If Kaioken doubles your power, what does Kaioken x2 do?

If Kaioken doubles your power, what does Kaioken x2 do?


was goku an alt-righter kekistani fat nazi virgin ,neckbeard fedora, russian hacker?

whatever the plot needs it to.

Well he did take a massive blow to the head as a child


So antifa then?

You've bought her game, right?

Please tell me her name is Buub

Majin buub

>n-no u


2x2 = 4

Factual reminder that Golden Frieza is canon.

who is Sup Forums maining?

I'm thinking Tien, Piccolo and someone else

Major buub

Not really, but I do want Black on my team

18 / Frieza / Kid Buu

That's vegeta



Kid buu was pretty fun to play as in the beta, I’m probably gonna have him on my team. I’m not sure yet about the other 2