How strongly will they defend this film if it falls short or sucks?
How many normal anons are going to ignore this film entirely?
Are all racists if Black Panther fails in any way?
If you are expecting it to make Star Wars money it will not. If it makes more than Justice League it will be a success.
its marvel it wont fail....
why are all of you obsessed about this movie? like if it was the first movie where a black main get the main role? are we in 1968 or something?
will this movie start the race wars
it's marvel crap so normies gonna eat it up like every other shit
It will also be shilled to hell and back
It won't fail and it will be one of the most successful solo Marvel movies
can someone tell me why it's literally impossible to start a new thread? are you all using an extension or is their a way to change the settings to allow easier posting? I swear to god, I can't post without getting an ERROR U DIDNT FILL OUT CAPTCHA 50 times in a row
something I never get is the SJW-type niggers like on "Dear White People" who believe that movie is something revolutionnary and the 2010's are years full of racism and discrimination or some shit like that.
where all that people lived during all those years? are the cinematic culture of this people completely empty?
Marvel has been pushing this flim the last 2 years, has a big spot in the IW trailer, the average Marvel shit do 650-750 box office, Ant-Man did 500 3 years ago so at worst should be something like that, if China and the foreing market fail could go under 500, who knows, who cares ...
Black Panther is the Coolest Monkey in the Jungle.
I actually hope it does good, blacks need positive role models. I also predict liberals will hate this movie.
They will rig numbers, put dummies in seats, literally give a way tickets on the promise you won't tell anybody, but it will not fail. They will fucking murder people with real numbers if they have to.
oh dude this movie ain't failing. Get that out of your head right now.
You have to not be a fucking retard to post
People want their life to have some meaning so they feel if they get behind some cause maybe that one will be the one that changed everything like the civil rights movement or women's suffrage. But we all know it wont because we already had those.
It will make Dr Strange money, Im sure.
Normally I could watch it, but considering the media shitstorm libs will rise, I'll don't want to do anything with it.
The critics are already defending that Tajiri P Henson action film that bombed. They will go into TLJ-level defense mode if BP bombs.
What were they thinking? A movie about an advanced country with zero diversity and a big wall to keep out all the starving 3rd world trash? And they're the good guys?
it'll do fine outside of america, we don't care about your white vs black politics and reeeee slavery to have any real polarising effect on audiences.
it's just the next marvel movie. there's goodwill from thor ragnarok, and infinity war hype, the movie really couldn't be better placed.
its pretty much the new hollywood strategy
make a shoddy poor movie
insert a social justice theme into it
divert any criticism of the movie into a criticism of said social issue (i.e you're sexist if you dont like star wars)
>it'll do fine outside of america
I doubt that
Dear white people is more racist to blacks than whites.
I'm sure it will do fine in China user
It's a shit character and story; one of the most bland of the Marvel characters.
You all know it's already set record ticket sales, right?
It'll bomb internationally, but in America? Every black community is banding together to see this shit like it's Dr. King.
you don't think people who cry about dear white people have actually watched it do you, they just get triggered by the title.
8 years of Obama ironically. I didn’t vote for but when he was inaugurated I really thought it would heal the wounds of this country. Instead he brought us back to the 60s.
Fucking Antman is more interesting, which is telling it all.
Ironman, Thor, Hulk and Wolverine, are all interesting stories. Black Panther is Antman tier.
>Instead he brought us back to the 60s.
Obama didn't do shit except make black people realize the 60's never left. The 60's got dropped and buried after the King riots, nothing was resolved, instead we all just focused on other things.
Unfortunately, civil rights activists are finding their kids got a whole lot fucking dumber in the ensuing decades
>the 60's never left
>black guy is president
What does race have to do with it? Are you just saying that because he's black and much of the cast is black because it's set in Africa? If a Chinese movie fails because the cast is mostly Chinese and it's set in China, is China racists if the movie bombs in their country? What goes through your mind when you make these posts?
its a marvel movie, it'll be boringly competent and make at least ant man money
just strange how low hype there is aside from twitter fake shit and sponsored threads
Do fine outside America?
Where? In China?
You can't be serious?
>literal black supremacy. Blacks are the most advanced ppl on earth. No whiteys allowed in muh country.
>What does race have to do with it?
what did he mean by this?
A ton of black people got together and decided Obama wasn't really black because he wasn't impoverished or descended from slaves and lived in Hawaii
>Where? In China?
Yeah, that is the ONLY place outside of America...
Yeah baby!
>No whiteys allowed in muh country.
No other black people either. The Wakandans hate *everyone*. They aren't 'black', they're Wakandan, and as far as they're concerned they're only as related to the rest of Africa as we are to monkeys.
I doubt the film will cover this though
it was never this fucked until asian moot took over, thanks for the help tho, faggot
No but if it succeeds (which it will) and you and your buddies start your inevitable whining campaign only because it stars nubs you will be.
where exactly? China hates nigs.
remember when there was gonna be a sequel for this?
I don't think that will do great in Europe Russia and South America, Africa has no market, India only watch Bollywood, Japan? that's not Spider-Man ....
>they're Wakandan, and as far as they're concerned they're only as related to the rest of Africa as we are to monkeys.
That's not really any different from IRL africa though. The different nog breeds often genocide each other.
You are forgetting Marvel's marketing campaign(which it womynbusters didn't have) will make sure it earned at least a billion dollaridoos
This is why I wished Ben Carson would have won 2016. Unfortunately the man was too kind to stand against the viciousness of the media and democrats. Also he was weak on fourein policy. Still I think he could have healed the hatred people like Obama stoked in black collectivists.
>which it womynbusters didn't have
wasnt it almost half the budget?
BP will do at least ant man cash but probably just like that it wont make some huge impact. I'm still amazed ragnarok shit did the numbers it did
>Are all racists if Black Panther
it's going to make 400 mil domestically
screencap this, it's going to happen. white guilt is strong.
why does Sup Forums suddenly care about the chinese market?
China is a large market thats increasingly relevant for sales. Furthermore the Chinese are unabashedly racist and superficial, and take the piss out of the kind of stuff that flies here. They dropped The Last Jedi superfast complaining about Lukes characterization and also how ugly the leads were. Basically, they're Sup Forums IRL
you MRAs are gonna get btfo
has any past marvel movie needed china to be a success though? tards thinking black panther will bomb just because china is racist is, well, a bit tarded.
how can you care about film and tv and not understand it other than autism?
coz after some time Sup Forums finally realises china IS important market
even 25% take of lets say 150-200M is a lot
>Pacific Rim was pretty much saved by China
>Put Boyega as the MC in the sequel
I wanna see how this will play out
Denying the fact that China influences what hollywood does to fit your own narrative.
>I really thought it would heal the wounds of this country.
Why would you possibly think that? What about him or the American public of the time made you think that is what would happen?
This really was unbelievable. wtf were they thinking. I'll be shocked if the person behind that casting wasn't female or jewish.
If it does well:
>See, you can make movies with blacks and do GREAT!
If it does bad:
>Why racists prevented a great all black film, from doing well at the Box Office!
but see that's exactly it - the APPEARANCE of change, but with nothing tangible happening beneath the surface
obama was hailed as this liberal visionary who would sweep change across the nation when he literally took more money from wall street than anyone else in the 2008 election cycle. same old shit, but with a hip young brown face
ben carson is a gibbering retard, don't get me wrong i'm sure he's a great surgeon but as a politician he's one step above gohmert
Are we pretending that Goyim (((Busters))) III didn't have a massive advertising campaign? Are we just rewriting history now?
This film literally can't fail, people are foaming at the mouth to have a black superhero movie.
Anything that's perceived as anti-whitey will do well in this climate.
I ignore all Disney marvel crap so whatever. Hope the fags enjoy the shit and if they don't I'm sure they will pretend that they do just the same as when they suck a cock.
Funny that we now have to rely on China-buxs to make sure that every future protagonist in any movie is not a white superhuman woman accompanied with her black monstrously ripped love slave taking on the evil Trump-like villain.
All we have to do is tolerate the odd Chinese supporting character...
What a time to be alive....
I think Black Twitter is mostly insufferable about Black Panther but if little black kids like the one in OP feel good about it then it's ok to me.
>whites sperg out over anything innocuous obama does
>it's his fault racial relations took a nose dive
Learn to take some fucking responsibility.
I don't think so. The cinema audience in the US is overwhelmingly white. If there is even a whiff of fuck whitey in this movie everyone will just pretend it's not there like BLM.
I was a lot more naive back then.
>viciousness of the media and the democrats
>immediately followed by personal attack, calling a brain surgeon a retard
Material worked well on you, huh?
>obama actively pumps up racial tensions
>whites noticing that is the issue
This movie will have a record breaking decline from its initial release to the second weekend.
If they cant make a solo Hulk movie a smash how will they make a bullshit character like panther do it? Im hoping Im right about this, we already know the gook markets are not going to watch it and is there even an african box office or matter of fact a movie theatre in that entire shithole?
>Hulk movie a smash
How did he do that
hulk has come out?
he existed.
Obama took the side of a black criminal thug who who got shot for nigging. I'm not even american and I know that one.
The bad guy is black so nah
Then that over-hyped instance where a clear (on video) full grown criminal gets shot while bumrushing a cop and Obama participates in making it a race issue.
Almost certainly more, but I haven't taken the time to memorize all of those examples.
Exactly what happened with 'Get Out', lol you must have a short memory, that movie essentially said fuck white in the trailer, and still did very well.
It will have a record opening weekend even if no one shows up to the theaters. All the presale tickets were purchased by activists and nonprofits.
His sons kept committing crimes.
Alri fair enough but then again BP isn't a reboot attempt at genderswap that all old fans will get their panties in a bunch. It's a completely new story set in a new country that hasn't been seen on the big screen.
>Are all racists if Black Panther fails in any way?
nigga what the fuck are you saying?
This, and don't want to deal with the crowds of ppl that don't know how to act in a movie theater.
It’s a marvel movie. It’ll be another generic mass produced assembly line movie that will not fail. I don’t think people are going to stop seeing these movies until after infinity wars, because then what could they do to keep people’s interest once the big bad they’ve been building up for a decade has been defeated? Until then expect all these marvel and capeshit movies to do well and be well received by critics.
Best bet : 800M
Minimum 600M
Maximum 1B
Even if it tanks it will be touted in all media as being phenomenal.
Thor did 850 and wasn't a shit month like February with a literally who nigga, Max 700, minimun 450, best bet 550-600
black panther will do exceptionally well in china and it will prove once and for all that chinese don't hate blacks.
name of the first chick
Whats the name of the bottom left?
>Obama pumps up racial tensions
>not Tea Party or Trump himself
lmao were you guys in middle school or something that you don't remember shit?
>replying to a baiting namefag
I'm going to see it opening night (as long as it doesn't get absolute shit reviews)
I consider myself very racist, but this is about Africans in Africa so I can't complain