Why is this talent-less nigger famous again? He is literally shit in everything he's in

Why is this talent-less nigger famous again? He is literally shit in everything he's in.

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he's great. too bad he hates himsmelf!

He loves dongs

holy shit lol, get a load of this jealous white boi

Because he's one of the black people that white people feel aren't well "Too black" just saying.

He voiced the character that millions of girls will masturbate to for years to come.

he's the watermelon man, the mullato

a man divided cannot stan

The kids love him! He was in Community!

I'm jealous? Why? Because he's "le jack of all trades" who does comedy, acting, and music? Yeah he does it all but everything he does is shit. No one will remember any of his mediocre shit performances a decade from now. His comedy specials will never be legendary comedy like that of Carlin, Pryor, or any of the greats. And his shitty rap albums are complete uninspired garbage that are not even close to the quality of the music being put out by his contemporaries. His only talent is being a nigger, and that he is a pro at. Everything else he fucking sucks at and he only succeeds because in America mediocrity and blandness sell.

He's a diversity hire

This, I couldn't phrase it better myself

your jealousy is dripping from your posts lol
it's ok white boi

>His only talent is being a nigger
Rest in peace to what could've been an otherwise well put together comeback

He interacts with his fans a lot and loves nerdy pop culture shit. Literally the next Meme Actor

He's the classical artist, he works on many different fronts and he's had varying success throughout them. It doesn't take much effort to plop yourself down and deconstruct someone's career into 'not good enough' but the kid has put more effort into his success than you have.
Mediocre or no, at least HE tried. He created. You've created nothing in criticizing him.

>Why is this talent-less nigger
>His only talent is being a nigger, and that he is a pro at.
Make up your mind

he's a niggerfaggot

>Adventure Time after series 2

tumblr was a mistake

You get a gold star just for "creating something mannn" now? Fuck that weak shit. His success is built entirely on selling shit to flies. Be shits out banal garbage and festering retards with no taste come out in droves to feast on the pig slop. He isn't the 'LE classical artist" archetype because the classical artist had fucking talent. Also I don't care if my criticism creates anything because that's not the point of criticism, you dumb ass fucking nigger. How retarded are you, exactly?

If you're into hip hop there's something to appreciate in his music, not the best but still I saw him live and he was pretty energetic and fun.

he’s non-threatening, attractive for a nigger and a chameleon who can play many roles. he also probably shows up on time and plays the game well. he’s a safe choice to fit a diversity quota in any mainstream series or movie. if you think success in hollywood is based entirely only talent and merit then you’re naive.

you mad white boi? glover gets all the white bitches wet while your virgins ass stays in the basement

I liked him in community

>No one will remember any of his mediocre shit performances a decade from now.
This is true for 99% of actors, yet you're upset at the one who happens to be a nigger.

He's an excellent house nigger.

His music is pretty good, and as far as acting goes, he can do a decent job, also, he has a Will Smith kinda vibe in the sense he can attract black audiences, but he still looks friendly to white audiences

I'm on s6 and the quality's pretty much the same since season 1: Lots of one off who cares episodes, lots of good episodes, lots of middling episodes, a few completely eh episodes. One downright bad episode though.


he is safe and thoroughly mediocre
whites will tell you"oh i like him! he's one of the good ones! isn't he so talented"
the type of milquetoast mulatto they so desperately want you to know they approve of

Fucking this

I wonder, all the people calling him safe and mediocre, who in your opinion is the same kind of musician/writer/actor as Dong Lover but who is a BASED BLACK MAN?


Back to Sup Forums with you, begone now!

Atlanta is great though.

He had sex with your mom, the infamous whore.

My mom is famous though

different generation, but pretty much everyone likes Eddie Murphy
there aren't a lot of musician/writer/actors out there in general (at least, not that are actually successful in each field)

What if Eddie Murphy was the safe and mediocre black man of the 80s and 90s?

He makes Bryant Gumbel look like Malcolm X

Eddie Murphy was seen as a pretty edgy guy back in the day, mostly just because he worked really blue.
He seems mediocre and safe now because he's done nothing but bland commercial shit since the 90s

>Has Emmy
>Has Grammy
>Is clearly gonna eventually get a diversity Oscar
Stay mad