Is she the best thing to come out of nu-Wars? I mean,
>name a better a waifu (pro tip, you can't)
Is she the best thing to come out of nu-Wars? I mean,
>name a better a waifu (pro tip, you can't)
Other urls found in this thread:
Literally who?
Asian lesbian cutie pie > /ss/
>Dies to a washed up Sith apprentice
She was a cute kind of evil.
>Asian anything better than /ss/
/ss/ is only good when it involves women that are at least 20 years old
the inquisiters are basically dark jedi
Wait, nigger, THERE'S CANON FEMSLASH?! What is this and where do I buy it?!
At least she had a better run than Phasma.
Doctor Aphra, it's probably on readcomiconline
>Superboy being detained by ropes
You just know
Meant for
What's with the retarded hand guards? Never bothered with this shitty show.
More like cancer.
Rebels is basically 'Watch It For The Waifus: The Show'.
Stars wars isn't aimed at people like you any more, "sweetie". Get used to it
This series looks comfy AF. I'LL definitely check it out; hopefully it proves SW isn't 100% shit.
You should probably read the 2015 Darth Vader first to understand what's going on. If you don't want to she's pretty much Indiana Jones but corrupt. She was hired by Vader to help him find shit, Vader tried to kill her when he was finished, but she managed to survive. She travels with two assasin droids and an asshole wookie, obviously a parody of the main OT cast but it works well
Sounds awesome. I don't understand how good EU shit is still getting made yet the films are such fucking cancer. Movie!Phasma is so completely different than EU Phasma. It's baffling.
Here's a guide if you want one
Sauce me up
It's just a variant :( have an ass though, from the newest Batman comic
>not posting pink thiccfu
Disneywars was a mistake
>no Aphra GF
Why live?
It'll come back around after Disney kills it. Or it will stay dead. Either one is good.
How did she avoid getting VADERed anyway?
But I'm not autistic enough for the waifu meme.
Then why are you here?
your mom
>guys Disney only made 1.3 billion of TFA, I swear it's gonna fail any second now, the liberals are gonna FREAK it's gonna happen soon!!! The good old days are coming back any day now!!
She asked him to make it quick, and instead he threw her into a broken escape pod without any food or water
That doesn't really seem like Vader. Normally he just kills people and moves on like nothing happened in the films.
But user, there's money to be made!
That's because he loves her
Oh, my bad. He actually threw her out of an air lock. I don't remember at all how she survived
She used the force
This better be porn
My pantyhose has had better runs than Phasma.
>I still get 15% of the merchandising, remember?
Reminder that Luke canonly has good taste and is not a virgin
Empire gets dumber and more incompetent with every movie, yet somehow bigger and with way more equipment too.
what is the name of the blond character?
The plot armor is strong with this one. jfc this is arguably worse than Super Leia.
What's wrong with the Phasma comic? Gave her a good background
I said I wasn't autistic enough for waifus, not that I was autism free.
>Box office is profit
what is the name of the female character?
what a shame that she is useless in the movies
I think she realised she was almost definitely going to die so she organised her wookie friend to pick her up using some equipment they had used earlier in a heist. I was confused at first how the wookie knew to come get her but yeah she probably realised the risk in chilling with Sheev.
yeah but... surely there's an explination for this right?
The comic continues after this there has to be an explanation how she survives. Like, on the next page, the next part where she shows up.
There had better be a fucking explanation for this shit I'm so close to picking this comic up because it actually seems interesting it better not be more mary poppins bullshit
She used the gear from one of the earlier issues
>Star Wars
What do you think?
They look so Disney gross
Do the writers Disney hired even watch Star Wars? Vader is the remorseless robotic enforcer who kills without mercy, Sheev is the gleefully evil torture happy one.
He would have just choked the bitch down and then left.
Oh, ok, she used the equipment from the Son-Tuul Pride robbery.
This show is gross to look at, it's just a huge fucking mess
Buy Darth Vader (2015) to find out
i think everything that has "La Resistance" in it doesnt deserve the time to be read
At what point does she appear in it?
She's a major character in the entire comic. Just go download it from /swco/.
Tolvan's better
STFU nigger, it made OVER half a fucking billion LESS than predicted, was pulled from China, and ass-raped by Jimaji. It could have made 1.9 billion if they'd just made the movie people wanted.
Is this the end of the comic? Cause if she gets executed I have no interest in picking it up.
What is up with this author and lesbians? She made that black chick from the main star wars comic (the one that Sup Forums was pissing their pants over because they thought she was Han's wife) Aphra's ex too
[Spoiler] she lives, and due to empire shenanigans ends up back in charge. Story's still going on right now, don't know how it ends
kill yourself
Sheev and Anakin really like when things start spinning.
Beccause it's sexy and adorable.
I'm a physicalfag so I'll just get omnibuses from the library.
I'll never understand why people who virtue-signal feminism so hard treated the first (on film) female villain in Star Wars like such shit. To this day, it still baffles me, especially when so many people complained about it and the EU material seemed to be correcting it.
She's a true Boba Fett successor
In her first appearance, she literally did nothing except betray the entire First Order and cause their base/superweapon to be blown up.
Why do they never depict realistic lesbians? You know, the ones with mullets that abuse each other more than any other demographic?
Alright cool, I just didn’t see the point in picking something up if I already knew the ending, but I’ll check it out thanks user
You're what's further ruining everything.
>Do the writers Disney hired even watch Star Wars?
>Vader is the remorseless robotic enforcer who kills without mercy, Sheev is the gleefully evil torture happy one.
I'd say that movie Vader does obviously enjoy terrorizing and killing people, but except for one case where Tarkin stopped him, he uses simple methods and makes sure the victim is dead.
So they fucked up her character by trying to force a meme?
Worst aspect of the movie IMO. TLJ is like that scene, for 2 hours.
Didn't you mean 'le resistance'?
>Calling it nuwars
>watching a tv cartoon made for kids
OP here. After reading this thread, I admit you're 100% right. I already fucking love this character. I will pick up this comic ASAP since I've given up on SW films not sucking.
My only regret is, I wish she stayed 100% imperial, but I guess we can't have that in Kathleen age.
This thread revealed to make that you can make a purple-haired dyke and still sell her to the nerds succesfully, if you just don't forget to make her pretty and give her a likable personality. Who knew?
There one of these for the novels? Only read 3 NuCanon ones so far. Really enjoyed Thrawn, but Catalyst and Tarkin were kinda eh.
Where are the new Thrawn books?
This is is horrible
Poe Dameron is one of the only good ones
I'm just waiting for pic related to be re-canonized.
Thrawn is the best of them. Everything else pales in comparison.
I enjoyed New Dawn and Lost Stars.
Ahsoka is alright.
The rest just feel like movie tie-ins and quick scrambles to build the new canon.
She was normal-colored hair though. Aside from that quibble, you're 100% correct. I wish she got a movie instead of them shiehorning Emila Clarke in a Han preqeal no one asked for.