>post yfw aren’t a cuck
Post yfw aren’t a cuck
>not a cuck
pick one
>last two gfs have been in relationships when we got together
>first one was married
>mfw i'm actually a sub with a cuck fetish but wind up being the cucker rather than cuckee every time
>yfw a r*dditor tells you to go back to Sup Forums
mfw my gf cheated on me with a black guy so i cant post mfw when i am not a cuck
you were cucked by god
don't be mean
Reminder that if you masturbate to porn you are a cuck.
How did you do it?
my gf cheats on me regularly so that's not true
Pure accident
is it an open relationship or is she just a roastie
That's not cool.
she doesn't know that I know( I think)
can you taste the dick on her mouth?
not really. I try not thinking about it.
well, make sure her pussy is clean when she comes back, don't want a mouthful of jizz.