PLEASE tell me you faggots don't actually do this?

PLEASE tell me you faggots don't actually do this?

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Going to theaters? Ahaha no

I throw my uneaten crab legs under the seat

PLEASE tell me you faggots don't actually do this?

yes I let the dumb normies clean up my messies, they deserve it for working in a movie theater

Clean it up, wagie


Pick up the can, wagie.

>going to theaters


No, I'm not a black ape.

>Sup Forums sees TLJ aftermath .png

Who was sat here I wonder?

There's nothing more thrilling, more primal, than just laying out a straight log on the seat mid-film.

That voyeuristic thrill. Just taking a fat wholesome shit in the dark surrounded by tens of people. That fucking adrenaline rush. Those endorphins. It's so raw, so animalistic.

I like to bring in two six packs of brew and knock em all back before the credits. I then leave the cans on floor to let the boy cleaning the theater that a real man was there.

I filmed an amateur porno in the back of the cinema during the Minions movie.

Is this a remake of Freaks?

>not making the mess worse

Me 2nd on the left

litterers should be shot


Clean my mess up, wage cuck.

You'll need tor

>Bawww people will now be forced to do the job they're being paid for hurr

Man what the fuck, the only two theater i've been to in my entire life were clean as fuck every time.

It's on XHamster

Everything about your post is 100% degenerate.

God I fucking hate niggers.

Great link

>But I'd never even think about doing that job LMAO and I hold the people who do it in contempt coz they suck
Fuck right off

employees should be thankful that they are being given something to do

>give sauce

I ain't spoonfeeding you, you little horny monkeyman. Learn to sauce.

They are lower than me, and I like to make them earn that minimum wage (too high already imo).

It's morbid curiosity

I like to spill the whole cup of soda under the seat before the movie so it has time to set in and get sticky before the movie starts. Free refills are great!

I am civilized, eating muh crabs like this gentleman. I also bring a blanket in the theater.

that's more latino than nigger or something.

Pop corn slaves should be fucking grateful there are jobs that simple, just pick up the broom and clean a couple of times per hour. They are complaining for some reason Lmao entitled millenials, Mexicans literally would kill their mothers for a job like that

Absolute faggot, off yourself

>being this ashamed of your work
Don't want any critique, huh?

I like this post, I think I should go apply at a movie theater.

>choose to do a shit job
>complain when they actually have to work during said shit job
I dont know what you people are going on about.
Of course i wouldnt stoop as low as to do this kind of work, just as i wouldnt work as a toilet cleaner, barrista or server.
No one forces them to clearn up that shit.

not if there's still a refill left on it

It's one of the easiest jobs in the world, that's why these popcorn cleaners bitch about having to clean up messes every once in a while. Gets in the way of sitting around collecting free money.

>wanted you to fully clean 4 theaters in 10 mins

There's a unique tattoo in the vid and I know what you sad autists are like.

You're picking up trash and sweeping a little, plenty of time.

Just happened to me in chick fil a when some fat nigger sheboon left skid marks all over the toilet and there was even shit on the rim.

Why wouldn't I? There are people literally getting paid to pick up my trash why should I do it for free?

Post the completly shitted up toilets

>being a streetshitting pajeet

Lmao @ ur life

How would I know if I spill popcorn. Its dark in there

show tits pls

Yes, that's what janitors are for.

Shouldn't you be cleaning up my mess, boy?

Visit the kinoplex? Of course not, as I do not have a significant other.

As someone who worked at a theater for 2 years in high school, all we do when we "clean" the theatres is toss all drinks/popcorn bags into garbage bags and sweep the rest of the shit on the floor under the seats.

There's a dedicated night crew that comes in that I guess did the actual hard work, bunch of depressed looking black ladies. Theater cleans was actually one of the more fun shifts

Man I just fucking love niggers. The way they talk is hilarious.