Tfw I'll always have 1-6 but will always imagine what could have been instead of the fuckfest we have now

>Tfw I'll always have 1-6 but will always imagine what could have been instead of the fuckfest we have now

Other urls found in this thread:

>enjoyed Luke's suffering since I was a kid
>ESB was always my favorite because I got to see him cry and get fucked up
>mfw Johnson gives me a 3 hour long Luke suffering fest



>Luke's story after becoming a true and noble Jedi is left to the imagination
But that's the best way Luke's story could have ended user. The same reason you don't need a squeakquel for "And they lived happily ever after". Despite what Disney is now, Walt Disney was smart enough not to make a Snow White 2: The Last Princess or a Pinocchio 2: The Whale Awakens. Stories need to end, and the OT ended perfectly.


Imagine what could have been if the prequels were halfway competent at telling the story of how Anakin became Vader. There's barely 3 good SW movies all in all.

Kek, no matter how much you faggots try nobody is bailing the prequels out. They’re about as shit as the Disney movies.

the prequels are still trash and ruined Star Wars more than Disney Wars

No movie in history has done as much damage as TLJ

Imagine being this stupid.

>I'll call him pathetic AND stupid!
>That'll prove that the prequels are...good?!

They are shit. Just because they saturated your childhood with a myriad of related products doesn't make them good films.

>Imagine defending this

That's what happens when you betray this world's true heroes. The future grows bitter, cold, and dead.

Sometimes I wish I could be a bugman like you, I'm sure life must be easier if you are looking at it through soy-tinted glasses.


*saves your race and country

I'm not good at looking at moving images. What am I supposed to see?

You're one pathetic fucker, and I'd beat you up for what you just said, you're the reason why they made prequels and sequels, couldn't leave it alone, had to make more and more shit, stop asking for more movies you dumb fuck, the story is done, it ended in 1983, leave it alone and stop crying you fucking piece of shit.

Oh nooooooo, ugly people! My views are compromised!

Absolutely sterile and drab filmmaking from an absentee director who shot entirely in front of green screen for shit that didn't need to be CGI because he was lazy. Prequelautists do not understand that the prequels are bad, bad films from a basic fundamental aspect of filmmaking. When your sets do not exist and the movies are entirely shot in front of green/blue screen important aspects of filmmaking such as blocking and mise en scene are entirely lost.

The sequels use a lot of CGI, but they at least understand that stuff in the foreground needs to be practical or else it ruins any kind of suspension of disbelief.

the prequels are boring shit and the reason big, dumb CGI movies still aren't little dumb CGI movies
nice ideology fuckface try reading a book

lmao none of them are even white

The jews killed a prolific fictional western hero in the name of feminism and diversity. Get over it.

>But that's the best way Luke's story could have ended user.
And that's wrong. He should've gone full sith killing the emperor and joining his father. Just think of the way he behaved through whole episode 6.

Sure they did, muttley.

I remember Sam Jackson saying that for a lot of his scenes as Mace Windu in Clones, he was basically just told to stand in front of a green screen and fight ghosts. No blocking, no choreography, nothing. Just flail on camera and we will cgi in something around you in order to make whatever you did fit.

How many millions of dollars were spent on these films and they couldn't hire a goddamn fight choreographer?

That is why the prequels were trash and IMO that is why they needed to take the franchise away from Lucas. He got so far up his own ass that nobody could tell him that what was happening simply wasn't good film making.

How much paler do you have to be to be considered white? Or are you just le 56% memeing?

Wut? Are you talking about Han? They killed him because Harrison Ford didn't want to do it anymore. He said years before disneywars was even announced that the only way he was coming back as Solo for another Starwars trilogy is if he died in the first movie.

At least games and toys were nice and the Clone army is actually a fun concept. Nu star wars toys are just dumb,ugly or a rehash.
>look at those AT ATs but they're BIGGER and HAVE BIGGER FORWARD ARMS
>look at this Tie Fighter but ITS HAS SHARPER AND LONGER WINGS

>race is about skin color
*sharts loudly*

Wht do you hate Americans so much?

t. Bugmen weaklings

This is pure delusion. Fucking listen to yourself
>a-at l-east the ideas were fun
That doesn’t mean the execution wasn’t shit. The ideas from nu-starwars is fun too, everybody wanted to see where shit would go post empire, that doesn’t make them less shit movies. Hate the mouse all you want, but Have some fucking objectivity.

Tbh the whole premise of a big, mighty First Order so soon after the Empire detracts from 1-6’s sense of despair and then joy of victory.

They beat the big bad empire only for a supposedly equal or bigger force to come along only 30 years later?

They should have done the galaxy breaking down after the fall of the Empire, with the First Order being one imperialist group among many groups with control over various regions.

The others could be relatively stable with only the First Order really causing trouble. Instead we got everyone vs the Empire again which is boring.

>they needed to take the franchise away from Lucas
No, everyone that isn't Lucas needs to go prove the point that they can do better by

Star Wars was a marketing behemoth right out of the gate. It just took a while before they had the balls to start making new movies.

But all of this new garbage fanfiction is just as easy to ignore as the old garbage fanfiction.

>he never played republic commando or owned a set as a kid

only the door was cgi you dumbass

Yes thank god they took the franchise away from him so we now have films like TFA and TLJ. Yes, thank god.

Pay attention to :04-:05, the floor "snaps" to the chairs.

The ideas in the new films are TERRIBLE. It’s just s rehash. It’s safe and boring and does nothing to expand the franchise.

I don't see anything and btw who do you think you are to tell how the furnitiure of a galaxy far away should look like?

The prequels are trash. Quit trying to associate them with the originals.

fucking this, they didn't even attempt to explain what the hell happened between 6 and 7 because it makes no goddamn sense. Why couldn't we have had a movie about the rebellion struggling to reform the republic, and some dark Sith tries to pull another Palpatine and seize power? That would be too complex though and you wouldn't be able to literally reuse everything about the Empire but slap a new name on it and make it bigger.

It's not about how the furniture looks, dumbass, it's how drab and lifeless the entire scene is. A good filmmaker makes even basic scenes like two people talking in a room look good and visually interesting, George Lucas manages to make scenes that should be extremely exciting and awesome boring and forgettable.

No matter what you faggots say AOTC is still the worst Star Wars movie

>pretending to be blind to defend a shitty trilogy of movies made solely to sell toys

I definitely dislike TLJ more than AOTC simply because it ruins so much and adds NOTHING, but AOTC is definitely still the worst by far in terms of objective filmmaking.

>It's safe and boring
>ignoring the hordes of butthurt autists complaining the films ruined the OT and Luke Skywalker and moaning that their """"fan theories"""" were shut down

how's that cognitive dissonance working out

speak for yourself brainlet, every dialogue scene in the prequels is pure thrill. Every frame is *literally* a painting.

The PT is the reason we have the ST today. Let's see if Disney sells SW because fans hate it so much.


it represents how palpatine portrays himself to the galaxy, brainlet

I can's see shit and so does the audience, you are just an autist, I bet you think there's difference in 4k

Exactly and it would have been a kino excuse for us to visit interesting, new planets with different alien races etc to try and combat the growing threat of the First Order. Maybe they could have shown some planets being worse off since the fall of the Empire, hence their desire for the First Order to gain control.

But lol nah let’s shoehorn as much bs as possible to regress the last 30 years of history in this galaxy so we can retell the story again.

>movie about rag tag remnants of the storm trooper legion but turned mercenary/space pirates
>a jungle vietnam like star wars movie about one last surviving storm trooper waging guerilla like warfare against Ewok Fucking Shits! on Endor's moon
> a battle royale star wars movie about various aliens and humans dumped on a battle arena to the amusement of Jabba the Hutt
>Chewie and Nien Nunb vs remnants of the slaver empire
>Chewie and Nien Nunb investigate potential first order agents in the slums of Coruscant

>I can's see shit
Sounds like a personal problem. Watch the left side of the frame closely around the 3 second mark. Good luck with your life brainlet.

I forget that the prequels are now so old there are underage faggots like you who are dumb enough to think they're good.

They are better than TLJ, so I'll give you that.

AOTC is the best prequel by far.

this but unironically

this but ironically unironically

>the prequels are still trash and ruined Star Wars
>more than Disney Wars

>"they" needed to take the franchise away from the person who created and owned it

Who the fuck is "they"? Could you be any more of a shill for Disney?

this, right here. You can hate the prequels and Disney sequels. The prequels were only better because George tried to do sometging a little different. It might not have been done well, but it isn't the same old shit being fed to us.

I really like the Arena, but's that it. Obi and Anakin fighting beasts without their lightsabers was really neat and, despite being a CGI fuckfest, seeing the full power of the Jedi Order come to their defense felt really good.

That said, prequel apologists are either retarded or excellent trolls. That said, I'll be using this amazing bait in future threads

Wrong. The prequels were much more creative but they are vastly worse as films, TLJ did more "damage" to the lore than the prequels did though.

The whole fucking franchise is trash, anyone who thinks 4-6 were even remotely good is braindead

>everyone prefers their headcanon
No shit.

>The floor snapping into place

Every time.

I really don't see it, I just see the fake door and sofa, not floor snaping or anything