Why are white men so terrible?
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Good soldiers follow orders
Shame is the most important emotion.
So her criticism is literally THE CURRENT YEAR?
And these people sperg out bc we noticed rey is a shitty character
Why is the reviews of a blogger counted on RT?
according to Sup Forums jews aren't white so though white people didn't split the atom
Many whites were involved with that shlomo.
Nuclear fision was discovered by a 1/2 Jew, 1/2 Native German
Both can lay claim to it
Of course humans that evolved in the middle east arent white.
>white men are terrible
>all the brown poorshits on earth want to move to countries run by white men
really makes you ponder
where will all the brown people try to go once America is ruined? i mean they dont seem to be begging to get into Brazil
according to jews*
east asia. good luck with that.
>instead of building something on top of the dead civilizations and cultures we should just turn everything into literal shit for guilt
Nice logic. So all of those cultures and civilizations disappeared for nothing. I'm a feminist now! Where do I sign up?
implying jews would've had the means to do it if not for white people
implying jews can maintain a nation of their own
look at israel, the people with the highest birthrate doesn't even go to the army
jews are vampires, and vampires can't live of other vampires
theres already a huge chunk of blacks in china, in the guangzhou area, but jews don't control chinese media so when they chimp out they are put down
Just like all those German scientist ended up in US research bases after WW2 and suddenly all those US "people" in charge made incredibly breakthroughs in rocketry despite having not the slightest background in the field.
We could just gas every dark skinned person in the world and nothing of value would be lost, prove me wrong.
>he doesn't think that mass purging the natives was morally justifiable
otherwise we would be like Canada, doling out billions of taxpayer money per year to corrupt chiefs that barely trickles down to the drunk native reserve population, with negligible social improvements.
i sure miss all those cultures with human sacrifice
If a person has even a little bit of jewish heritage the jews will lay claim on that person's accomplishments.
They know the best they can do is enjoy the white mans part for a while as they ruin it. So they go for that.
proof is racist
>all other races have gotten along in harmony throughout mankinds entire history, no other race besides whitey has warred and exterminated each other
To be so narrow minded and naive, is this the white privilege they speak of?
>Stewart died in 1999, and if this film hews very closely to Stewart’s work, that could explain why it feels more like how movies used to be, rather than indulging in that dangerous impulse we see so much of onscreen now that suggests that nonwhite nonmale creatures are people worthy of having their own stories told.
But that's a good thing and here's why.
Pick one.
>muh jews
>muh negroes
Why didn't usa just breed the natives like the spanish?
blacked would go bankrupt
t. drake
So fucking what?
That was a previous generation you fuckin dummy. What are we going to go back to Old Testament thinking? Cursed for infinite generations?
What Adolf Hitler did, or Stalin, or colonialists, noble savage Pygmies who ate one another, the Mayans who ripped live beating hearts from victims chests or Zulu's who used to impale victims, has sweet blow fuck all to do with me and my station in life. Do you live in the past on all these events?
Grow up and become truly emancipated.
because we are more or less forced to be with white women
we are Not the crazy ones
>le epic liberal troll on Sup Forums
sort of ironic innit
>muh white man
Actually its west european kingdoms that offed the natives not all europeans you racist liberals. I still cant fathom how the fuck places like Hungary or Sweden are blamed for colonialism or slavery.
nice, more worthless neckbeard burnouts taking credit for the work of people who aren't even your direct ancestors.
>sips soylent
why do the jews hate whitey so much?
I need to read that book, the Tyranny of Guilt
In the same way that black people that have never done anything wrong have to suffer through racism and bigotry.
Bet she complained about people complaining about social justice messages in Star Wars
The only niggers that suffer are americoons and they deserve all the suffering they get for being human shit.
read culture of critique
>I give this movie a rotten score because of the politics and not of that actual film itself.
Giving women rights was a fucking mistake.
it's always so hilarious when someone says a jew accomplished some objectively good for humanity and Sup Forums kiddies come running out of the woodwork to deflect credit back to white people
Cockroft and Walton split the atom. Both very Anglo goy, as you can tell from their names.
why are white people so insecure
imagine being told that you are the master race and god's chosen people for millennia then getting constantly btfoed throughout history by every race you come into contact with.
>le ad hominem generation
They are butthurt because their legacy is being destroyed by lower races.
They aren't. You're literally projecting.
>something objectively good for humanity
>the atom bomb
wew lad
If you were reminded on a daily basis that you have a small cock and that "time's up" implicating we're on the dawn of a white male holocaust, you would be upset too.
Yes they are. Just search the term "white fragility"
*proceeds to whine no stop about jews, and other races all day on Sup Forums and other boards*
>Middle East
You mean Khazaria. Askhenazim are not Semitic people.
Just remember a nigger will never walk on the moon
>constantly btfoed throughout history by every race
>Jews control the world
Which is it?
amerimutt education folks
>Learn everyones tactics
>Not control the world
who's whining?
Indians died of diseases and the ones who survived the most were part of the most advanced civilizations (Incas, Mayas, Aztecs) and actually still the majority on their countries.
The ones who "disappeared" were actually not that numerous on the first place, being hunter-gatherers with a primitive lifestyle unlike pyramids and city-states builders.
It was basically random people which were there for random reasons, it was more a "land stolen" than a genocide.
>get btfo
>flee to america
>take over america
>america takes over the world
it's pretty simple actually
And then compare that to the week long outrage over an African child wearing a sweatshirt that said "monkey" on it and you'll realize that "white fragility" is a combination of projection and propaganda.
They only control the world now, the fact jews didnt amount to shit even back in home turf millenia ago shows they arent any master race. Jews cannot succeed if their host arent ruled by empathy thats why they only thrive in white lands as non whites wont hesistate to behead them once they sense something is up.
I would just like to remind everyone that there is no heaven, there is no hell. Jesus was a pot smoking hippie and the leader of ancient street gang and if you're white, you have no business worshiping jewish saturn cults.
Stop fucking calling them indians, they are native americans not dot heads.
I'm not American, on my country they are indios and that's it :)
The most accurate term is amerindians, "native American" sound like a little bitch afraid of saying what he thinks :)
White men are not a single entity user, just as all black men are not rapists.
Some are bad, some are good. What some white guys did hundreds of years ago has no relevance on anyone living today anyway.
Now you're imagining things.
Have you considered psychological treatment?
fun fact: there are still 1.5 million Nahuatl (Aztec) speakers alive today
>calling dibs on the achievements of your host nation
Jews everyone.
>it's mine, goy! I, uh, just give it to me!
Standing on the shoulders of giants, the jew shits in gratitude.
It was platonic philosophy mixed with Jewish mythos.
And if a person has a little bit of Jewish heritage, Sup Forums will find it suitable to call them dirty likes
It works both ways, depending what is needed in every occasion
She's not wrong though, it's a shockingly racist (and more importantly bad) film that minimises the plight of the Native Americans that it's ostensibly about in favour of the white man's feelings.
That is simply because we've been too lenient with social warriors and how they handle such thematics, let them say all the stupid shit they want to the point they believe that to be the case. That was conquest, not immigration, if they had the military power they could've defended their ownership, which they could not. That's what happened back when you invaded countries. Now that you can no longer wage war to invade or keep invaders out it's called "immigration" and it's handled through politics.
it's about time to repost the iron man, batman, black panther image so you can have another whining circlejerk, white boy
where in mexico? i want to racemix
>Buzzword generation*
Newfags can't form original thoughts anymore
Native American is a politically charged term created by white/Jewish liberal academics, and is a direct reference to the old WASP nativist groups in the 18th and 19th centuries, and is only used in the USA. No American Indian came up with that term, and many American Indians identify as "Indian" in North and South America.
You can keep changing the terms every 20 years like you do with blacks, but it doesn't solve any problems other than stroke liberal arts majors egos.
I minored in anthropology, where the term amerindian is used, in American history departments its usually American Indian, or Indian. In ethnic or gender studies or whatever SJW class your taking its native American. There is no one right term, and Indian has been used for the better part of 500 years.
She didn't even leave a "#ImbeachedBlumpf".
Low quality virtue-signalling.
Just dont call them indian it gets confusing.
He does the nu-male face, good riddance
Fair enough, but context is everything.
If I say Macedonians are dirty Slavs who should just unite with Bulgaria already. You can understand I'm talking about FYROM Macedonia and not the ancient Hellenic kingdom.
You really are pathetic.
says the loser that posted in a thread to whine about muh poor white people and then tried to act as if he isn't a whiner
>not making your movie all about women and minorities is a legit criticism now
>y-you're whining haha!
If you wiped the tears from your eyes you'd see there's really not much of that going on ITT just Sup Forums's usual DA JOOS.
i don't know, i'm not mexican.
Michael Jackson has already done the moonwalk.
>i-im not whining! I just wanted to circlejerk with other people that think white people are in danger and persecuted by the liberal/jewish/sjw media!
Beyond pathetic.
>wahhh i-it's a circlejerk and everyone is Sup Forums!
Stop whining.
That cunt is one of the most incompetent movie critics have ever ran into.
weak comebacks soyboys
>projection: the post
you know, this cunt does have a comment section. if you can prove her wrong, why don't you go use it?
You don't have tp prove anything, because you don't owe native americans anything. It's the same strawman used for slavery.