone from Sup Forums saw it. Keep enjoying your digital opiates as you feed on pretend offense
The returns for Solo and Episode 9 are going to be so embarrassing.
Poe: This is Commander Poe Dameron of the Republic fleet, I have an urgent communique for General Hugs.
Hux: This is General Hux of the First Order. The Republic is no more. Your fleet are rebel scum and war criminals. Tell your precious princess there will be no terms, there will be no surrender...
Poe: Hi, I'm holding for General Hugs.
Hux: This is Hux. You and your friends are doomed. We will wipe your filth from the galaxy.
Poe: Okay. I'll hold.
Hux: Hello?
Poe: Hello? Yup. I'm still here.
Hux: Can he hear me?
Poe: Hugs?
Com Officer: He can.
Poe: With an 'H'? Skinny guy. Kinda pasty.
Hux: I can hear you. Can you hear me?
Poe: Look, I can't hold forever. If you reach him, tell him Leia has an urgent message for him...
Com Officer: I believe he's tooling with you, sir.
Poe: ... About his mother.
Hux: [beat] OPEN FIRE!
>its an entertainment user, stop thinking
get out
Where's the Porg cut?
>a purple-haired feminist kills herself and Carrie Fisher's corpse floats through space
>The End
Okay fuck, I'd watch this.
disney just wont quit huh?
Its just Martin Short and Andy Serkis having a conversation about Africa.
is it true that dis bissshhh said something like it doesn't matter if people doesn't like nuWars and that she had no problem alienating some of the hardcore fans of the saga just to make her political statement?
I mean, how the fuck do you even CONSIDER doing that shit when star wars is basically financed by the millions male nerds spent on their overpriced shit like toys and comic books. do you think fat nerds are going to buy 1231512 different rey action figures versions or some shit after the big fuck off that was the last jedi?
big if true
>not getting your personal identity from being a soldier in the online culture war
>A bunch of lasers rain down on the rebel base
>Random ship explodes. There's no Hux, Kylo, Snoke or First Order so we know nothing about this ship
>Leia force ghosts herself to the ship, nobody opens the door because there's no men, she dies
>Rey does dumb shit on an empty island because there's no Luke, Chewie or porgs, has no flashbacks, flies away
>Random janitor goes to a casina for no reason, there's no Finn so this whole scene is pointless
>Holdo flies a one woman ship looking for fuel, decides to hyperspace through a ship that was following her
>Rey rescues nobody because there's no Leia or Holdo any more
That's literally the plot of the cut. No main characters. It's just women doing stupid shit.
Why do you think we’re offended instead of just laughing at an ever-growing pop culture shitstorm?
Yeah, she did actually say that.
And that's why you never put a woman in a position of importance
Too much of a soyboy to actually upload it. What a fag.
Kill me
This is the western civilization people, you bicker against each other while the enemy is at the gate.
I'm more just annoyed at how many threads there have been about this. Yes it's funny but some of you are obsessed with this as if it actually matters or you're making any sort of "statement" to anyone. They just have a different way of communicating. When they hear about this edit and say something like "wow can't believe sexists like this exist", they aren't bawling their eyes out, they're just typing on a laptop at a coffee shop and then they submit their comment and go back to watching cat videos or tumblr or kissing their boyfriend. It's a completely ephemeral offense, you just aren't used to reading their language like how you are used to understanding people here.