"They ruined Luke!-." Jedi's aren't sup- posed to give up!"...-

>"They ruined Luke!-." Jedi's aren't sup- posed to give up!"...-

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Clearly you never watched the movies.

Obi-wan Kenobi nearly killed Darth Vader and destroyed his body forcing him to live in a metal suits the rest of his life. Yoda nearly killed the emperor, but did fail...

Both men didn't just run away... not without a fight.

Obi-wan jumps straight back into the fight when Leia asks him for help. He doesn't hesitate and he even asks Luke to come along. It's Luke who initially turned him down. Obi-wan was absolute Chad Hobo. Luke turned out to be the Virgin Suicidal Loner.

Yoda - trained Dooku, Dooku falls to DS, but Yoda still fought in a war, fought with Sheev, failed, escaped to preserve Jedu knowledge and train new generation. Never gave up on jedi teachings.
Obi-wan - trained Anakin, Anakin falls to DS, but Obi-wan almost kills him, next 19 years he protects Luke from tuskens, bounty hunters, Maul. Never gave up on jedi teachings.
Luke - trained Ben, Ben falls to DS BECAUSE OF LUKE, Luke rejects force, jedi teachings and wants to die.

Here is a task for you - out of three characters find one that was butchered by Mouse.

>Luke - Shifu
>Yoda - Oogway
>Kylo - Tailung

Why did nuWars steal from fucking Kung Fu Panda of all things?

>Both men didn't just run away... not without a fight.
By that logic Luke didn't run away either, he immediately tried to kill Ben.

Why are you so familiar with Kung Fu Panda lore?

Let's be entirely fair. Obi-Wan and Yoda both had movies to cover their stories immediately after Dooku and Anakin fell to the Dark Side. I could buy Luke rejecting the Force and so on if we'd had movies that showed the aftermath of his mistake in more detail. Instead all we get is a vague flashback with grade school, very predictable misdirection.

The problems with Luke's development come from the immensely stupid decision to do a 30 year timeskip after RotJ. All because they just had to bring those actors back to nostalgiabait the normies, even though they then proceeded to barely make use of them.

The smart thing to do would have been a new story unconnected to Luke and co. But they didn't.

Obi Wan was watching over Luke. Post-PT it was added that he was guided by Qui-Gon's
disembodied spirit to study "The Living Force" which requires a lot of meditation and astral travel.

It allowed Ben to be able to face Vader in a way that wouldn't be totally useless.
Ben's timeline (and presumably Yoda's) was waiting til at least Luke was of age to join the fight.
You could prob throw in some speculation that Ben was also remotely/subtlety prepping Luke in the use of the Force, while watching over him.

Last three eps of The Clone Wars cgi show follow Yoda on a journey into the living heart of the Force.
It's not movie canon, but it's pretty good. Disney should watch their own fkn shows.

>"I am a Jedi, like my father before me"
>"I am a child murderer, like my father before me"
really makes you think