Is she dare I say it /ourgirl/?
Is she dare I say it /ourgirl/?
Wasn't this black bitch blacklisted from black Hollywood not too long ago?
Does she want to get booted from white Hollywood too?
>amy schumer got >10.5mil
ma nigga Mo'Noque
>fat black woman vs fat jew woman
let them fight
Well amy schumer was a huge name in comedy at the time of her special and Monique has done what in then past ten years?
how well could you live off $10.5 million
there is no justice in this world
>Mo' Nique Wants Mo Money
Ho' Nique About to get No Money. She's lucky people even still wanna hire her.
Literally who
It was years ago. She didn't want to do the press tour for Precious but forgot she didn't have the clout or fandom of big name actors and stuck to her guns. Now she's back to doing black centric shit and women like Taraji Henderson or whatever her name is can flourish in her place
Been a huge fan of Mo'Nique ever since I first heard of her, when I saw this thread on the front page of Sup Forums just before I entered this thread.
Mo money mo problems my nigress.
Wow it's almost as if different people have different bargaining power and you'll get paid more if you're well known as opposed to being a literally who.
she sadly has a name that is known, also who ?
Netflix is constantly in the news for various fuckups recently
She'll always remain a draw for black americans but she squandered her one chance to cross over and become a staple with white audiences. Now Viola Davis and C.C.H. Pounder can continue to get roles uncontested when Monique's name should have been in the pool with them.
Yeah the event around her show stealing skits from the prime years of MadTV and from top level comedians was expertly blown over by her P.R. team. Remember when her last Netflix special was met with a bunch of negativity? She laid low and kept her mouth shut and was still getting film roles. Apparently to the tune of ten fucking million dollars.
Literal random black bitch named MO NIQUE of all things wants to earn as much as the most well known female comedian in the world.
>Taraji Henderson
So tired of that cunt getting pushed to the moon.
Couldn't black hollywood find someone whose face doesn't look like a Halloween pumpkin in spring?
Why can't women and minorities understand that there's more that goes into how much you get paid besides your genitals and your skin color? If you're not as good or you won't make them as much money you won't get paid as much.
>around her show stealing skits from the prime years of MadTV
Wait. Who now?
Neither Mo' Nique or Amy Schumer were on MadTV.
You could live well off the investment interest alone and pass it on to your children.
who else is waiting for the great race war between women?
How about spending 1 dollar on some fat black lady
Netflix should get some decent movies for streaming instead of B grade shit
Can you not post properly? Also,
It's already happening.
not really. You could live upper middle class but it won't last longer than your lifetime. Don't forget tax
I'm also offended that Amy Schumer got paid that much money.
Learn to read please
They are both huge comedians. Why is one being paid more? Equal pay now!
As long as you don't reproduce and don't Josh Drake yourself by making shitty investments or living beyond your means ten million can carry you for the rest of your life depending on where you settle down. My thought process with having that much money is that you've got to have a means of replenishing it or else you'll be back in the workforce. If you still have money in the bank and you're holding down a job then cool. But If you blow your money and then you're back to driving a bus then you've fucked up direly.
I was tired of her six years ago. She's getting pushed to the moon and because black don't crack she can somehow be up for action female movie roles despite being near or past fifty which is just egregious. Happy for her success but she strikes me as a ripe cunt to work with after hearing all of the nightmare stories about her ego on the set of Empire.
I could live a pretty cozy life off of $10.5 million. If I had that I'd be halfway across the country in a night.
You'd never have to work again, but you'd have to live a much more austere life than you're probably imagining. Buy a modest house. Spend a couple hundred bucks a month on groceries. Drive a Toyota. You'd be able to live indefinitely on it if you don't go on a crazy spending spree or have kids.
No no. Schumer had a show on Comedy Central which aped some skits from MadTV. Like to the T. Youtube 'Race Ghost' to see one of them. She didn't catch nearly as much flak for plagiarism as she should have so her name remains a draw. She wasn't blacklisted and far too many other influential celebrities swooped in for her rescue.
>tfw not a millionaire actor
>just a nobody barely breaking 60k a year
no one knows who she is, so of fucking course she shouldn't be charging the irrational sum of money she asks for
amy schumer is obviously a total hack to anyone that isn't mentally retarded, but she is well-known, so she probably gets netflix money. in an ideal world she would be making around a hundred bucks a week, but under current circumstances she can ask for that money
all in all, mo'nique is an imbecile, whoever she is
D list black comedian/actress.
No you are not
Her uncle, NY senator Chuck Schumer.
>get paid 10 million but everyone on planet earth knows what an unfunny piglet you are
This. Don't go traveling all over the world and staying in expensive hotels. Live within your means and don't be an asshole. I'd invest into getting into better shape, pay off and reconstruct my home and go back to fucking school. Get a better job or to substantiate my income or skip school and just relax. Maybe invest in cryptocurrency or do what that guy from Teenfidelity does.