What are some /fa/ kinos?
What are some /fa/ kinos?
>this is the average """"white"""" american """"male""""
unironically la la land is /fa/ core kino
fucking mexishits
Phantom Thread
thats a spic
Eater is someone who sucks cock. A slang term often used to describe women in a disrespectful way.
Why is his name eater on the jersey?
The pussy nigga is questionable but it could be adressed at the reader.
The jersey style name is undoubtedly used to signify the wearers name(even if worn by fans it is the name of the original wearer).
So why is he labeling himself or the person whos jersey he is wearing, as an eater?
The only other possibility is that is an actual last name but using context clues, like the slang on the front part, it is more likely the slang usage.
>tfw no pussy nigga smock